Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on February 14, 2009

Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on February 14, 2009

What Happened on February 14, 2009


The day before, on February 13, 2009, when Our Lady appeared during the wedding ceremony at the church of Blessed Sacrament, She relayed to Marija that tomorrow’s apparition (February 14, 2009), would be back in the Bedroom, and She gave the specific time of 10:40 a.m. This was a beautiful sign given by Our Lady. For the past two days, because of the many duties that had to be accomplished for the wedding, and then the wedding day itself, She allowed our founder to choose the best time for the apparition for everyone’s sake. But, as soon as the wedding was over, She decisively chose to return to the Bedroom, and the time She chose corresponded to Caritas’ normal morning “Rosary time” which is at the same time as the evening Rosary and apparition time in Medjugorje. Before it was time for the apparition, several pilgrims and community members were gathered on the front porch of the home of our founder. While waiting to be called in for the Rosary, Marija came out and joined their conversation. Almost immediately after, our founder opened the door and said it was time to come in and begin the Rosary. Marija, smiling, said she had just stepped out to get a little fresh air. One of the community members said to Marija, “Well, Marija we will stick to you because wherever you are that’s where Our Lady will be.” But Marija responded in more of a serious way, even though it had been a joking remark, “No, we go to Bedroom. Our Lady chose Bedroom.” It was striking to hear Marija say this so clearly and also confirming to us in the community of what Our Lady has done through the Bedroom for the rebirth of the family.

In the apparition today, Our Lady again smiles. The community with many friends of the mission were present. When Our Lady appeared today, Marija immediately asked Our Lady that since it is St. Valentine’s Day, if She would bless all those who are married and those who are not married in a special way. Our Lady immediately smiled at the request and blessed everyone in the Bedroom and also those who were in the Field. Four-day-old Victoria Maria was present in the apparition today. Just before Our Lady appeared, she was laid on the Bed. Marija also asked for a blessing for Victoria. Marija said Our Lady smiled throughout the entire apparition. Our Lady ended the apparition with a third blessing, and said in regards to the apparition tomorrow, Sunday, February 15, that it will be “Same time. Same place.”

Marija’s Description of the Apparition on February 14, 2009 in the Bedroom

In moment of apparition when Our Lady come I have just time to recommend all us. Our Lady stay little bit. (Someone said, “A couple of minutes). I think, for me, so little and so I said, today is St. Valentine’s Day and I ask Our Lady in special way for all us, who is married and who is not married to have with Our Lady’s blessing, a good companion, is possible to say. And Our Lady smiling and after I recommend, we have little Victoria, she is first time for apparition and so I recommend also Victoria to Our Lady and Our Lady smiling beginning to pray. And She pray all time and after I say also people who is in Field. When Our Lady pray I say also I recommend and ask blessing for all people in Field and Our Lady continue to pray. And after She bless us and She go.

medjugorje visionary marija

The apparition of February 14, 2009. It was Our Lady’s choice, after the wedding was over, to return to the Bedroom for the apparitions. For the remaining days of Marija’s stay Our Lady chose, each day, to be in the Bedroom. The Bedroom represents the family and it is the family today that needs healing. Nothing else in the nations of the world will be corrected until the family has been healed. And so Our Lady continually returns to bless from the Bedroom. After the apparition, Marija jokingly said that she took advantage of the fact that it was St. Valentine’s Day and baby Victoria’s first time in an apparition to ask for Our Lady’s blessings. In fact, on this day, Our Lady gave three blessings—something very uncommon in the apparitions. Our Lady smiled throughout the entire apparition today.
medjugorje visionary marija

It was announced on that Marija would be here for the next few days. All those who desired to come and pray in the Field for the apparitions were encouraged to come. From those in the Field, 10-15 pilgrims were chosen at random each day to come to the Bedroom for the apparition. Many of the pilgrims drove for hours to come for one apparition, and a few even drove through the night to be with Our Lady, having to leave immediately after the apparition ended in order to make it to their work on time the following day. After the apparition, Marija graciously shared, with all those present, many stories of her experiences with Our Lady and the impact Medjugorje has made on people she has met from all over the world.

medjugorje visionary marija

medjugorje visionary marija

It is always a great grace to be able to see one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje in person and to hear their own testimony and experiences. They are ordinary people who have been asked to accomplish an extraordinary, supernatural task. As Our Lady told Ivanka on her last daily apparition:

May 7, 1985

“…No one in the world has had the grace which you, your brothers, and sisters have received…”

And of the messages Our Lady gives them, She has said:

April 4, 1985

“…I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world…”

Though millions of souls can testify to the grace of conversion they received from Medjugorje, only these six can testify to what they have seen and what they have been told by the Blessed Virgin Mary—messages as has never been in history, even with Adam and Eve who walked and spoke with God at the beginning of the world.

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5 thoughts on “Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on February 14, 2009”

  1. Is this Caritas from Sterrett Alabama? I was there at the home the night Our Lady appeared on Christmas Eve. I believe Maria had just had surgery and was recouping there. Thank You and God Bless. Loves the article!

  2. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the messages! I wish to go soon to St James Church this year if I can save enough. Pray that I do.

  3. Your home is beautiful, and it’s so amazing to think the Blessed Mother almost ”lives” in your home at times. How blessed you all are.

  4. Oh Caritas it is so very life-affirming and such a great support to my heart to see these pictures and read the archives. Today’s events, (and each day it seems), beat us down with sorrow over the state of the world and US; but you and your insights combined with your news of Our Lady make me smile and take a deep, clear breath each day. Thank you for all you do.

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