What Happened on February 1, 1994
After a Five-Year Trial Period, Our Lady Returns to the Bedroom
The apparitions of November 1988 to the end of January 1989 laid a foundation upon which Our Lady began to build, through Caritas’ founder, the mission and community of Caritas. but it was not until February 1994 that Our Lady returned, again through visionary Marija coming for a visit. The mission of Caritas of Birmingham was experiencing tremendous growth, and the Caritas Community was growing as well, with several families and single men and women.
Primarily through the high demand for the writings of Caritas’ founder that were based in Our Lady’s messages, the mission of Caritas of Birmingham, after less than five years, outgrew the facilities that contained the mission. After a period of much prayer, the decision was made to begin construction on a 32,000 square foot building for the mission’s expansion. Though there was much excitement over the impact the mission was having in tens of thousands of lives and families across the country and around the world, it was also a time of great attack on the mission. In the year 2002, Caritas of Birmingham published a writing entitled, “Entering a Time of Persecution,” a 138-page history of Caritas, detailing much of the behind-the-scenes details of significant events in their history including attacks upon the founder, community and mission of Caritas over the years. following is an excerpt from “Entering a Time of Persecution,’ the year being 1994 on the timeline of Caritas’ development. Caritas was in the middle of building the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages.
“By 1994, we had suffered through so much persecution over the five years since 1988 that we began to wonder if Our Lady was not happy with us. Had we done something wrong? Was Our Lady displeased with us in what we were doing? Some were saying we were a discredit to Medjugorje. We know our intentions were pure, that our mission was fruitful and rather than drawing people away from Medjugorje, we were taking more people there, producing more materials and had the largest group of people that existed world-wide, who were dedicated to the sole purpose of spreading the messages of Our Lady. The war in Bosnia was raging, while we had the same against us. Virtually every project Caritas has ever started has had strong resistance come against it. The more impact, the more fierce the resistance.
“It was in these years that the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages (TOLM) was launched. The decision to build came through a long period of prayer. We were confident in our founder’s discernment in building this 32,000 square foot, three-story Motherhouse for our mission’s operations. However, a small number of individuals, driven again by jealousy, began spreading as much resistance as possible to keep us from raising the funds for the building. The attack came from within the movement. the founder, in response to this attack, offered a quote from Abraham Lincoln to those in the movement attacking him. The quote was offered not in the sense of material wealth, but rather the “house” we were building was one of “faith” with the desire to reach more people in order to share the “riches” Our Lady was giving the world through Medjugorje. God, therefore, blessed our work and allowed it to expand. The new building was being built so that the fruit harvested would be richer and more plentiful. In our mind, it was only a matter of time before other Medjugorje centers would, in turn, do the same for Our Lady. The harvest is plenty, the laborers few. Our Lady needed every center to “expand their territories.”
“Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuming that his own shall be safe from violence when built.”
Abraham Lincoln
March 21, 1864
…For those in opposition, the solution was to reinterpret the purpose of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages to spread disinformation in order for us not to complete the building. Although we were hindered and damaged in this campaign, we continued…
At this time in our mission, we needed confidence from Our Lady about what was happening “here” at Caritas. So when Marija planned her second visit to us, we were overjoyed for Our Lady to come back here. So much had transpired in five years since the 1988-1989 apparitions. There had been such a price satan inflicted through persecutions for the apparitions for two and a half months in 1988 that we really needed confirmation from Our Lady to keep our spirits strong. The young community on February 1, 1994 met in the Field while Marija had the apparition in the Bedroom with the founder and his family. Through much of the war in Bosnia, Marija described Our Lady in the apparitions as not particularly joyful, but more tranquil, neither happy nor sad. Because of this we had no expectations that Our Lady would give any messages here. We did ask Our Lady for a sign when She came, however. Because of the heated attack against the Tabernacle, we had prayed strongly that if Our Lady was pleased with our efforts, that She would at least show this on Her face. That would be enough of a “message” for us. In the apparition in the Bedroom, the first of February, when Our Lady came, we received much more than this. Marija said that upon arriving, Our Lady immediately smiled and then spoke then following words:
“I am happy to be here.”
Needless to say, for the founder there could not have been six other words he could have been more pleased to hear. From building the Tabercalce of Our Lady’s Messages to weathering many storms of persecution, Her precious words alone were enough to balance the scales…Our Lady’s words were of the sweetest fragrance to our souls, an aroma that breathed strength and greater perseverance in our mission; a refreshing and confirming message that made the five-year trial period worth every cross for the fragrance of what these six words brought to us.
