A Friend of Medjugorje

A Friend of Medjugorje




Words from Heaven, the most comprehensive published collection of the messages of Medjugorje that exists, now in it’s 11th Edition.

Featuring: A Friend of Medjugorje


These books above, represent a small portion of the largest library of writings on Our Lady, Medjugorje, and the messages. Caritas is repeatedly told that the writings of a Friend of Medjugorje are the lifeline for them. These souls throughout the world use the writings as the practical application into life of the messages of Our Lady, Queen of Peace. With Medjugorje.com, we have made many of the writings available to you FREE, thanks to our Core Group Members, with new writings being introduced, especially on the Second of the Month. When working on a project in 2004, A Friend of Medjugorje was asked regarding making a section about commenting on the message:


Q. What about making comments on the message, or having a commentary section on a website?

A. No. Absolutely not! I never do commentaries on the message.

Q. What do you think about people who make commentaries on the message?

A. Our Lady gives freedom. People are free to make commentaries on the message if that’s what they choose to do.


In light of those earlier statements, A Friend of Medjugorje was recently asked:


Q. So how would you describe what is written on the website, your books, or the writings on the messages each month? Often people tell us they are more like someone writing to them personally.

A. Commentaries are something that is based on someone’s opinion. Opinions most often are baseless, in most of what people believe. I don’t believe God is calling me to write that way. And, as I have said in the past, people are free to do what they want to, but the messages of Our Lady can’t be interpreted or applied to your life without taking into consideration the overall message. Writings of the messages all have to be in harmony. When you put together 4 or 5 messages in regards to a spiritual area of the way of life of Our Lady, they are transformed, have a deeper and then take on a more profound meaning.

For example, if you take 4 or 5 messages in speaking or writing on a specific spiritual subject, the whole of the 4 or 5 messages say something beyond what one message quoted says on its own. So, the whole of the message becomes a meaning that may not even be there with the intended message even for the writer to see.

I often see this in my writings. I can read a message that Our Lady has just given and then read it a year later and see something in it I didn’t know. It’s the same with what I may have written. Because the writing is foundationed on the message and a year later, even for me it says something different than what I first write. Knowledge of the overall message is very important to be able to make a writing of it, rather than just a commentary. Nothing I write is commentary; I’m not interested in this.

Our whole life here in Community is the message. That’s why people tell us they can’t wait to read what is written every month, because our life is structured around the messages of Our Lady. We’ve responded to Our Lady’s call of 3 hours of prayer a day, fasting twice a week and changing the direction of our lives. This gives greater insights into the messages. Our whole understanding comes through looking at the messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace every day, and applying them to our lives throughout each day. Having the privilege of living that life, gives you the ability to see things that someone who wakes up in the morning, drives to work, has the radio playing, has the kids going from one place to another, all the business of work, occupying the mind and heart all day long is not able to see on their own. But when they come home, read the 25th message or second of the month message, and they read what is written, they say, “Whoa!” They didn’t see those things before. How could they? Many have cited this is why they follow so closely what is written. It helps them penetrate the messages.

It’s the same as priests who after the reading of the Epistles or the Gospel, talk about it. If the priest is absorbed throughout the day in the Bible and a full Biblical life, you’ll be fed by his homily. But most tell us today, they are not getting a lot from the pulpit right now. It’s true, because their whole life is not spent in the Scriptures; it’s in administration, it’s running giant churches which have become like a business. They are running so many other things. I’m saying this about priests, because churches have become businesses. Priests are often blocked by a clutter of duties preventing them from getting deep into the Word. You cannot get the fullness of the Holy Spirit in a 45 minute study session, to prepare for a homily and convict the congregation. You may stimulate their intellect, but to bring them to deeper conversion takes hours of prayer each day in preparation for the homily the next Sunday. Six days absorbed in the spiritual Biblical life as a man who is ‘priest’ can ‘waylay’ everything not of God in their congregation and convict them on Sunday! Priests have done it in the past and they can do it today.

We built a life here, transformed by the messages, and absorbed our whole day in our way of life. We’ve pattered our way of life, from our outside work, to our mission work, to the new addition on the Tabernacle, all this is patterned in Our Lady’s way, and we apply the messages of Our Lady over everything we do. So, it’s easy to write about that, because I’ve got something to say, because it is what I live, and I feel the Holy Spirit showing me what to say. So you cannot take one message and write something about it, and interpret that one message, without taking into consideration all the messages of Our Lady. No more than you can take the Scriptures, and interpret one line in and of itself, without taking the whole of Scriptures to understand what that means. And from there, you derive other meanings that were not readily seen or known before what was written that the reader will get for their personal life; things that were not foreseen, nor programmed in the original text, yet, laid into the words by the Holy Spirit, with the touch of Our Lady.


For Downloads of the Writing of A Friend of Medjugorje please visit this page.


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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

24 thoughts on “A Friend of Medjugorje”

  1. A beautiful ”THANK YOU” to ”OUR BLESSED MOTHER”TO PRAY FOR ”HER” intentions, and I know that She is looking after that young mother that passed away just before Easter of last year along with her unborn baby inher womb. I too lost my mother at a very young age andhave felt the presence of the”BLESSED MOTHER” in mylife especially in these last few years. I know She has been with me and my family for a long time now especially in very difficult times, I love ”HER” very much, thanks for all of the above stories that have been shared.

  2. A beautiful ”THANK YOU” to ”OUR BLESSED MOTHER”TO PRAY FOR ”HER” intentions, and I know that She is looking after that young mother that passed away just before Easter of last year along with her unborn baby inher womb. I too lost my mother at a very young age andhave felt the presence of the”BLESSED MOTHER” in mylife especially in these last few years. I know She has been with me and my family for a long time now especially in very difficult times, I love ”HER” very much, thanks for all of the above stories that have been shared.

