December 5th 2006 – America is “Hers”

December 5th 2006 – America is “Hers”

Fourteen years ago the words “We have spoiled Your spacious skies with buildings and cities breathing with sin,” were penned for the “Prayer to Heal Our Land,” the novena prayer for The Seven Novenas to Reconcile Ourselves, Our Families and Our Nation Back to God. Since that time, the buildings of the World Trade Center collapsed, disaster after disaster has befallen us, widespread corruption in every area of life has become the norm, and assaults against the principles of Christianity abound in ways that no one thought possible only 14 years ago.

America is in a very dangerous crisis. Our nation is at a crossroads. We have the choice of two directions to go – up or continue downward. The positive is that we have fallen so far down that many are waking up and searching for the answer of how to bring our nation up from its downward spiral. It won’t be done without prayer, and prayer will not be answered until the “churched” change their lives. But God does hear those prayers, even though He does not answer them to heal our land. It is of paramount importance that we change our lives. There is the constant call of Our Lady to tell us that we must change the direction of our lives.March 25, 1990

“…God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you ‘must’ change the direction of your life…”


God wants to answer our prayers but cannot until the Church is purified. When we will change the direction of our lives, our prayers, already heard, will be answered. The floodgates of grace will open and will sweep across our land. The new book, yet to be released, Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, goes into explicit detail of this and the means by which the healing of our nation will happen.

Evidence of our prayers being heard, while not yet answered, also abound. This evidence parallels, at the same time, the assaults being made against Christian principles. A positive for America is that it is the only advanced industrial nation in the world with its population expanding. We are alone in this direction. The population of Italy, and other European countries is dramatically declining resulting in an alarming danger of losing the established civilization just as past civilizations in history were lost. Half of all Italian women between the ages of 16-24 want no children.* The most popular name for newborn boys in Holland and Belgium, with Great Britain heading in the same direction, is Mohammed. The present cultures are not repopulating and are being supplanted, throughout much of Europe, by a new culture built of Muslims, and this is taking place very rapidly. Europeans, in essence, are vacating their nations.America still has a chance, specifically because America is “Her’s.” The very first bishop of the United States, Bishop John Carroll, united Our Lady with the United States strengthening a “Sacred Bond.” Click Here Bishop Carroll’s consecration of the United States, permanently entrusting the new nation to the Holy Virgin Mary, was well documented. Bishop Carroll and George Washington knew each other well. It is reasonably accepted that George Washington was most likely aware of the consecration and that he himself realized the consequences of such an action…Carroll and Washington being friends. Washington was known for seeking out the thoughts of others, even receiving advise outside of his own thinking, and very probably spoke to Bishop Carroll about a spiritual experience he (Washington) had at Valley Forge. Washington was in his darkest hour at Valley Forge. With his troops starving, wearing ragged clothing, freezing against the bitter cold, he faced a situation that literally forced him on his knees in the snow. The famous painting that shows him kneeling down depicts the events that were witnessed by many of his men at a distance.


george washington  

He was imploring God’s intervention and, at Valley Forge, experienced a profound spiritual experience in answer to his prayers. Somewhere between December 18-23, 1777, George Washington had an apparition of a woman who, by description of the apparition, was the Holy Virgin Mary. The details of the apparition appear in American History You Never Learned (download) In past history, God has sent the Blessed Mother to those in great human need. Washington’s pleas were heard from Valley Forge, and though more difficulties were yet to come, the losses began to change to victories. But to win the war, the seas had to be under U.S. control, an impossibility until the French launched a large Armada of Navy ships from Haiti on Our Lady’s birthday, August 5, 1781. The path to nationhood was greatly advanced when the French nation joined the colonies’ land efforts by controlling the seas against the British.


With George Washington’s business partner and confidant being Daniel Carroll, who was not only a signer of the Declaration of Independence but also the brother to Bishop John Carroll, it is nearly impossible for there not to have been confidences shared about the apparition. We do not know how much this inspired the actions of Bishop Carroll, when 15 years later, he consecrated the United States to the Virgin Mary in a special ceremony, but holy reasoning leads us to believe that the two are connected.


The 1792 Consecration of the United States of America Permanently to Mary


Most Holy Trinity, Our Father in Heaven,
Who chose Mary as the fairest of Your daughters;
Holy Spirit Who chose Mary as Your Spouse;
God the Son Who chose Mary as Your Mother,
In union with Mary, we adore Your Majesty
And acknowledge Your supreme, eternal dominion and authority.

Most Holy Trinity, we place the United States of America
Into the hands of Mary Immaculate
In order that She may present the country to You.
Through Her we wish to thank You for the great resources of this land
And for the freedom which has been its heritage.

Through the intercession of Mary, have mercy on the
Catholic Church in America.
Grant us peace.
Have mercy on our President
And on all the officers of our government.

