Our Lady’s March 2, 2013 message through Mirjana with writing by A Friend of Medjugorje
March 2, 2013 A.D.
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March 2, 2013 Message Be Warned PicturesPrayer for Nonbelievers Send Your Feedback
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2013
Apparition and Message Given to Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers
The following is Our Lady’s message given today, March 2, 2013 on the day of prayer for nonbelievers:
“Dear children; Anew, in a motherly way, I am calling you not to be of a hard heart. Do not shut your eyes to the warnings which the Heavenly Father sends to you out of love. Do you love Him above all else? Do you repent for having often forgotten that the Heavenly Father, out of His great love, sent His Son to redeem us by the Cross? Do you repent for not having accepted the message? My children, do not resist the love of my Son. Do not resist hope and peace. Along with your prayers and fasting, by His Cross, my Son will cast away the darkness that wants to surround you and come to rule over you. He will give you the strength for a new life. Living it according to my Son, you will be a blessing and a hope to all those sinners who wander in the darkness of sin. My children, keep vigil. I, as a mother, am keeping vigil with you. I am especially praying and watching over those whom my Son called to be light-bearers and carriers of hope for you – for your shepherds. Thank you.”
Be Warned
A Friend of Medjugorje
What does it mean when a court warns you? When parents warn you? When tyrants warn you? When a friend warns you? All would be different types of warnings. These warnings from different sources, compared to God’s warning, whose essence is love, would be altogether different and serious. What are we to make of God’s warning‘s’, His multiple warnings? Our Lady said:
March 2, 2013
“…Do not shut your eyes to the warnings which the Heavenly Father sends to you out of love…”
What does warning mean?
Warning: A statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation.
Many times Our Lady has warned us.
March 7, 1988
“I am your Mother and I want to warn you that satan wants to destroy everything we have started…”
March 18, 1989
“… My wish is just to warn you all as a Mother. I beg you for people who do not know about the secrets….”
November 2, 2006
“… God is sending me to warn you and to show you the right way. Do not shut your eyes before the truth, my children. Your time is a short time.
March 21, 1988
“Dear children, today again your Mother wants to warn you that satan, by every means possible, wants to ruin everything in you…”
January 28, 1987
“…Do not deceive yourselves into thinking, ‘I am good, but my brother next door is no good.’ You would be wrong. I, your Mother, love you and it is for that reason that I am warning you about this. Concerning the secrets, my children, these are not known by the people. But when they will learn of them, it will be too late. Return to prayer! There is nothing more important! I would dearly wish that the Lord would permit me to enlighten you a little more on these secrets, but the grace which is offered to you is already great enough…”
December 2, 2007
“… My children, stop for a moment and look into your hearts. Is my Son‚ your God truly in the first place? Are His Commandments truly the measure of your life? I am warning you again…”
Our Lady told us to “keep vigil” and then adds, “I, as a mother, am keeping vigil with you.”
Vigil means: wakefulness maintained for any reason during the normal hours for sleeping; a period of watchful attention.
A must read – “Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje and Pope Benedict – Our Future?”
March 1, 2013
“Absolute Truth and Nothing but the Truth. This beautiful article, analyzing the present events in the Universal Church is certainly Inspired by God’s Holy Spirit. We shall soon know the Truth and the Truth will set us FREE..Alleluia. Praise God.”
Mumbai, India
The world is in great crisis. Most everyone has within their spirit a heightened awareness that something in the whole world is amiss. We are missing a connection to the Heavenly Father. We have failed to realize and understand that with 31 years of daily warnings, that each apparition is a warning, but we still have not grasped what is before us. How have we responded? What in your life holds more of your attachment than God? Do not quickly say it is God the Father. What holds your attention most throughout the day? What do you think of most through the day? If you say it is God, in reality, if it is not reflected, as Our Lady relays, in your witness, your time, your virtues, and how you carry out your day then there is a contradiction? She is trying to get us to see what we are blind to.
