For Immediate Release
April 20, 2017 A.D.
In the spirit of Reclaiming Our Lady’s Land, this is a new and important release:
Converting Souls
Guaranteed to Make a Big Catch
of Millions of People!
The mission of Caritas has always looked for ways to spread Our Lady’s messages. Our first billboard campaign in the early 1990s was one of the most productive programs we’ve ever done to introduce huge numbers of new people to Our Lady and Her plans through Medjugorje for the salvation of the world. We are very excited and motivated to announce a new billboard program to introduce many new souls to Our Lady. We have strong contacts with some corporations who have collaborated with us to put up billboards about Our Lady and Her apparitions. We believe this launch will bring far more new souls to Our Lady than our previous spiritual projects concerning billboards. You can sponsor and have installed a 10′ × 22′ billboard for only $145.00! That’s printed, shipped and installed!! This is part of a nationwide program promoting Our Lady’s Medjugorje apparitions. Billboards normally cost many hundreds and even thousands of dollars. But for the children of Our Lady, this ultra-low price gives the ability to reach and convert a large number of souls. In most states, we are able to collaborate for the very inexpensive cost of only $145.00 per billboard. In our past billboard campaigns, to introduce new people to Our Lady, the number of billboards totaled over one thousand—with several million people seeing them every day! One truck driver (not Catholic) said he saw one in Dayton, Ohio, another in Albany, New York, another in Missouri, and still another in Cincinnati. He didn’t know who the woman was, but he said “It seemed like Her eyes would just watch me every time I would go by.” He finally got the courage to call Caritas and found out the woman was the Virgin Mary. He taught himself how to pray the Rosary, which led to an intense conversion experience. He came to the apparitions at Caritas in March 2011, then went to Medjugorje, and ultimately entered the Catholic Church a few years later. Now with this new launch of billboards, with an incredible design for our time, and the current condition of our country, millions of new people can be introduced to Our Lady.
At the Moment—Billboard:
Please take seriously the request to pray for the millions who will be exposed to the message and Our Lady’s face. Pray for the grace of Our Lady’s eyes to penetrate all eyes who gaze upon Her even if it is but a second! Remember this intention during Mass: that at the exact moment when you receive Holy Communion, all those who are passing a billboard at the same moment will have something placed in their heart for conversion. You can do a Hail Mary randomly throughout the day asking that ‘at the moment’ you are praying you will win a grace of conversion for at least one soul who is passing a billboard encountering Our Lady eye to eye. Medjugorje visionary, Ivan, said that this painting on the billboard of Our Lady’s face is the closest painting that exists which looks like Our Lady as he sees Her. We took this picture of Our Lady specifically for the purpose of placing it on one of our Caritas trucks to have Our Lady on the side of it to promote Her and the messages. Amazingly, when it was developed, it was more beautiful than the actual painting, with colors and beauty more than what we can see in the painting. We felt Our Lady’s hand upon this beautiful photograph and see it as a special grace. A little supernatural intervention from Our Lady. May this beautiful face convert hearts!
But what good is that if we are not able to feed the people who contact us? With Caritas’ Retooling and a new addition to the now 65,000 square foot Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, Caritas stands poised and ready to introduce Medjugorje and conversion materials to people in massive numbers. Every step a Friend of Medjugorje has made with Caritas of Birmingham’s mission, The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages and the Community was for the purpose of being ready for the secrets. A massive billboard campaign takes no preparation as everything is already printed, along with radio broadcasts, an extensive website, and a place to come and learn of Medjugorje at Caritas. All is primed to meet the demand, even with thousands of billboards. Our retooled shipping department is just waiting to pour materials out the doors into U.P.S. and the U.S. Mail to the new people the billboards will capture who are in need of conversion, just as the following story telephoned in to us from our last Medjugorje billboard campaign relays:
“Last Friday, a young woman called from her cell phone, as she was on her way to a business appointment. She had just passed a billboard somewhere in New Jersey. She became very emotional as she told us that she had been hurt and was very mad at God and Our Lady. That morning in great anger she yelled out to God that if He loved her, He would send her a message that He existed and that Our Lady was real. Two hours later she passed the billboard with the picture of Our Lady on the billboard and she knew from the bottom of her heart that this was for her from the Father in Heaven.”
