
What Happened on July 21, 2008: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on July 21, 2008: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on July 21, 2008?


Today’s apparition was a private apparition for the community in the Bedroom, the last of Marija’s visit. The Rosary began at 8:00 a.m. after the community had gathered earlier and wrote out petitions to Our Lady, placing them on the Bed as they entered the Bedroom. Our Lady appeared to Marija around 9:00 a.m. The apparition lasted over four minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition, when Our Lady came, She immediately began to pray, and She prayed a long time over us with Her hands extended. She prayed the whole time of the apparition and in the end, I just have time to recommend all your petitions, and She gave blessing and left.”

Marija explained this with joy and said, “Our Lady does this, but not often.” Our Lady’s words before God the Father in this last apparition cannot be more than what is best, so the community was left with this joy and contentment.


Literally thousands of people around the world were following the events of Our Lady’s visit at Caritas. We were receiving so many petitions through the Caritas website that the last days of Our Lady’s visit we had to take shifts through the night printing them out so to insure that everyone’s petition was present for Our Lady’s last apparitions in the Bedroom. Many people wrote to testify that their prayers had been answered which they believed to be connected to the grace of Our Lady’s apparitions.


Lying next to the large stack of printed petitions were the handwritten notes of the Community. All their heartfelt prayers of thanksgiving, petition, praise and love mingled among the still fresh flowers laid on the Bed.

community praying Aware that their time with Our Lady was coming to an end, the Caritas Community gathers once more around the Bed where Our Lady will appear to Marija. Marija is in her place at the foot of the Bed. After having Our Lady for more than four weeks every day while Marija and her family was with them, it was a solemn moment for the community to come to the moment of saying good-bye.


What did Our Lady look like? What did She say? How was Her mood today? Always the same questions after every apparition are directed to Marija by Caritas’ founder. Often, there is nothing different that happens from day to day in the apparitions, so the slightest change can be a cause of joy. Today’s apparition was more than four minutes in length, a longer apparition than normal. Though it sounds like a short time, when you are before Our Lady for four solid minutes, there is time enough to speak all your intentions to Her and then have time just to be with Her, express your love, be happy in Her presence. Marija did say that Our Lady did something unusual in the apparition today. Our Lady, upon Her arrival, immediately began to pray over everyone—and continued to pray throughout the whole apparition with Her hands outstretched. At the end of this prayer, Our Lady paused only long enough for Marija to give Her the community’s petitions, and then suddenly She was gone. Marija said that Our Lady does this on occasion, but not often.


No one wanted to leave the Bedroom immediately, wanting instead to linger in this last moment of grace with Our Lady. Seeing the candles being blown out on the Bed, the little ones wanted to help. So, while everyone sat in the peace and comfort that Our Lady had blessed them with as a parting gift, the candles were lit, blown-out, re-lit, blown out, re-lit and blown out again by the little girls—until finally it was time for Marija and her boys to head to the airport. Though the candles on the Bed were extinguished, Our Lady had lit a flame of faith and hope in the hearts of tens of thousands across our country with Her acceptance of the Consecration of the United States on July 4, 2008, for its Day of Deliverance.

statue of our lady

Come what may from here, there was an assurance felt that something moved in Heaven from this Consecration of July 4, 2008, and that Our Lady was taking ownership of this nation that had been entrusted to Her from the beginning of its conception. No matter how dark the days would become in the future, we would look to Our Lady to find the Light that will lead this nation back to God.

Thank you, O Mother.
Thank you, Our Queen
Thank you for being present.
May Christ grant our nation deliverance
through this consecration. Amen.

From the Solemn Act of Consecration of Our Nation
July 4, 2008
By A Friend of Medjugorje

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4 thoughts on “What Happened on July 21, 2008: Caritas Silver Jubilee”

  1. Praise and glorify our SUPREME ALMIGHTY GOD ! He created me and I owe HIM my life and now I’m a FIELD ANGEL . Listening to A Friend of Medjugorje for  a year , made me decide to FORGIVE (100x…) all my enemies… and encourage them to spread your mission.

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