December 5, 2011 A.D.
Medjugorje visionary Marija stayed in the home of Caritas of Birmingham’s founder and his wife from November 18, 1988 to January 26, 1989. These apparitions were connected to a question our founder had asked Our Lady in Medjugorje on October 6, 1986, and Her response. To read the full story, visit here. While in our founder’s home in 1989, Our Lady indicated to Marija for a community to begin here. Our Lady set forth a foundation upon which the community’s way of life would be built, through inspiration given to our founder, in the messages that She gave in these three months of 1988-89.
What Happened on December 5, 1988
The apparition took place at 10:40 a.m. in the Bedroom. Our Lady came and She was very happy. Marija recommended all the people present to Her. Our Lady extended Her hands and prayed over everyone and said The Lord’s Prayer and the Glory Be. She left saying, “Go in peace.”
In the two ½ weeks since Marija had arrived, she and her brother, Andrija, were going to the hospital for testing to see if they both would be good candidates for the kidney replacement. Marija was to give one of her kidney’s to her brother. There is always a risk that the body of the one receiving the kidney may reject the organ. The doctors, therefore, always prefer for a family member to be the donor because there is a higher rate of acceptance of organs from family members. Though Marija wanted to make this sacrifice for her brother, she was concerned about having this very serious surgery. She was only 23 years old at the time and though a person can live with one kidney, it does cause some strain on the body that they must live with for the rest of their lives.
Once they both received the clear for the surgery, Marija made arrangements to return to Medjugorje for a week to better communicate to her parents and the priests what the surgery entailed. Her parents were very worried and having two of their children so far away from home for several months, in a different country, undertaking these serious operations was difficult. Marija wanted to reassure them that everything would be fine. She left on December 6 to go to Medjugorje and arrived back to Alabama and the home of our founder on December 12. The apparitions of Our Lady began again in the home of our founder on December 13. The kidney transplant took place on December 16, 1988.
On December 30, 1988, Annette, wife of our founder, gave birth to their fourth son, Joseph Michael. Marija and her brother, Andrija, were happy to be chosen as Joseph’s Godparents. His baptism took place shortly before Marija left to return at the end of January, 1989. Andrija stayed several weeks longer until he was given medical clearance to travel.
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