The changed lives from past billboard programs were very profound. We only heard the stories of a minute few who contacted us, compared to the great number of people we believe were saved from perdition through the billboards, such as one of our favorite stories of someone who shared her dramatic testimony:
“Before the apparitions in March 2011, we received a call (at Caritas) from a lady from Florida who wanted to remain anonymous. She had been on her way to the post office to mail a suicide letter to her sister. She started crying as she told us that she had been in despair after losing her job in Florida, among other letdowns. She also knew no one as she hadn’t lived in the area very long. She said she had never felt so desperate in her whole life. As she was driving to the post office she was thinking about the letter to her sister and accomplishing her plans after she returned to her apartment. Her normal route was blocked due to construction with detour signs. It placed her on a road that she was not familiar with and she was trying to figure out where to turn. She had never been on this road before this day. Just as she slowed to turn around, she spotted a billboard on the road that was a picture of the Virgin Mary with Caritas’ phone number on it. She wasn’t sure who the Woman was, but something came over her and she began experiencing a wave of peace that enveloped her as she gazed up at the billboard. She pulled off to the side of the road and wept, pleading and asking God if He was real. She cried out for Him to help her out of her despair. She came home immediately, without going to the post office. She then tore up the letter to her sister. One week later, she called Caritas and wanted to be sure that what she saw was an image of the Virgin Mary. We confirmed that it was and talked to her, explaining to her Our Lady’s story and why She is appearing. She became happy. Then she told us that because of that billboard she was still alive. We didn’t understand her statement until she explained that the letter she was on the way to delivering at the post office was a suicide note. Once she dropped it off she intended to go back home and end her life. She had been Baptized as a Catholic, but had not gone to Church since her youth. She said that obviously Our Lady, her Mother, had not forgotten her. With some trepidation, she called to say a solemn thank you for the billboard.”
When you donate to sponsor 1 or 100 billboards, it may save your spouse, one of your children, someone in your extended family or a friend. Everyone is your neighbor. We’ve seen Our Lady give a special grace to every project we have done. Our Lady said, “…I want to collaborate with you…” This billboard program is proven, and this time it is not only for souls, but also for the soul of America. You can sponsor a billboard individually. You can work with your prayer group to sponsor one or more. You can approach someone who has the means to sponsor many billboards, and you can have the confidence that this program is a complete program that leads people to conversion. A full circle. A perfect billboard that is simple and strong with a captivating message. One can pass it at 70 mph and take everything in at a glance. The easily grasped three-letter contact——will direct hearts to Caritas’ website and materials to feed their soul thirsting for what Our Lady is giving. On top of that, an operation with live operators who they can speak to, with a phone system that encompasses nearly 100 phone extensions.
It is a win-win for Our Lady, the souls that see it, and you. A Friend of Medjugorje has built Caritas to empower you as an individual to spread Our Lady’s messages in a way you can do it yourself. When you sponsor one billboard, you put the massive response of Caritas of Birmingham’s Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages and the Caritas Community at your disposal. All this through one billboard for $145.00! You partner and tap into Caritas to do what Our Lady said:
In the print shop of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, one message was chosen to define the purpose of the print shop. “…Live with love the messages I give and transmit them to the whole world…” Feb. 25, 1995
February 25, 1995
“… I invite you to live with love the messages I give and to transmit them to the whole world…”
You can transmit them with one or many billboards!
Now, look below. Stare at Our Lady’s image that will be on the billboard. Look at Her face. Look at Her with the heart. Think about Her as you stare at Her. Invoke Her. Think of those who will see Our Lady. Position the billboard picture up as you would be from your car and see how Our Lady’s eyes will be looking down directly at you! Most all will receive a grace when they see Our Lady’s face and eyes staring at them. After reflecting on the image, continue reading below the billboard.
March 2, 2007
“…My name is Love…only…through love, will you see the face of the Greatest Love…”
March 2, 2017
“…Look at me with the heart, speak to me as to a mother…”
September 2, 2016
“… I am coming to you who think of me and who invoke me…”
Take action. Do something that will dispel darkness. Call 205-672-2000, to sponsor one or several billboards in your area or around the country 8:30 AM—5:00 PM CDT, or leave a message on extension 399, 24 hours. We will get back to you. You can also visit here to go to our new billboards site, and make a donation to sponsor a billboard.
