What Happened on February 16, 2009
Our Lady again smiles today. Among the many pilgrims that came today for the apparition, there were several families with many children. With the children in the community, there were already a bunch of children, but there seemed to be another 15 or so present for the apparition. With all those children, the Rosary wasn’t as “meditative” as some may have liked, but just as Jesus always liked having innocent children around Him, so too Our Lady. Marija presented all the children to Our Lady in the apparition on this day, and Our Lady immediately smiled.
Marija’s Description of the Apparition on February 16, 2009 in the Bedroom
In moment of apparition when Our Lady come, I recommend to Our Lady all of us, in special way, all kids and Our Lady beginning to smile. She pray for long time over us and after She give blessing and She said “Go in peace,” and She leave.
The apparition lasted 4 minutes, 17 seconds. Our Lady again said, “Same time. Same place.” for tomorrow’s apparition. Marija graciously accepted the invitation to speak to the pilgrims and community after the apparition once again. But first, the wife of the founder wanted to get a picture of all the children in the apparition today. These were the little cherubs Our Lady had smiled at and blessed today.
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16 thoughts on “Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on February 16, 2009”
It was a blessing for me to be with you in July and I will be in the cenacle chapel in adoration of Our Lord tomorrow morning. God has blessed me in many ways and I offer to each of you my sacrifice of not being present with you as I desire to be.When I read your message, knowing I could not come, I smiled because I know I will be in your prayers. The beauty and tranquility of the mountain is a blessing to each of us and I look forward to my next visit. Thank you for the sacrifice each of you make daily for the saving of our souls. grace schnakenberg
Oh! what a lovely site to see. You all are Blessed, my dear friends. Hope to come over there to climb and be near to the cross.I love you all! Thanks mother Mary and Our Lord Jesus. Praise be to God our Father!
An awe inspiring article which enlivens our faith and hope in the wonders done to us by the Most Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin. May they bless us and all those who work unceasingly for us
It was a blessing for me to be with you in July and I will be in the cenacle chapel in adoration of Our Lord tomorrow morning. God has blessed me in many ways and I offer to each of you my sacrifice of not being present with you as I desire to be. When I read your message, knowing I could not come, I smiled because I know I will be in your prayers. The beauty and tranquility of the mountain is a blessing to each of us and I look forward to my next visit. Thank you for the sacrifice each of you make daily for the saving of our souls. grace schnakenberg
I just like to know if an Hispanics there ,I hardly ever see Hispanics in your pictures.
dear caritusnow my heat is burning to pray so I need that 9 day prayer novena with fasting bread and water for the year 2014 to remove the work of satan in our world I will not be able to phone that phone you give it to us please give me that noven and that day with the internet please I am willing to pray with youMangaka Alina Motsamai
What a beautiful article—-I so enjoyed it. I hope to climb to the Cross next year. I was in Medjugorje and climbed to the Cross there. Absolutely a breathtaking experience. Thank you for this and allowing us to see all that you are doing in Caritas. May Our Lord and his mother Mary bless each of you. Thank you again.
I wish I and my husband Kevin could be there on SaturdaySept 14TH, but since this is not possible, I will be with youin Prayer and also remember us in your prayers as well.The ‘BLESSED MOTHER’ is praying that the world willremain at peace and trust in’JESUS’ HER SON’ for this wepray to the’LORD’ Rosemary
Getting messeges has been such a great help. Thanks to Caritas and Our Blessed Mother. We in this country and our church is praying constantly (Catholics). Thanks for all your help conserning my 2 sons still catholic but not going to the sacraments. Thanks for the updates. I always forward receiving them. Rose
Thank you. Kindly pray to mary for me.people are not alike. its difficult to live life is not easy. why good people suffer. I am not good but tried my best level.Nice to see the view.. praise be the lord.
The article on the feast of The Exaltation of the Cross was so inspiring. I wish I could be there. I will work toward being there next year. Also, the article on the 9 day fast inspired me to fast with you. God bless Caritas for all you do. Thank you.
You amaze me what you do for us and Our Lady my wife Chris who has Parkinson. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts love Chris & Barry