
Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on May 2, 2004

Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on May 2, 2004

What Happened on May 2, 2004


Our Lady’s Statue in the Field at Caritas rests on a large pile of stones. This evening, not one stone was in sight in the entire circumference of the rocks supporting Our Lady’s statue, so completely covered were they with flowers of every color, shape and size, over a foot thick around the whole statue. It was a breathtaking sight. And more and more flowers were arriving as the evening wore on.


This day was dedicated, in a very special way, for the conversion of non-believers. Mirjana Soldo, another of the visionaries from Medjugorje, was given the task to pray and offer sacrifices for nonbelievers. Our Lady gave her a definition of a nonbeliever, explaining to her that they are people who have never experienced the love of God. Mirjana has said many times in her talks to pilgrims that it is very important to pray for nonbelievers because when we do so, we are praying for our own futures. Those who do not believe in God, or do not know His love, do not know how to live in peace, because God is Peace. Therefore, they cause strife and harm to others. When we succeed in converting their hearts, our futures become more peaceful and secure. Every second of the month, Our Lady appears to Mirjana and prays with her for nonbelievers. Our Lady has asked all of us to join in prayer for nonbelievers on these days. It is for this reason that we consecrated the day, today, for the conversion of those who are far away from the Heart of God. With Marija, a beautiful rosary was prayed in the morning, in which everyone present were able to write down the nonbelievers in their own families and lives, and place them on the spot where Our Lady would be appearing in the evening, in the Field near the Pine Tree.

Each afternoon, the several priests that are here, provide the Sacrament of Confession to the pilgrims. One priest told us that over the past two days, he believes he had heard over 600 confessions. People, who had been away from the sacrament 5, 10, 20, and even one for 40 years, approached the priests underneath the branches of the Pine Tree out in the open Field. All the priests said that it was very apparent that the grace was stronger, more deeply felt in the penitents on this second day of the retreat, dedicated to nonbelievers.

Though the day was mostly overcast, with rain threatening throughout, as the time of the apparition approached, the sky became lighter and lighter, with the sun finally breaking through completely. Though we had crowned Our Lady the evening before, a storm in the night had blown off her crown. Several little children from an area church had received their First Holy Communion that day and were present in the Field for the Apparition. When Marija arrived in the Field, she noticed Our Lady was without her crown, and she turned to the Founder and said Our Lady must have a new one. As the Rosary was prayed, a crown for Our Lady was weaved together from the flowers adorning Her statue. It was finished just before Our Lady’s apparition.

There were thousands of pilgrims gathered this evening, around the tree in the Field and up the pathway leading to the Field. Cars were parked on both sides of the road for approximately two miles while many others were shuttled in by buses. It was a beautiful sight for so many of Our Lady’s children who traveled from as far away as Costa Rica, Germany, France, Bolivia, Canada and from every state in the U.S. Once the Rosary was completed, Marija began praying the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be and as each set was prayed, the anticipation building in the heart to receive Our Lady. Following is a description of the apparition, and an exact translation from Marija’s own words.

Our Lady appeared to Marija Lunetti on Sunday, May 2, 2004, out in the Field. Our Lady waited until 6:52 PM to appear, while Marija led all with several Our Fathers, Hail Mary’s and Glory Be’s. It was a beautiful moment and obvious that Our Lady was postponing the apparitions as if to bask in the love of Her children awaiting Her. The apparition itself, lasted five minutes. Immediately following the apparition, after praying the Magnificat, Marija asked everyone present to pray together the 7 Our Fathers, 7 Hail Mary’s and 7 Glory Be’s in thanksgiving for the grace of Our Lady’s presence. Marija then spoke to the crowds of people present and gave the following description of what happened during the apparition.

“I wanted to greet each one of you who are present here and have come tonight to be with us. Tonight when Our Lady came She was very happy, probably when She saw how many you are. We prayed and for sure Our Lady also listened to your prayers because I recommended each of us and everything that we have in our hearts. Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. I asked Our Lady to particularly pray for all the sick here. Our Lady gave us a second blessing. I also asked Our Lady to bless the sacred objects that you brought with you: Rosaries, medals, and everything else that you wanted to have blessed, and again, Our Lady blessed these objects. And then, at the end of the apparition, Our Lady said:

“My dear children! Do not forget I am your Mother and I love you and I bless you.”

The community members of Caritas were also very happy as Our Lady gave three blessings in one apparition. Also, Our Lady clearly showed, she is here in a capacity of what the Caritas Community wants for Her, which is to do as She wishes, as She told Marija in the apparition, that tomorrow (Monday, May 3), She would appear in the Bedroom at 11:40 AM. Our Lady will bless all those present in the Field. This gesture, of changing time and places of the apparitions is taken as a sign from Our Lady, that She is demonstrating the significance of the place of the several sites made so by Her.


An almost full moon had risen behind Our Lady’s statue, and stars began to dot the sky, as pilgrims gradually left the Field. The scene was indescribably beautiful. Marija stated that Our Lady was very happy because of the numbers of people who were gathered, with open hearts, with Her these days. What a beautiful grace to be able to bring joy to Our Lady! New pilgrims continue to arrive each day.

Marija speaking the Field of Apparitions

Marija stayed in the Field apter the apparition today and spoke to thousands gathered.

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4 thoughts on “Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on May 2, 2004”

  1. Harry and Dolores Wolff

    May the Christ Child continue to bring you peace, love and joy throughout the year.We thank you for being there for us and be that ray of hope that we need in this day and age.May all at Caritas be blessed with a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year! We love you all!!!!

  2. Harry and Dolores Wolff

    May the Christ Child continue to bring you peace, love and joy throughout the year. We thank you for being there for us and be that ray of hope that we need in this day and age. May all at Caritas be blessed with a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year! We love you all!!!!

  3. Carol Ann Dominiak

    So many times I have been touched and inspired from the wonderful stories from the Community of Caritas and its founder. I try to get as many people to this website as I can to experience the same inspiration and enjoyment as I feel I have been blessed by them as well as the monthly messages from our Mother. In a world with so much strife this website is where I hope many will find peace. Hope. Renewed Faith and GOD. Over and over again. A Blessed Christmas to everyone in the Caritas community and may you all keep sharing and loving as a family. To all who take the time to write their feedbacks, A Blessed Merry Christmas too. Love to all. Carol & Stanley Dominiak

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