Example of the Numbers of People
Who Will See the Billboards
Number of Billboards Average
Direct Effective Circulation (DEC) Per Day
(Comparative to a Population State Similar to the Size of New Jersey)
100 3.5 million glances*
200 7 million glances*
300 10.5 million glances*
400 14 million glances*
500 17.5 million glances*
* The Direct Effective Circulation (DEC) is the average number of glances these billboards would receive per day. Glances may be made by the same person several times a day, so it is not the number of people that see the billboard, but the number of times a glance is made to the board as people drive by. A rule of promotion is if an individual is to remember and be inclined to act they must hear or see what’s being promoted six times. By the seventh, they will act if so inclined. But with Our Lady’s new efficacy of grace, we’ve heard of many experiences of people who received a grace of conversion instantly when they met Our Lady’s eyes. Visit here and donate to sponsor a billboard.
To sponsor a billboard, call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, to sponsor one or several billboards in your area or around the country 8:30 AM—5:00 PM CDT, or leave a message on extension 399, 24 hours. We will get back to you. You can also visit here to go to our new billboards site, and make a donation.
9 thoughts on “Convert Souls 24/7”
I can also attest to the effectiveness of the billboards. Around 2010 I would drive by a billboard on my way to work. It caught my attention day after day, for weeks or months, until finally I decided to check out the web site. At the time, I was slowly finding my way back to the church after having been away for decades, but learning about Our Lady of Medjugorje was what really catapulted be back. I went to confession for the first time in over 35 years, and took the Caritas pilgrimage to Mej the following year. I love our faith and am so happy to be back. God bless you for all you do.
Almost 8 years ago. I saw one of these billboards on the side of the road. For many weeks Our Lady just draw my attention to turn and look at Her. Finally one day I decided to see what the website was all about. I was floored when I found out Our Lady was visiting us to this day.Our Mother was looking for the daughter that was moving away from the church little by little and was having doubts about Her. She helped me go back to confession after so many years of not having done it. I had the most beautiful spiritual experience of my life, through my Mama. She wants all her children back! These billboards should be everywhere!!!
This is a great idea to really increase your visibility! I will look into encouraging my Rosary Group members to “pitch in” to sponsor a billboard… Hopefully in our area! God bless you and thank you for everything you do for Our Lady and for all of us!
6 years ago Tom was finishing his last year of many in the Army. He and Sherry were living 4 hours apart that year but Tom visited at their home every weekend and drove by a billboard every weekend. After 9 months he decided to look up That led us to attending the apparitions in Alabama along with 2 of our young adult children that summer. Tom and Sherry went on to Medjugorje the next year with Caritas and back to Alabama again that summer bringing 2 grandchildren and another family along. All were Catholic except the father of that family. After being in Alabama he converted to Catholicism and it changed the course of the family. Brings me to tears as we were only acquaintances when we visited in Alabama and now we are his baptismal sponsors and good friends.
I am living proof that these billboards work. As I would pass by one these billboards in Joliet, IL I would see Our Lady gazing at me. After several months I finally visited your website and my eyes were opened. I had been away from the Church and this helped to bring me back. Our Lady also used me to help my husband come into full Communion with the Church through the RCIA program. Her love continues to work through us as we help others. God bless Caritas and all who work to bring Our Lady’s messages to the world.
What a great idea and with the new billboard sign with Mary and the flag. What a positive sign that can help on an individual and national level. Mary says to change yourself first and then your family and then the nation. So it is time to start!! And it’s about LOVE–a love that is kind and gentle to ourselves and others. As always you folks touch the heart and soul of America.
I would like to have one made with a Solomon Islands flag behind to have on a bill board here in Honiara. I am sure other countries would want to purchase one with their flags also. Its a great idea.
There are several variables that determine the location. When someone makes a donation for a billboard, we work with the billboard companies to try and get as close to the location as possible. If someone has a specific location they really want to have, and it costs extra, we will ask to cover the extra amount.
The billboard idea is a great way of creating awareness of Our Lady and her mission for this time in history! How are the billboard sites selected? I would like to see one displayed in a strategic place along Interstate 95 in CT.