March 25, 1994
“I desire, little children, that all of you who have felt the fragrance of holiness through these messages which I am giving you to carry it in this world…”
The Lily of Heaven was “here.” We felt Her holiness in our presence. “Here” was Caritas. “Here” was the founder’s bedroom, and “here” was the ongoing active obedience to “carry Her holiness out to the world,” and also, “here” was being viciously attacked from behind the scenes. So the words, “happy to be here,” solidly fixed into our hearts what had been discerned already: namely Our Lady had a plan evolving “here” that began even before Caritas existed and that it was pleasing to Her. It was not a plan in competition with Medjugorje, rather it was a billboard for Medjugorje, always pointing back to the font of grace from which we received our nourishment and formation. Caritas was a fruit of Medjugorje, a child born from our Mother from Medjugorje. We were so happy that day, after so much suffering, that we wept with joy.”
The wife of Caritas’ founder holds their fifth child, also their fifth son, born just six weeks earlier on December 19, while Marija looks on. Marija, here with her husband Paolo, was married on September 8, 1993 and just before this second visit to Alabama, discovers that she is pregnant with their first child. On the first apparition that took place on February 1, 1994, only these two families were present in the Bedroom where the apparition took place. The members of the community gathered in the Field to pray the Rosary during the apparition, and were excited just to be in such close proximity to Our Lady. Later, upon hearing Our Lady’s message during the apparition, they were deeply moved, even to tears, to know of Our Lady’s happiness here. It is a moment etched in their hearts forever.
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38 thoughts on “Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on February 1, 1994”
Thank you heavenly motherI pray with you for this site to be fruitful and blessed, miss you and love you
Thank you heavenly mother I pray with you for this site to be fruitful and blessed, miss you and love you
I was very happye and relieved that Mary Mother of indeed appear …..it is encouraging that we should praise her, respect her and walk her, where ever she is.Currently I kindly request your prayers .. my daughter is admittted at the hospital Princess MarinaIn Gaborone, Botswana on Monday with accute Pnuomonia, she was expriencing short breath. I prayed and called both Jesus and Mary mother of God to help . You know to my suprise arriving at the hospital we did not go on line , we were spiritually recieved by all the staff, the doctors and the nurses. Kindly pray for her , the name is Morongwa Tawana.
I Thank the Holy Spirit today for guiding me to open and read the messages of our Mother. Mama Mary thank you very much for inspiring me today and I know the problems I encountered today will soon pass because God is there to help me. Holy Trinity thank you for being there for me. I love you. St. Michael the Archangel protect us. Amen
sALUDOS: Deseo la dirección postal para enviarles mi aportación económica mensual. Sé que la Virgen me bendice hace tiempo. Gracias, María
I was in Medjugorje in 2011 with my two children and I have promised Our Lady I will return. It is a truly heavenly beautiful place. Thank You Mary for Your eternal patience in trying to convert Your children. I will continue to do my best for You-please let me know what it is you want from me. I am confused at present. Please grant me Your peace.
Virgin MARY thank you for all the GRACE you gave me.
8/9/13The world around us feels difficult and sinful, people are selfish, greedy, do not follow the rules of the road, and insulate themselves from the real sufferings of those nearby, especially the ongoing displaced victims from SuperStorm Sandy, and their many homes which remain gutted/empty. But these messages are calming and keep the focus of what our goals and thoughts should be concerned about. They radiate peace and love for all. Hope our Lady enjoyed her Birthday on Monday.
Con Ella , la madre de todos ,a nuestro lado todo es diferente ,es mejor y la vida vale la pena en todo su esplendor .Se vive como nunca antes nadie lo pudo imaginar .Una forma tan simple y tan humilde y hermosa a la vez .Es inexplicable pero preciosa.
Thank You God the Father for sending Mary. She is close to my heart and so are You and Your Son Jesus. May all here be joyful in Heaven someday.St. Michael, put satan in hell.Have Mercy on us.Amen
Overjoyed and felt Blessed after reading this message. Thank You Mother for your affection! In this moment we all were kneeling and meditating the Holy Rosary. Hope I can come soon to be with our Mother! Thank You Dear friends of Caritas!