Our Lady Herself, includes Herself, saying “us” when saying “…sent His Son to redeem us!…,” and She was sinless from conception and throughout all of Her earthly life as defined by ex-cathedra dogma. If She, who is sinless Herself, was redeemed by Her Son, how much the more should we see our “worthiness” crushed in humility, deserving the sword of the warnings, instead of the Love being sent to warn us in order to save us? There are three great warnings, of which we have been warned by God through Our Lady many times, that will happen on the earth – three secrets.
Life’s distractions often make you hardened to the messages of Our Lady and influence you away from accepting Her messages. Our Lady’s call today contains three questions to us in order to confront us, to measure our lives with an honest evaluation of the true condition of our lives judged by God lived up to this moment. One must not just read through Our Lady’s questions to us, but measure our lives up against them, to this point with a total depth of honesty to see our true selves.
The three questions from Our Lady today:
1. Do you love Him above “all” else?
Not only in word or thought, but does your very life define your love for Him above all else?
2. Do you repent for having often forgotten that the Heavenly Father, out of His great love, sent His Son to redeem us by the Cross?
Do you accept with love the Cross/Crosses God sends you?
3. Do you repent for not having accepted the message?
You know them, but do you literally put them into, incorporate them into a way of life?
Read “Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje and Pope Benedict – Our Future?” and spread it to all those you know.
March 1, 2013
“Amazing explanation. Thank you for your incredible insight. I am also thankful that I am witnessing these times.”
Los Angeles, California – USA
When Our Lady told us August 2, 2011 “…the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it…,” Our Lady meant these words. When Our Lady told us February 2, 2012, “…pride has come to rule…,” Our Lady meant these words. “Do” you shut your eyes to these warnings? Why? Does Our Lady not say that evil, this pride who wants to rule the world and destroy it, today says “darkness wants to surround you and rule over you?” Do you not believe this is immediately at hand? Have you read They Fired the First Shot 2012 and studied it? If you have, it is not possible for you to walk away from it, not seeing clearly that darkness’ plan right now is to put into action exactly what Our Lady says in regard to its desire to surround you and to rule over you and to literally destroy the world. You might see in these questions, that you are living everything, not resisting, not rejecting, but we still must read the “Do nots.” Our Lady said today:
• Do not shut your eyes to the warnings.
• Do not resist the love of my Son.
• Do not resist hope and peace.
This message today is an evaluation, a check-up to examine ourselves and to diagnosis if what the messages say is reflected in our lives. Does our life as lived correspond to Our Lady’s messages as conveyed.
“Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje and Pope Benedict – Our Future?” An important read.
March 1, 2013
“This writing articulates what so many of us feel regarding our beloved Pope Benedict and the future of the Holy Church. Medjugorje brings hope to the world and with the help of our Blessed Mother may Our Friend of Medjugorje continue to teach, inspire and encourage us with his writings and books. Thank you and may our Mother continue to bless you.”
