
Celebrating Our Lady’s Birthday at Caritas, August 5, 2011

Celebrating Our Lady’s Birthday at Caritas, August 5, 2011


Celebrating Our Lady’s Birthday at Caritas, August 5, 2011


The Caritas Community gathered in the Field of Apparitions the evening of August 4, 2011, for Mary’s Eve, to pray the Marian Mysteries of the Rosary in anticipation of Our Lady’s birthday the following day. August 4, 2005, was the first time these mysteries of the Rosary, written by A Friend of Medjugorje, were first prayed. The experience of the great storm that took place on Our Lady’s birthday on August 5, 2005 in the Field is forever linked in our hearts with Our Lady’s birthday itself. When we think about Our Lady’s birthday we “remember when it rained.

Friday, August 4, the community had gathered to begin praying the Rosary at 8:00 PM. Our founder stood to speak to the community for a few minutes before beginning the Rosary. He wanted us to be mindful of the fact that what we were doing in gathering on the eve of Our Lady’s birth, praying this special Rosary, lighting the candles around Our Lady’s statue, and all the preparations made to celebrate Our Lady’s birthday the next day may seem insignificant in the large scheme of things. But, he said, that when Jesus walked the earth and did things with His apostles, they couldn’t have imagined how each event would be remembered later, recorded, passed on through the generations and one day celebrated with big feasts in remembrance of that “insignificant” place of gathering, what was said, and what was done. As our founder has often said before, August 4 and 5 will become great feast days in the Church—the big three—Christmas, Easter, and Mary’s Birthday. August 4th and 5th will be days of joy and celebration, just as the great feasts of Christmas and Easter. Why? Because God wants it.

While he was speaking, a bright light suddenly struck out in the Field about 60 yards behind us. Our founder stopped talking, and asked everyone what was that light. Not everyone had seen it because it was behind them. A few, who were sitting at an angle while listening, thought it was a flash from a camera—but there had been no camera from the direction of the light. About 45 seconds later, we all then heard the low rumble of thunder and looked to the sky. The strange light in the spot of the Field did not give any hint it was lightening but the thunder told us it was. Amazingly, a dark rolling cloud was rapidly moving in our direction and within it repeated lightening could be seen, with an occasional bolt striking the ground. Where had it come from? The sky had been clear just three or four minutes before. No one was expecting rain. Suddenly, caught without umbrellas, we realized that we would all very shortly be getting drenched. Clouds filled with rain, headed in our direction. It was like watching a speeded-up film. The temperature began dropping. Immediately, our founder recognized that this was very similar to the experience of Our Lady’s birthday in 2005 with how the storm suddenly came up upon all those in the Field that day. Our founder said that we will stay in the Field, regardless of what comes, and if the skies open up and the rain comes down, we will know it is a blessing from Heaven, a gift of a reminder of not only August 5, 2005, but the storm that heralded Our Lady’s birthday 2, 027 years ago.

Lightening and strong winds became more and more intense. There was no doubt in any of our minds that we would be soaked to the bone. The speed of the storm was amazing. We experienced everything of the storm except the downpour. Only a few drops fell. By the time the Rosary was finished there was no trace of the storm! Soft adoration music was played while many stayed out in the Field on blankets in silence and prayer. Peace settled over us like a warm blanket itself. Some would say this was just coincidence. It has no special meaning or significance. But for us who felt the joy of Our Lady in the Field on Her birthday in 2005, in the pouring down rain while it was thundering, lightening, and hailing—we know this little storm was given as a shared memory, a gift on Our Lady’s birthday—perhaps just to thank us for making Her birthday a special event in our lives and inciting others to celebrate it as well, even though most of the world thinks of it as an insignificant event…

• With no storm clouds in sight
• the strange spot of light in the Field
• the lightening
• the strong wind literally moving the clouds like you would see on a high speed film
• yet no rain


A significant touch of Our Lady…

…Wish you could have been there.
Love the Community of Caritas



8:10 PM—Mary’s Eve, August 4, 2011

When we first looked back we thought the blue was the second mountain behind the first, with pouring rain coming down upon it. But within seconds we realized it was a cloud moving so fast, one could not believe their eyes.


Two minutes later. We began to get excited as the storm cloud emerged in only a couple of minutes from the above picture. While no lightening was caught on camera, the cloud was giving its share of splendor amidst the lightening.


