What Happened on January 20, 1989
January 20, 1989, 5:40 p.m.
No public message; however, Our Lady did give a private message for someone in the room.
A private question was presented to Our Lady by Caritas’ founder. He had discussed this message with Marija before having her present it to Our Lady. Marija cautioned him by saying that She had never known Our Lady to answer “yes” to this particular question when others had asked it. This did not deter him as he felt strongly in his heart to ask it of Our Lady. If She said “no,” he would be at peace that this was the will of God. After the apparition, Marija was surprised that Our Lady had not said “no” but rather that She would inform him at a later time. Though Our Lady did not say “yes”, She had left the possibility open of saying yes in the future, rather than closing the door to any possibility.
Thirteen years later, while Marija was present at Caritas for the Seven Days of Prayer for the Reconciliation of Ourselves, Our Families and Our Nation Back to God, December 8-14, 2001, the founder approached Our Lady, through Marija, with the question, as no answer had yet been given. Following is Marija’s description of that apparition in which only the Caritas Community was present in the Bedroom:
December 15, 2001
When Our Lady came, I recommended each of us and all our intentions in our hearts. Our Lady prayed over us for a long time. I presented a private question to Our Lady. Immediately upon asking the question, Our Lady smiled and gave a private answer. Our Lady looked at each of us and then blessed us. She ascended back to Heaven, saying, “Go in peace.” Our Lady was very happy and joyful during this apparition.
Through the years the founder had asked Our Lady this question on several occasions, never receiving an affirmative message. However, he, along with the community, was very happy in that in this apparition of December 15, 2001, Our Lady gave an indication of a positive answer, though they continue to wait on the fullness of Her answer. Our Lady’s joy in this apparition also encouraged them to wait patiently for Heaven’s timing in regards to this question.
There were many physical manifestations of the spiritual reality of Our Lady’s apparitions that were seen by many pilgrims over the 2 ½ months Our Lady appeared at Caritas to visionary Marija in 1988-1989. On one occasion, on a sunny day when there had been no rain or overcast skies, a wonder appeared in the sky that touched all those who had come to pray on this day. This picture poorly captures the event, for the reality of it came in brilliant colors. A full rainbow had appeared that encompassed the entire Field where Our Lady had appeared. On top of that, another full inverted rainbow appeared where the tips of both rainbows were touching. And then a third rainbow appeared encompassing both of the other rainbows, too large to even fit into the camera lens. All three rainbows could be fully seen—and it was an amazing and moving site. On this sunny day, these rainbows continued to be seen for almost a full hour—seen by everyone present. Everyone knew it was a miracle and they stood and looked at it until it finally faded away. The rainbow, of course, is a symbol of God’s promise or covenant with His people. It was a very meaningful sign that continues to impress upon the community to believe in the promises of God, especially in regards to the fulfillment of Our Lady’s plans through Medjugorje, including the answer to the above question that was asked of Her 22 years ago upon which we continue to wait.
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12 thoughts on “Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on January 20, 1989”
My son I were privileged to attend this most incredible Pilgrimage in Alabama.Although I have always professed my love for the Blessed Mother & Jesus. I realized how sinful & far from them I actually was.In the field during the apparitions, there was an incredible Peace & my son experienced chills under a hot sun. I longed for more.During a visit to the Blessed Bedroom I experienced the most wonderful miracle ever. Walking on the path to the house was most peaceful & quite. I felt like I was entering another world, it was as if I were surrounded by angels in a heavenly place. My mind & body felt light, like I was drifting. It was raining lightly & the ground was wet & muddy but my feet were clean & dry even though I wore sandals. Earlier that day, my body was painful from a Respiratory Infection I had developed but the symptoms were gone.When I returned back to NY I was a changed person. I am now looking to start a Prayer Group.Thank you Blessed Mother & Caritas.