Livermore Falls, Maine – USA
Many see Our Lady’s apparitions as an option. The Church teaches that when an apparition is approved, it is simply saying they are worthy of belief and not necessary for salvation. Many who ignore or reject Our Lady’s apparitions of Medjugorje have used this to make Her Medjugorje apparitions inconsequential. We must understand these apparitions are not to be passed off as not necessary for salvation. While Jesus gave us everything with the Cross for redemption and salvation, the Church must revisit the negative view of “only worthy of belief and not necessary for salvation.” Many have “forgotten” what was paid for our redemption and it is absolutely necessary to accept Medjugorje, the messages and Our Lady’s call for the salvation of the world. These are not apparitions where Our Lady is giving messages for a visionary, but rather Our Lady is speaking to the whole world, to the public – through private revelation. Our Lady said on January 25, 1987:
“…God has chosen each one of you, in order to use you in a great plan for the salvation of mankind…”
Does the above words have any logic that these apparitions are optional for the world to reject because private revelations are not necessary for salvation? Yes, Jesus already has given us salvation. Then why is Our Lady saying God has “a great plan for the salvation of the world?” Because the world has rejected salvation, it must find it “anew.” Our Lady said today:
“…Dear children; Anew…I am calling you not to be of a hard heart…”
We, therefore, must answer Our Lady anew while there is still time. Our Lady said, “…Do you repent for having often forgotten that the Heavenly Father, out of His great love, sent His Son to redeem us by the Cross?…”
The world’s amnesia of Christ’s salvation makes these Medjugorje apparitions absolutely critical. We must no longer accept in silence mentalities that think or quote the Church, “approved apparitions are only worthy of belief and not necessary for salvation.” There are millions of souls upon the earth today and millions who’ve entered Heaven and Purgatory who would verbally argue for the point that the Medjugorje apparitions, the Queen of Peace, has gained them salvation, through delivering a great plan from God for our time for the rest of time. We must no longer be resigned, with a skewed negative use of Church ruling, when this was never intended to be used to discount Our Lady’s Medjugorje apparitions and the intent of Her private apparitions. But more importantly, these are above all other private revelations, ever given. All promoters in the world who propagate Medjugorje and its messages would not likely want to say such. However, it is time to declare truth. It is so. One simple statement/question in Our Lady’s message proves this. Our Lady said:
“…Do you repent for not having accepted the message?…”
Read and spread to everyone “Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje and Pope Benedict – Our Future?”
March 1, 2013
“What an incredible time we live in. And what a truly incredible writing….who would ever imagine that God would even send us a prophet.”
Lumberton, Texas – USA
Those who pass off, discount, minimize, or show reservation about Our Lady and Her messages because it is not necessary for salvation is contradicted by Our Lady’s call to repent for not having accepted the messages. These apparitions are the last, are the most important in the world, and are necessary for the world’s salvation. You do not have to repent for that which you need not repent. Our Lady makes it clear to all, clear to the Church. Do not reject me. Do not ignore my Medjugorje apparitions. Our Lady said:
November 2, 2010
“…Do not reject me, my children…”
March 18, 1996
“…Do not reject from yourself the name of God, that you may not be rejected. Accept my messages that you may be accepted…”
It is the moment, as when Jesus opened up the scroll in Nazareth, reading from the Book of Isaiah and said:
Luke 4:21
“Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing…”
Today the messages of Our Lady must be accepted by the Church and the world. Today is the moment, the moment of Our Lady who is daily present as the Woman of Revelation Chapter 12. There is no reason for debate, what is said, for as Ivan said on June 24, 2011:
“When we see the physical changes that will happen in the world, we will understand why She came every day.”
By then, many people, including many priests and bishops will have missed the time of grace; exchanging the time of grace for the approaching time of lamentation…all to their horror.
August 25, 1997
“…soon a time will come when you will lament for these messages…”
A time of lamentation that will waste away one’s life through remorse that they did not come to know Mary, the Queen of Peace while they lived at the same time She visited the earth daily. Woe to those who could have had the moment but reject it.
With Love,
Listen to the Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje, discussing Our Lady’s message given today. To listen to the show titled, “Will You Be a Star in the Darkness, or the Darkness Around the Star?”, visit here…
In Medjugorje, the Cross of Mt. Krizevac, or Cross Mountain, towers over the village. It can be seen from miles away. And at every hour of the day and night, pilgrims climb the mountain that leads far away from the noise and chaos of the world and their own lives. Here, at daybreak, a lone man kneels before the Cross with his heart open to receive the healing grace of which the Cross of Christ is the source. It’s a struggle to climb the mountain—one must make a firm decision to do so, because it is a struggle to make it up the steep rocky path, often in very cold or very hot weather. But the effort, when offered in sorrow for one’s sins, leads to “hope and peace” and restoration.