Two minutes later—8:14 PM

All of us were pretty thrilled at this point and had already started the Rosary. The wind, lightening, and rapid temperature drop made the Rosary all the sweeter.


It has become a community tradition to bring balloons out to the Field at Rosary time on Our Lady’s birthday.


Our Lady once gave an answer to a question our founder presented to Her through Medjugorje visionary, Vicka.

August 26, 1996

Our Lady said that She is happy (pleased) with every sacrifice which we are doing for Her. Also that it is very dear to Her. Our Lady said:


“Whatever you are doing with the heart, it’s all precious to Me.”


What we do for Our Lady on Her birthday is very simple; from the flowers and balloons, to the special Marian Rosary, to gathering around Her statue at the end of our prayer to sing Happy Birthday—just as we would do with any other member of our family. All very simple, but we know to Our Lady, these little acts of love are “precious” to Her because they are done with the heart.


Marija once told the story of her prayer group presenting Our Lady with a cake during an apparition. Our Lady smiled and lifted off a small yellow flower from the cake and carried it with Her up to Heaven. Every year we celebrate Our Lady’s birthday with a special birthday cake. We’re still waiting for Her to take one of our flowers to Heaven.

Our little girls are always willing to help blow out Our Lady’s candles.


It’s a joy to watch our little children grow to love Our Lady and see Her as not only their Mother…


…but also their friend.


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

9 thoughts on “Celebrating Our Lady’s Birthday at Caritas, August 5, 2011”

  1. I was born 8/5/50 and so many wonderful things have happened at the most inopportune times throughout my life including several life saving events both my own and those of others (Im a retired NYPD sgt) I would need a small book to tell them all some seemed truly miraculous especially one in which I saved several lives at once and for which I received the NYC PBA Medal of Honor. Now I know that that award should have gone to my mother,protector and friend Mary of Nazareth, aka super mom Love ya Ma Your loving son

  2. Thanks be to God! In this world you my friends at Medjugorje, were experiencing Heaven. What a beautiful scenery.Thanks mother Mary. for your loving intercession to this sinful world. May the Kingdom of God come to this world. May the intentions of our Lord come true. Mother Mary pray for the world and pray for us!

  3. Been reading this website for several months now and have tried to be united in prayer with your community regardless of the distance between us, all for the love of Our Lady and Jesus. Celebrated Aug 5 as well by attending Mass, going to confession, and praying the rosary and spending time before the Blessed Sacrament. Am united with you in prayers. Thank you for sharing and updating the rest of the world with your events!

  4. Even though I had not been in the field with this blessed community, Caritas of Birmingham, through your sharing, however, I could feel my spirit so freshly immersed in that atmosphere of your experience. Thank you. Your so faithfully written down all the happenings with our Mother, strengthened my believe that one day soon I will so sure be there with you. Thank you, thank you and thank you. Please pray for me that my dream of visiting Medjugorje and Caritas the blessed community may come soon

  5. Thank you Caritas. How lovely! Along with such reverence for Our Lady’s birthday there is a cake, candles, balloons and precious children. God bless you.

  6. I wish I were there too. I’d like to suggest a new rule – a website photo rule actually. Since EVERYTHING you guys do is so special, then pictures become MORE critical (for proof you understand) SO there should be no less than 50 pictures per story. There are only 9 here and 50 ‘should’ be enough to really HELP us understand better. You know – one picture is worth 1000 words kinda thing. SO – I vote yes on this new rule as a cocii member.

