July 9, 2008
After the apparition of July 9, 2008, Medjugorje visionary Marija and her family, with our founder and his family left for a week of family retreat. They returned on July 18, with Marija staying a few days longer before returning to Medjugorje on July 23, 2008. The apparition of July 9 was in the Bedroom at 10:00 P.M. Also on this day, new pilgrims arrived, answering the call from reading about the apparitions on Medjugorje.com to drop everything to come and be with Our Lady. Some of these pilgrims were randomly chosen from the crowd to come to the Bedroom for the apparition.
Early in the day, strong thunderstorms swept through the area, causing power outages. The power also went out on Caritas grounds for several hours. Yet, despite the heavy storms and rain, the pilgrims who made the decision to come did not let the weather deter them from attending Our Lady’s apparition. The rain continued to fall in intervals throughout the evening, but this did not dampen the enthusiasm for those who were present in the Field, some of whom had traveled long distances to get to Caritas. In fact, they were blessed with a beautiful display of lightening that lit up the entire night sky. Though outside in the empty Field and surrounded by trees, no one was frightened of the storm and lightening. The presence of Our Lady was strongly felt and everyone knew there was no reason to be afraid.
For the next day’s apparition, Our Lady said it would be at the same time, 10:00 P.M., but not the same place. With Marija leaving for a week, Our Lady would not be back at Caritas until July 18th. As the founder of Caritas and his family were with Marija this week, they continued to have the grace of being in the presence of Our Lady. Our Lady also continued to relay during Her daily appearances to Marija that the apparitions would be at 10:00 P.M. each night. There were beautiful graces given during these apparitions.
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3 thoughts on “Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on July 9, 2008”
[u][b]Awesome[/b][/u] [u][b]broadcast[/b][/u]! [b]The Bishops in Texas are encouraging millions of people to take the Vaccine and blindly leading many astray! Please continue feeding us the Truth! We are starving! The priests are becoming more and more conditioned to the GOVERNMENT! I have to be very selective when choosing where to go to Mass! Many of our churches are refusing Communion on the tongue! I cannot believe how IGNORANT THE CHURCH has become! [/b]
Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas for this broadcast. From the beginning of the Corona Virus pandemic, I placed myself my family and friends into the care of Almighty God, submitting us to His will. I have experienced no fear or worry about the virus since doing this, even though I am in ill health and cannot wear a mask/face covering due to the distress it causes me. In the UK there are three anti-virus vaccines available to us, the Oxford AstraZeneca, the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccine. Each of these vaccines has a connection to abortion. I made the decision, after prayer, and in accordance with my conscience, that I would not have any of these vaccines. How can something good come from such evil? My Soul is more important to me than any protection a vaccine can provide my physical body. I hope I am prepared to suffer criticism, persecution and possibly much worse, due to my decision. Many people place their faith, hope and trust in Government’s, thinking they have the answers and the power to protect them from the Corona Virus. This is the lie of satan. If Mankind returned to God and His commandments, God would bring an end to the pandemic. I pray I have the courage if needed to withstand the persecution to come, as I am not brave. Our Bishops are silent, giving no direction to their Priest’s or the laity about Corona Virus vaccine’s. I asked my Priest for weekly bidding prayers to be said during Mass, asking Almighty God to end this pandemic, but my request was ignored. This is not surprising, as for many years the Clergy has not guided the laity, we are left without Shepherds. Our Parish has just been told what we can/cannot do for our Easter Services. There will be no procession of the Cross and no singing. I have recently stopped receiving Holy Communion which is dropped into the hands using a pair of tongs like giving out sugar cubes not the Blessed Lord. I read about sacrileges against the Holy Eucharist, this being one of them, and decided to abstain from receiving Holy Communion in this way, and asking Our Lord to give me Spiritual Communion. It is very painful and difficult for me to not receive Holy Communion, but I will not offend our Blessed Lord by participating in this sacrilege. I pray for the mercy of God for the whole World, and I am saying a novena to St Joseph for the conversion of my brother Joe and Joe Biden. I pray that Mr Biden will return to obedience to the Catholic Faith, and stop his aid of satan’s in his plans for mankind. May Almighty God bless and protect us all.
My husband and I had finally made appts to start the Covid shots for yesterday thinking, of course, that it was the correct thing to do in order to visit with a new great grandson and not compromise anyone else. Just before leaving to go for the appointment, we received your mailing and read it. Then came to the computer to your site and read about the vaccinations. We immediately canceled the appointment. We will never get the shots after reading all you sent. We would never have survived emotionally after reading all we did. We have purchased coins from Century Silver when they first became available and will start buying them again. Thank you for being there always…….but especially in times like this. Please correct my new email. I left a message last evening on one of the phones at Caritas.