Grant us a fruitful economy, born of justice and labor.
Protect the family life of the nation.
Guard the precious gift of many religious vocations.
Through the intercession of Mary Our Mother, have mercy on the sick,
the tempted, sinners…on all who are in need.

Mary, Immaculate Virgin, Our Mother,
Patroness of our land, we praise and honor you
and give ourselves to you.
Protect us from every harm.
Pray for us, that acting always according to your will
And the will of your Divine Son,
We may live and die pleasing to God. Amen.

—–John Carroll, 1792


There is a polarization taking place in our nation, darkness vs. light. In the book of Judas Maccabees in the Bible, similar events unfolded. We are at its beginning and with 14 years of seven novenas a year, something must result from the tens of millions of prayers prayed through these novenas to Our Lady. This year join in prayer with those around the nation, and even other countries, in praying the last novena of December 4-12, 2006 for the spiritual healing of our nation. And in particular, pray in union with us from December 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception to December 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Americas. Pray in your churches, prayer groups, your families, homes, everywhere for our nation’s healing. Pray especially the Prayer to Heal Our Land. For those who can come to Caritas, December 8-12, and participate in the five-day retreat, we look forward to meeting you here personally. We invite you to join us. (See Below)


In the Love of the Patroness of Our Land,

Friend of Medjugojre

* Report of a recent survey in the Wall Street Journal 

We Invite you to come to Caritas.
Make a Spontaneous Decision

December 8-12, 2006


December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. December 12 is the Feast of Our Lady of the Americas. It is the culmination of prayers for the Reconciling of Ourselves, Our Families, and Our Nation Back to God, preceded by these seven novenas. December 8-12 is a beautiful 5 days of prayer and sacrifice for ourselves, our families, and our nation back to God.


“Christmas in the Field” (December 11) was so beautiful, yet beautiful does not seem to be the right word to describe it. That night truly put “Christ back into Christmas.”


Hessmer, Louisiana

“Just spent what felt like “Heaven” on earth with you all and the fellow pilgrims during December 8-12…The grace, peace and the Holy Spirit were plentiful.”


Tallahassee, Florida

“I am still feeling the joy at being there – surrounded by love and family.”


Daleville, Alabama


Prayer and Event Schedule
5:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
Silent prayer in the Field. Dress warmly and bring blankets and flashlights.
6:00 a.m.  Angelus in the Field
8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
Announcements and schedule changes for the day will be made at this time.
9:45 a.m. Rosary in the Field
Two mysteries prayed each day as well as the last Novena.
12:00 p.m. Angelus Wherever you are on the grounds.
3:00 p.m.  Chaplet of Divine Mercy Wherever you are on the grounds.

Contact us for Airline and Hotel Information and Reservations

205-672-2000 ext. 218 (24 hrs)

  • Patriotic Rosary on the Feast of Our Lady of the Americas.
  • Visit Grotto La Pluie.
  • Visit the Bedroom of Apparitions.
  • Plus talks and other events scheduled throughout the five days.
  • Christmas in the field.


  • All those attending will need to provide their own transportation to and from the retreat.  Parking is available here on the grounds in our parking lot.
  • No chairs of any sort are permitted in the Field at any time.  For the handicapped, please make arrangements for a wheel chair.
  • Smoking and pets are strictly prohibited.  No video cameras or cell phones allowed on the grounds.


December 8–12, 2006
For more information call Caritas of Birmingham at
205-672-2000 ext. 218

Or write: Caritas of Birmingham
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, AL  35147-9987  USA

Join us for the Reconciling of Ourselves, Our Family, and
Our Nation Back to God-December 8-12, 2006


For those wishing to visit Caritas please see map below


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Map to Caritas


For more information contact Caritas at 205-672-2000, between 8:30 AM and 5 PM Central Time USA

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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3 thoughts on “December 5th 2006 – America is “Hers””

  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Do you think that the 3rd peril that was prophesied of by the Blessed Mother, to come upon the U.S. from Africa is connected to Obama and what he is doing?

  2. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Do you think that the 3rd peril that was prophesied of by the Blessed Mother, to come upon the U.S. from Africa is connected to Obama and what he is doing?

  3. Dear Caritas ,After hearing this broadcast all I can say is thank you, thank you. You have put this time we are living in , in proper perspective . I see what has been happening but you have put it all together in a comprehensive manner ,making it easier to grasp the whole picture. I am in constant battle on Facebook..speaking for truth both religious and government….I recently warned those on the left to look around them and see who is on their side these evil witches ..The marches for women headed also by evil women..I’ve tried to challenge them to be open to real truth. Unfortunately a couple of them are my own children.This talk has strengthened me to continue and to remember Mary’s words to pray more.I ask the Lord to Bless the friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas community. You are a great blessing to me.Love,Theresa Brune

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