
Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on December 2, 1988

Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on December 2, 1988

December 2, 2011 A.D.

Medjugorje visionary Marija stayed in the home of Caritas of Birmingham’s founder and his wife from November 18, 1988 to January 26, 1989. These apparitions were connected to a question our founder had asked Our Lady in Medjugorje on October 6, 1986, and Her response. To read the full story, visit here. While in our founder’s home in 1989, Our Lady indicated to Marija for a community to begin here. Our Lady set forth a foundation upon which the community’s way of life would be built, through inspiration given to our founder, in the messages that She gave in these three months of 1988-89.

What Happened on December 2, 1988


Our Lady appeared at 10:30 a.m. in the Bedroom. When She came, She was very happy. She prayed over everyone. Our founder asked Our Lady, through Marija, if Our Lady would pray over them all individually. Our Lady smiled and prayed “one by one” over each of the persons present in the room. Marija recommended all those present to Our Lady. She prayed The Lord’s Prayer and the Glory Be. When Our Lady prays individually over those gathered in the apparition, She places Her hands over the head of each person before moving Her arms to pray over the next person. The message:

“I invite you to pray and to abandon yourself totally to God.”

Our Lady then made the Sign of the Cross and went away saying, “Go in peace.”

Pine Tree in the Field, Caritas Alabama

In the early days of the apparitions that took place November, 1988 through January,1989, there was no definitive path that pilgrims followed to get to the Pine Tree, as people find today. But regardless of what path they took, the Tree stood out against the horizon while the numbers increased each day of those that came and found grace, through Our Lady’s presence, underneath its branches. Shortly after the first apparitions in the Field, a single pathway was established, that leads to the Tree. So too, a recognizable path began to be defined that led to a future full of hope, through the witness and living of Our Lady’s messages that Our Lady inspired through our founder with the community.

*Special Note:

The picture and caption for the December 2, 1988 edition of the Silver Jubilee Section was put together several days ago. It cannot be explained, except through Divine Providence, that the subject of Our Lady’s December 2, 2011 message to Mirjana and the subsequent writing of A Friend of Medjugorje exactly parallel what was written of the Pine Tree above.

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