My son I were privileged to attend this most incredible Pilgrimage in Alabama. Although I have always professed my love for the Blessed Mother & Jesus. I realized how sinful & far from them I actually was. In the field during the apparitions, there was an incredible Peace & my son experienced chills under a hot sun. I longed for more. During a visit to the Blessed Bedroom I experienced the most wonderful miracle ever. Walking on the path to the house was most peaceful & quite. I felt like I was entering another world, it was as if I were surrounded by angels in a heavenly place. My mind & body felt light, like I was drifting. It was raining lightly & the ground was wet & muddy but my feet were clean & dry even though I wore sandals. Earlier that day, my body was painful from a Respiratory Infection I had developed but the symptoms were gone. When I returned back to NY I was a changed person. I am now looking to start a Prayer Group. Thank you Blessed Mother & Caritas.
This was my second time to Caritas, and experiencing what I experienced on July 4th, at 3:00PM, is something I will never, ever forget. Thank you to A Friend of Medjugorje and to Our Lady for all of your writings and messages that have inspired me to change the way I look at things and the way I live my life. +JMJ+
For three years now, I have gotten to spend time with Our Lady in a very special way on my annual pilgrimage to Caritas. It is a spiritual retreat that is very personal, challenging, and rewarding. Three years ago I went March 19th over the Feast of St. Joseph and Our Lady told us three different times during the apparitions that she had a surprise for us. The first night we saw Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in the Moon as well as a cross, and two hands holding the moon ( looking like priests hands holding the Eucharist). The second night we saw the moon dance- moving up and down and side to side. The third evening we saw rays of lights in the sky darting quickly – crossing each other and in thirty minutes vanishing. Last year I purchased a Rosary in the Bookstore and after being Blessed by Our Lady and prayed with, turned to gold. This year I climbed Cross Mountain- reaching the top I felt and saw the hand of God the Father on my left cheek as I sang in praise and worship
Through our parish Legion of Mary meetings, I had heard about Caritas. This was the first pilgrimage for my wife and me. We would stay for Tuesday & Wednesday, the days of Consecration for ourselves and our family. What we experienced was overwhelming, spiritually affirming and miraculous. That first evening, when Our Lady was in the field of prayer, we both witnessed the “miracle of the dancing sun.” The second evening and with cloudy skies, we together smelled the strong and beautiful aroma of roses. We knew then that our prayer petitions that we brought from home and our prayers of thanksgiving for Our Blessed Mother and Her Son, were both heard and answered. Since then, our daily rosary has become our Living rosary; a true story that we share with all who are anxious to hear the importance of Her message of Love.
My dear friend of Medjugorje..Apology for misunderstanding what I send the message recently..Please ignore it kindly, my dear for it is only for your nation where the piligrimese attends,,but we are pleauring in reciting rosary, we take care of….Love in Mary…….Deacon Andre
Thank you Caritas Community, for the blessing it was to be there for my fourth time!! The graces showered each time are profound and spiritually strengthening! I was even able to complete my one full year of St. Bridget prayers while there, up at Cross Mt. I began them last July 5th, 2012 on the way into the Bedroom of Apparitions! It was a most grace-filled, beautiful experience!! I have been called by Our Lady there since 2009 and I fully comprehend the reason for each visit afterward, as there are always surprise blessings and graces……mostly by just being in Her presence to be prayed over and in receiving Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass. I come back home feeling strengthened, encouraged, fearless, and deeply loved by God, Our Lord Jesus, Our Dear Blessed Mother, and all of Heaven. I say “yes” to the mission of extending this love to others God places along my path; with His peace and joy!! We march on…..living Her messages, one day at a time, Sweet Jesus!God bless all
Yes, that is true, we believe what it happend when we remembered in reciting our rosary about 20 minutes beforeBlessed Virging Mary appeared up there, we were unableto attend when we were here in Iroquois where we liveand we build a nice shrine at the back of our house with nice flowers around this shrine..We are unable to attenddue to our old age and also impaired hearing couple, but we surely trust in Her We LOVE her..Peace and Love Andre
Thanks be to God! My friends at Medjgorje. When I read what happened on 20th 1989, I cant express my feeling. I was in ecstasy,I believe. The Rainbows, and the sky, it is like Heaven. A camara cannot catch the real beauty. I can imagine how serene it must be, If I can see this in my own eyes. Please pray for me dear Mother Mary ! I want come over there soon. To day is 21st December 2011. Thanks and May God Bless You all my dear friends. Please pray for me.