I am very happy to Reading Messages of Mother Mary I love Mother Mary to Receive Blessing from Mother Mary Eva Mari
Muchas gracias por su trabajo en esta página! es muy valioso!gracias por darnos a conocer todo lo que sucede allá en Medjugorje a todo el mundo.Gracias por difundir las palabras de Nuestra Madre Santísima!Dios les bendiga
This was very beautiful to read and picture our Blessed Mother so happy. We look forward to a trip to Medjugorje.It must be overwhelming for one to really see our Blessed Mother, in all her beauty. Ivan must have been very moved by her love. I got a good amount from this article.
Dear MOTHER,AS YOU ARE WELL AWARE, I PRAY CONSTANTLY FOR MY SON, BILLY who killed himself. What else can I do?I love you and hope you will let me know.Joan Cordes
i feel very blessed to be reading this messages…..I love our Blessed Mother who intercedes to the Father for us…I know we are being watched over in a miraculous way…..I pray all the time for peace and healing to all….one day I will get there to feel her presence as all those people there do, who travel there…..thank you again for all the love you give us.
Thank you so much Mother Mary for your beautiful message. Thank you for appearing and teaching us.Especially thank you for your intercession, I will continue to Pray the Rosary daily for the conversions of Sinners, to be closer to your Son our Savior and for peace in the world. I love you Mother
Dear Blessed Mother:Thank you so much for your love and showing us the love of Our Father in Heaven by appearing so often to us. I pray that your birthday celebration continues and we thank God for choosing you to be our co-redemptorist. I know God loves each of us so much because He continues to send you to remind us to pray, pray, pray and to live by His commandments and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Thank you so much. Much love, Shirley
I love you our dear Mother.This message inspired me to go forward and spread your word of not only for peace but to bring all closer to you.Keep all of us in your blessing.
Para mi, este mensaje ha sido una gran inspiracion, y le doy tantas gracias a DIOS por nuestra Madre Santa, que intercede siempre por nosotros. Es un mensaje que edifica, y ojala algun dia pueda tener la dicha de estar en Medugorje para disfrutar de esa Gracia tan especial. Bendiciones para todos..amen
Only want to say: Virgin Mary is the BEST MOTHER. I love Her. She is the BEST. Thank God because He wants to let Her for us to help us, to protect us, to care of us.- I LOVE YOU MOTHER. THANKS FOR YOUR LOVE
What a wonderful message. It sounds so simple but its so so true. A simple life and trust in God! How can we do this? We can do this in prayer. Prayer is the one thing in this world we all have…we all share. Deep in our hearts our deepest thoughts are heard by our Blessed Mother and by God. I love you Blessed Mother…I love you Dear Jesus….stay with us forever.
One word – Inspirational
Thank you MOTHER MARY for the beautiful message. A message of peace. We need peace in our hearts, our world, our countries. May we be used as your instrument to bring about this love and peace. Thank you to GOD AND YOUR SON JESUS for sending you to earth to rescue us, to be saved, just like our Savior died on the cross so that we might be free. MOTHER I thank you that I am able to come to MEDJUGORJE to be there when you come to give your message. I feel so blessed. Thank you MOTHER MARY,
This was an inspiring article. It was exactly what I needed to read. God is great. Jesus loves us. Thank you Dear Mary for coming to teach us. Happy Birthday to Our Lady, Queen of Peace!
One word – AWESOME! Thank you for sharing. I feel so blessed.
The Apparitions of Our Blessed Mother Mary is the Great Sign that Our Heavenly Father Loves us very much by allowing the Mother of his Son, Jesus to appear on Earth and lead everyone to her Son, Jesus in order that we all be Saved. I know Our Blessed Mother Mary loves each one of us as she encourages each and everyone of us to pick up Our Cross and Follow in the Footsteps of Jesus and Spread the Gospel. Together in Unity we can learn from the Advice of Our Blessed Mother Mary that if we have the Faith and Believe, each of us can make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others. As Our Blessed Mother Constantly says, “PRAY…PRAY…PRAY”, this is what we should do is pray for the conversions of Sinners that we may contribute to making the world become what the Will of God is and that is to love our Neighbors…Our Brothers through the Love we have in Our Heavenly Father, Jesus and Our Blessed Mother Mary! Praise Be To Jesus, Our Brother and Savior who died for us
I can’t even wait to hear your whole broadcast! Thank you for this pod cast! They’re voices are so confused! They don’t even have a definition amoung themselves as to what is right/good and what is wrong/ evil!!!! Pray, pray, pray!! Time is short!
I can’t even wait to hear your whole broadcast! Thank you for this pod cast! They’re voices are so confused! They don’t even have a definition amoung themselves as to what is right/good and what is wrong/ evil!!!! Pray, pray, pray!! Time is short!