November 23, 2011
Caritas Silver Jubilee–What Happened on November 23, 1988
Our Lady came at 10:30 p.m. in the Bedroom and was very happy. She blessed everyone. Marija recommended everyone present to Our Lady and She prayed The Lord’s Prayer and the Glory Be. Our Lady, once again, gave a message.
November 23, 1988
“I invite you to pray and give your life completely to God. I will give you strength and I will help you in all of your needs. You can ask for everything that you need to help you. I will intercede for you in front of God.”
The messages that were being given each day by Our Lady were both beautiful and profound. These words continued to amaze our founder as to the purpose behind them. He and his wife had often visited Marija in Medjugorje and had been with her in her daily apparitions many times. They knew that it was rare for Our Lady to give a message in her daily apparitions, outside of the monthly message or prayer group apparitions. And yet, here, Our Lady was doing it every day. After reciting the message, Marija then reported that the Blessed Mother said She would appear the next morning not in the Bedroom but in a field near a large pine tree near the house. Our Lady extended an invitation for all to come.
Our founder had just recently acquired the empty field that ran adjacent to his wooded property. When the previous owner was stricken with cancer, our founder did a lot of upkeep on the property for this man who was also a friend. The cancer led to his death before Marija’s visit in November, 1988. Whenever he was out on his tractor on the field, our founder felt very close to God and would always enter into deep prayer. He began to feel strongly that Our Lady had a purpose for the field. This was confirmed to him when on the very first morning of Marjia’s visit, the property was offered to him to buy even though the family did not want to sell it.
When the apparitions came to the home of our founder, so strong was this thought that Our Lady wanted to appear in the field that he asked Marija to ask Our Lady in the apparition each day if She would appear in the field. Each time it was asked, Our Lady did not respond or even acknowledge the question. However, on November 23, 1988, Our Lady surprised everyone by saying that She would appear in the field the next morning, at 10:30 a.m. The fact that She made an invitation for people to come to this apparition made it apparent that She wanted people to join Her in the field on November 24, 1988. There wasn’t much thought as to the day of this apparition. Everyone who came was just so happy to have the opportunity to be in the presence of Our Lady—nothing else mattered. However, over time, the day itself became significant and part of the unfolding love story that was being written by Heaven with this family, this house, and this field. The day Our Lady requested to appear in the Field was Thanksgiving Day.
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