  3. A beautiful THANK YOU to OUR BLESSED MOTHER TO PRAY FOR HER intentions, and I know that She is looking after that young mother that passed away just before Easter of last year along with her unborn baby in her womb. I too lost my mother at a very young age and have felt the presence of theBLESSED MOTHER in my life especially in these last few years. I know She has been with me and my family for a long time now especially in very difficult times, I love HER very much, thanks for all of the above stories that have been shared.

  4. A very beautiful and strong Message by Our Blessed Mother, along with a friend of Medjugorje’s concrete examples to live them fully well. Thanks a million Mother! Thankyou dear friend of Medjugorje!

  5. A very beautiful and strong Message by Our Blessed Mother, along with a friend of Medjugorje’s concrete examples to live them fully well. Thanks a million Mother! Thankyou dear friend of Medjugorje!

  6. That was a wonderful romp around the Caritas grounds – thanks for sharing the joy of Easter with us! It did my heart good to hear again that God withholds the light of the Medjugorje plans in some situations – that is to make sure the plans are ‘organic’ and implemented from the bottom up. A good reminder for the humble who may need a bit of reassurance that by their witness and God’s grace we can change the world! Praying for all of you. He is Risen! Alleluia!

  7. That was a wonderful romp around the Caritas grounds – thanks for sharing the joy of Easter with us! It did my heart good to hear again that God withholds the light of the Medjugorje plans in some situations – that is to make sure the plans are ‘organic’ and implemented from the bottom up. A good reminder for the humble who may need a bit of reassurance that by their witness and God’s grace we can change the world! Praying for all of you. He is Risen! Alleluia!

  8. Cherylin Willett

    I had a dream last night that woke me up at about 3 this morning. The dream was about a man, who I know is on TV but right now I can not place who he is. When I do realize who he is, I will let you know. Anyway, I was single and a man walked by who I envisioned as giving me a kiss. I was going to tell him of my vision but the next time he walked by he gave me the kiss and told me he felt the connection. Anyway, it was not a sexual thing but we were playing innocently like children. Next, I “heard” that he was a woman…he heard it too. He had no shirt on and we both looked at his chest and he had a man’s chest. That puzzle awakened me. I got up and read a message from medjugorje that we have feminized men in our society.The man turned out to be the actor in Scandal who played the President of the United States. He was controlled completely by 2 women, his wife and his lover who both overpowered him in this TV series.I will be reading the suggested book.

  9. Cherylin Willett

    I had a dream last night that woke me up at about 3 this morning. The dream was about a man, who I know is on TV but right now I can not place who he is. When I do realize who he is, I will let you know. Anyway, I was single and a man walked by who I envisioned as giving me a kiss. I was going to tell him of my vision but the next time he walked by he gave me the kiss and told me he felt the connection. Anyway, it was not a sexual thing but we were playing innocently like children. Next, I “heard” that he was a woman…he heard it too. He had no shirt on and we both looked at his chest and he had a man’s chest. That puzzle awakened me. I got up and read a message from medjugorje that we have feminized men in our society.The man turned out to be the actor in Scandal who played the President of the United States. He was controlled completely by 2 women, his wife and his lover who both overpowered him in this TV series.I will be reading the suggested book.

  10. Thanks for sending Our Lady’s latest message. Yes! I know about Andrea, the brave and loving Angel who died with her little baby. My heart sank, but knowing she and her baby was with Our Lord but relieved. Like to know about her husband and children. Hope there be an Angel to look after him and the children. May God Bless You All!

  11. Thanks for sending Our Lady’s latest message. Yes! I know about Andrea, the brave and loving Angel who died with her little baby. My heart sank, but knowing she and her baby was with Our Lord but relieved. Like to know about her husband and children. Hope there be an Angel to look after him and the children. May God Bless You All!

  12. Thank you. I always think God has created you very beautiful and pious. Your house, family, children, and your place is blessed, because you are blessed and good. I wish to thank you. Please do pray. God bless you all.

  13. Emily Waggoner

    Words cannot express what I feel in my heart at this moment. The love of parents, children, and friends, Andrea and her precious baby with her, and God waiting for them with open arms. How beautiful. God is great.

  14. Thank you for your article. It was eye opening especially about how much administrative work takes up the priests valuable time of prayer and scripture study. I have been to Medjugorje and to one of your 4th of July retreats. It has been changing my life. What a gift?

  15. I enjoy all of your writings. I am hungry for all writings to give me extra material to ponder on Our Lady, Mother Mary. I don’t get much of this in my parish. Thank you! Karen PS Bring more writings!

  16. Thank u and god bless u sir. I am going for duty. after coming back I will read the message. Now today I will get lots do for mother mary while duty . I will pray for u that mother mary will help ur work. Regards lucy

  17. Thank you so much for kind words and enlightenment. It is difficult to slow down in daily life. You have an amazing community. I wish we could incorporate these everywhere! We all need to listen, and do what Our Lady asks. Thank you Mother for all of your messages, and God Bless All of you that carry out Her work so diligently there at Caritas. Thank you mej.com

  18. Everything you said was already in my heart through using the Words from Heaven daily. Mary used your site to change the intentions I was planning for a 54 day rosary novena to Her intentions. The half way point, where you switch from asking for a petition to one of thanksgiving fell on Oct 14 and this was her message “Dear angels! Thank you for your prayers, because through them my plan is being realized. This is why, angels, pray, pray, pray, so that my plan may be realized”. -God Bless

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