The mountain range that overlooks the Field of Apparitions at Caritas was named decades ago a name that is full of meaning for the Caritas Community—Penitentiary Mountain. It is a steep, rocky climb, different from Medjugorje, but as challenging. Recently, the community climbed this mountain as a sacrificial offering to God for graces for all those who will come during the apparitions of Our Lady at Caritas, July 1-5, 2013. Our Lady said on July 2, 2007, “…Follow my Son and give me your hand so that, together, we may climb the mountain and win…”
After a brief rest, the community continued the climb that brought them to the peak of the mountain. A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in August 2007:
“The deterioration of the world’s society everywhere upon the earth, the destruction and attacks upon everything good, the monumental battles growing everyday in our midst, should cause a heightening in our comprehension of Our Lady’s words, “…Reject your arrogance…” Our Lady is urgently encouraging us to be victorious; climb the mountain and win. We must realize that in the military, a soldier’s mission is explicitly clear. “It is to impose one’s will on the enemy.” When Our Lady disclosed on August 2, 1981, that “a great struggle was about to unfold,” no one could have understood what would unfold, the struggle of darkness over the world, which would be so powerful, so unstoppable in being able “to impose its will” on us. The power of evil, our enemy, has not only not been tamed or checked by us, but has defeated us on every level of our society. On August 2, 1981, Our Lady foretold of a showdown coming, a decisive moment where the disclosure of power against us would require a test of our will, based in God’s Will, to be able to prevail over the will of the world. We have arrived at the point of what Our Lady said is about to unfold, and we see it now unfolding. It is in our midst. Christians are startled at how powerful the forces against us are, and how this darkness achieves victory after victory. We can’t seem to “climb the mountain and win.” Moreover, one of the startling revelations in this test is how weak we really are in opposing evil. Evil is becoming rooted into our laws and regulations, oppressing us—laws which used to be based on Christian principles which allowed freedom for us.”
From “The Declaration by Our Lady of a Showdown—August 2, 1981; Are You an Appeaser?
By A Friend of Medjugorje
A Friend of Medjugorje writing the above in August 2007, six years ago, makes it all the more startling to see how much further advanced evil has penetrated into our society in just these past five years. Untiringly, Our Lady gives us the solution to all our problems—prayer, fasting, and the Cross of Jesus.
At the top of Penitentiary Mountain, there is a perfect view of the Field of Apparitions, the lone Pine Tree in the center, under which Our Lady has appeared 33 times (the number of apparitions in the Bedroom is 134), and will appear again this July when we re-consecrate the United States to the Heart of Our Lady. The number of apparitions being 33 is significant and a sign for all of us for July. Medjugorje visionary Marija is coming to pray with us for the healing of our nation, July 1-5. In April, 1990, Fr. Jozo said:
“The problem of the change of Communism is very important. The change of Communism comes as a grace of God. It has nothing to do with politics or diplomacy. All your policies, whichever country you come from, are the same. Even if you call yourself a Christian party or country, it is all the same. Even if you call yourself a Christian Democracy, there is no system which really desires Jesus! All your political regimes are against man, because they never actually place Jesus in the center of everything. What do the political systems want? They never want the real Jesus. No political system wants you to know Jesus and love Him more than anything. If you put culture above Jesus, you won’t make it, you know not Jesus.”
A Friend of Medjugorje said the following:
“Our Lady has come to create a great movement, strong enough to resist the will of evil to impose its will upon us. This organization of people, with new mentalities, cannot prevail but by sweat and hard work. That means prayer, fasting, and changing the way one lives to resist the path of society. That also means you will receive great persecutions and struggles but these will aid you in ridding yourself of the arrogant mentality that we can change things through man rather than through God. Everything depends upon you as an individual, collaborating with God, to win this great struggle.”
From “The Declaration by Our Lady of a Showdown—August 2, 1981; Are You an Appeaser?