  7. Michael J. Hebert (Bear)

    In ancient times, Pythagoras made a cup, which filled beyond a certain point, would wind up siphoning the entire contents out. This cup was called the, “Greedy Cup,” as it provided a means to make a joke on those who were being greedy. So long as the cup was filled only so much, it worked as a normal one, beyond that, the contents would pour out from the base upon the unsuspecting drinker. Today, the entire world has become a type of Pythagoras cup. While modern conveniences and the easing of burdens, has been great for the expansion of society, the so called need, ” To Keep Up With The Joneses,” has slowly created successive generations, with different ideals of what they think happiness is. This can be traced back, just as FOM says, all the way to Eve, where the devil’s marketing campaign, convinced her to eat the apple. Eve was beguiled by Satan then, and mankind has been, ever since. The devil knows, the easiest way for him to obtain his objectives, is to convince others that they are obtaining theirs. It’s the devil himself, whose come up with those clever slogans like, “If it feels good, do it.” This is the reason Our Lady has come bringing us a counter proposal, to the vast marketing plan, set in motion, since the time of Eden. This is why it’s so important to reduce, or better yet, eliminate the world’s message. satan knows the human psyche, better than we humans do.  With centuries of time to fine tune his attack, and modern conveniences now to drive home his marketing campaigns,  people have no idea, which thoughts in their heads are their’s or another’s. The whole world has been, “Beguiled,” into believing in entire lives, built upon falsehoods. Part of this deception is to call Christians hypocrites.  This is made all the more easier to believe,  because some are, including those heading our Church and others. The major difference between before and now, are the innumerable levels of, “Positive Feedback,” which exist, externally, to confirm internally, the message, which the devil is selling everyone. After all, everyone has heard, “You can’t buy happiness,” and there are, any number of positive, Christian oriented, messages as well, but they simply don’t get as they say, “The Air Time,” they used to. While the devil works to create a weak, worldwide government of, iron mixed with clay, he also seeks to divide us all, because even Jesus taught him, a house divided, can’t stand. There in lays the truth of how to Defeat him as well.  When many see the Truth of Our Lady, the devil’s camp, will become quickly divided. Our Lady is Here to create a, “Catalyst of Conscience,” because, “Science,” has become a great, “Con,” for the devil. Each following Generation is sold the lie, that we’re, smarter, wiser, or somehow better than the last, when in reality we’re simply learning how to mimic God’s creation, while giving God less credit, while we do so. In the, “Real End,” we’ll finally conspire to build a Real False god, as a final Testament, to thinking we know what’s best for all of us, only to have our creation turn against us, as we have to God. This is the lunacy, imparted by the devil into man, so many years ago, leading to the Ironic End. The devil told Eve, we didn’t need God, convincing her, she would become one instead, after eating the apple and everything since, has been one step after another, led by the devil, to obtain his body, to live amongst us. This is the devil’s shade of God’s walking amongst man.  Even he can’t be God, so he chose man as his instrument to inspire, with his desire. Today, everything’s become a type of god, pulling a thicker and thicker Veil over the World’s Eyes. God knows this.  God knew the End, from the Very Beginning. Through Our Lady, a large amount of that Veil, is about to be exposed, baring satan’s dirty little tricks, and once again exposing him for who he really is, a coward, hiding behind the innocents, who haven’t come to know God’s Great Love….YET !  But when these Innocents do learn,  and  as we stay firm in the Truth We Know, Victory will be Ours, BecauseWe Can Do All Things, Through Him, Who Gives Us Strength. When the devil flees these poor, misled people, like the demons, did Jesus, our Love for God will pour out, into them, where God’s Love, will Beget More Love, Hope will Beget, More Hope, Faith will Beget, More Faith…..until victory is achieved. Live the Messages, Breathe the Messages,  Pray the Messages. !! BECOME THE MESSAGES – Don’t Shy From Your Testimony ! Even in Death, There’s True Gain For Us and a Real Martyr’s Crown…..for them, even if the have everything,  they will lose their soul without Jesus.  Let us bring them Jesus, for they don’t know what they Truly Want, they only know what that liar, has told them.  Our True Fight is with that Liar, not them.  We need True Love, to win them from the Lie. God Bless and Amen. December 2, 2014 “Dear children, Remember – for I am telling you that love will win. I know that many of you are losing hope because around you, you see suffering, pain, jealousy, envy… But, I am your mother. I am in the Kingdom but am also here with you. My Son is sending me anew to help you. Therefore, do not lose hope, instead, follow me – because the victory of my heart is in the name of God. My beloved Son is thinking of you as He has always thought of you. Believe Him and live Him. He is the Life of the world. My children, to live my Son means to live the Gospel. This is not easy. This means love, forgiveness and sacrifice. This purifies and it opens the Kingdom. Sincere prayer, which is not only words but is a prayer which the heart speaks, will help you. Likewise fasting (will help you), because it is still more of love, forgiveness and sacrifice. Therefore, do not lose hope but follow me. I am imploring you anew to pray for your shepherds so that they may always look to my Son who was the first Shepherd of the world and whose family was the entire world. Thank you.”

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