What Happened on February 12, 2009
With all the wedding preparations and the day ending with the rehearsal at the church and dinner afterwards, there was no time for the whole community to come together until the very end of the day. Everyone began gathering at the home of our founder around 9:30 p.m. and there was great excitement, sharing details of what had taken place that day, and what was left to be done before the wedding tomorrow. The bride and her bridesmaids still had their flower bouquets to put together, and a dozen other details needed to be taken care of before everyone could go to bed. Marija was in the midst of all the conversations, tired as well from jet lag, but enjoying the happiness and excitement of the community.
Despite still having much to do, it was incredible to everyone that Our Lady had yet to appear to Marija this day, and that the Queen of Heaven had waited for our founder to decide when that time would be. He had wanted Our Lady to decide, and whatever time She chose, he would direct the community to drop everything, and meet for the prayer of the Rosary in preparation for Her apparition. But instead, Our Lady deferred to our founder, allowing him to choose what time would be best for everyone on this busy day. This particular joy, of having Our Lady present for such an intimate event in the life of the community, as a special guest at one of our weddings, brought a greater joy to everything we did that day.
The apparition took place in the Bedroom around 10:00 p.m. The wedding couple knelt beside the Bed where they had become engaged, also in the presence of Our Lady, seven months earlier during the July 1-5, 2009 days of prayer at Caritas. The apparition lasted about five minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“At the moment Our Lady come, I recommend all our intentions. In a special way, I pray for this young couple getting married and for little Victoria ( the little baby that was born on the 11th). After, I recommend every one of us and Our Lady beginning to smile and She pray for everyone. She watch us all. She look at each of us. She watch us, and after She pray all together and She give blessing. And in beginning when Our Lady just come, She stay…and She…like She have time, so I recommend many people in a special way.”
It seemed that Our Lady was coming with so many gifts in this visit to the community. Whenever Our Lady does something out of the ordinary from Her usual daily apparition, it is a gift, there is a special reason for Her doing so. Her smile was a gift—as She normally comes in a tranquil spirit, but not often smiling in Her daily apparitions to Marija. The fact that She looked around the room, resting Her gaze on each face in its turn was a gift, something that She only does on rare occasions. And when Our Lady stays longer, lingering as if She is in no hurry to go, this also is a special gift as it allows Marija to give to Our Lady more intentions than what is normally possible in the time given to her in her normal daily apparitions. All this was very touching to hear, and we could not contain our joy and our amazement of Our Lady being with us in this time, coming with so many gifts. Our founder, again, asked Marija to ask Our Lady when She would appear tomorrow, the day of the wedding. Our Lady, again, deferred that decision to our founder when She said to Marija:
“I will come whenever you pray.”
“Dear Blessed Mother, if it is God’s will, we humbly ask that the conversion taking place in Medjugorje be allowed to take place in the Parish of Blessed Sacrament in Alabama and that it ‘divinely’ be spread throughout the whole region. We surrender this Parish to you and ask if there is anything you request.”
“Pray and by your life witness. Not with words but rather through prayer will you attain what your desire is. Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”
“Little children, I desire that through your lives you are witnesses, that you are my extended hands, my instruments. Get as many hearts as you can close to my heart and lead them to God, to a way of salvation.”
The hands above are of the Caritas couple who would be making their wedding vows the next day, and the priest’s hands who would marry them. But more than that, they are “extended hands” of Our Lady, who are embracing the commitment to live their lives as “witnesses” within the community, to raise their own children in “a way of salvation” as lived in the community.
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