By A Friend of Medjugorje
On top of the mountain, the community prayed the Rosary while looking down at Our Lady’s valley. Through prayer and fasting, through accepting and living the messages, through sincerely repenting for our sins, through remembering our redemption came through the Cross of Christ we become “light-bearers and carriers of hope” in the darkness that wants to surround us. But the darkness cannot overcome the light of even a single small candle.
In the Caritas Community, we often “keep vigil” in the wee hours of the night, not only praying, but working to keep Our Lady’s words moving out into the darkness, so that hearts will be drawn to the Light of Her Son. “…My children, keep vigil. I, as a mother, am keeping vigil with you…by His Cross, my Son will cast away the darkness that wants to surround you and come to rule over you. He will give you the strength for a new life…”
Three year old Victoria Maria, climbed the mountain on her own, without complaint. She followed the witness of the adults who also climbed without complaint, but rather with joy and laughter. Victoria Maria is learning, at her young age, that the “way of the Cross” leads to joy. Her name means “victory” and “Mary”—“victory of Our Lady”. May we all “climb the mountain and win” that name for ourselves so that…
“…Living (life) according to my Son, you will be a blessing and a hope to all those sinners who wander in the darkness of sin…” March 2, 2013
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9 thoughts on “Be Warned”
Thank you Mother Mary for loving us your children. When I read the massage of Our Lady I was filled with sorrow, courage and hope at the same time. We lift our weak lives to you mother. Help us, obtain for us that GRACE on daily basis. Thank you the family of mother Mary at Caritas for the work you are doing. God Bless. Maria
It is time to act: the example of our lives speak volumes to others; distribute / letter-box-drop / speak up about Medjugorje and how it is to be a fulfilment of Fatima. Our Lady is warning us even more urgently than at Fatima. If She has been coming to us for more than 30 years, it must be something quite momentous. Let’s be ready.
Thanks for the beautiful commentary , for the warnings and especially for your understanding love and concern for all of us! May God bless you in your mission.
Like Art & Babes, I thank the LORD that He gave you a generous heart to respond to His call. There were many a time when I thought of bringing my family and live there with you, and decide to live in the atmosphere of love and joy that Our Lady has given the community. But I think I need to spread the Mejugorje message in my own little way — whatever God wills. I am listening.
Thanks and May God Bless You All my dear friends for sending me Our Lady’s message! In this period of Lent, we were meditating our Savior’s passion. Mother, thank you for your motherly intercession and love for the entire world. Please lead us and be with us!
After reading this message I read tomorrow’s Mass readings. Is it a conicidence that tomorrow we hear the parable of the fig tree? I pray that I, and all of us, may repent and make use of the extra “year” God has given us to bear fruit.
Thank you. God bless. Pray for me.
Thank you for your excellent writing. How I wish the whole world could read both this one and the other relating to Pope Benedict XVI and Our Lady of Medjugorje. We need to pray, pray, pray for our World and now for the Cardinals that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit as they meet to elect our new Holy Father. God bless you all at Caritas you inspire so many of us throughout the world. Romilly
Upon reading the March 2nd message, I felt sadness and joy. Sadness that we are coming to the end of this epoch, and yet most of us are still unaware and so much consumed with the world, and joy because Our Lady Is with us every step of the way of our daily conversion, Her blessed assurance that if we accept Her Mission, we will be strengthened by God’s Mighty Arm and will be protected by Her Love. And the Friend of Medjugorje and the Community is living it “brick by brick “. They live and profess it and Heaven confirms it through Our Lady ‘s message, as God is all ears to His children who live in holiness. You, The Community of Caritas of Birmingham, is a Blessing and a Hope for us, sinners, who are still in darkness. You are a Joy to Jesus. Thank you for this “manna”… Thank God you accepted the Call, or else .I can’t just imagine ..what if..you didn’t. We love you with the love of Mama Mary…as we love Her with all our hearts…