A Great Cry Bursts Forth From The Thousands During Mirjana’s Apparition Today

A Great Cry Bursts Forth From The Thousands During Mirjana’s Apparition Today


A massive amount of people gathered today for Our Lady’s apparition, reminiscent of the crowds that were typically present in Medjugorje during the late 80’s and early 90’s at the height of pilgrims coming to Medjugorje before the war came to the region. By 5:00 a.m. the whole inner section surrounding the Blue Cross was filled with pilgrims, and there were many youth who were sprawled out in sleeping bags having spent the night on Apparition Mountain in anticipation of Our Lady’s early morning apparition. By 7:00 a.m. both wide paths heading up and all the way to the top of the mountain were completely filled with people, many of them mistakenly believing Our Lady would be appearing on top of the mountain, not realizing the location was the Blue Cross. Though there can be no accurate measure of the amount of people present, we are confident in saying there were 50,000 people on and surrounding Apparition Mountain today. It was an incredible sight—a sea of faces everywhere you looked. Perhaps that is why Our Lady gave an awesome, special “Fatima” type gift today in the apparition.


Mirjana came early today, around 8:35 a.m. The apparition of Our Lady began at 8:45 a.m. and lasted approximately 4 ½ minutes. Shortly after the apparition began, cries of surprise, shock, deep emotion and awe were heard rippling through the crowd from different directions, growing in magnitude. While Mirjana was enraptured in her own vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, something had happened. A commotion in the crowd was paralleled by something that the pilgrims could not have known, by what Mirjana had seen, and Mirjana, on the other hand, while in ecstasy could not have known what the pilgrims were seeing during the apparition. During the apparition, Mirjana herself saw the sun behind Our Lady. When she came out of ecstasy, Mirjana had to be surprised at what was taking place.


August 2, 2009

Mirjana’s posture shows herself open and receptive to the love Our Lady is offering. This is the posture Our Lady wants us all to have, so that we do not refuse Her love, as She warned us about in today’s message.

As for the pilgrims themselves, they had also seen a miracle. The sun became a miraculous sign for them. More and more people began looking where the first ones were pointing—at the sun. Many were seeing the sun “dancing” or “spinning,” others saw a cross illuminated in the sun, still others saw different colors within or streaming out of the sun. Tears were streaming down many faces, others stared in wonder, others in joy. And there were those who did not look up at all, so intense in their prayer as the apparition was still taking place. It swept through the crowd what the early days of Medjugorje were like when physical miracles abounded. It was very moving as the people knew what a chance of a lifetime it was to see the actions of God take place right before their eyes. To know after the apparition that Mirjana also had the sun in her apparition behind Our Lady confirmed the pilgrims’ “vision,” and the pilgrims confirmed Mirjana’s vision that the miracle was wed to each other.

The apparition was shorter than normal for the 2nd of the month, and watching Mirjana’s face during the apparition it was noticed that her normal, varied expressions seen in the apparitions seemed to be changing at a faster speed than what is also typical. It is possible that the apparition lasted much longer for Mirjana than what passed in our time of 4 ½ minutes, as both Mirjana and Marija have testified at times that even though from the surface it looks like a short apparition, they often experienced a much longer apparition.


Mirjana Apparition 2009
Spinning Sun August 2, 2009
Message for Non Believers August 2009

These pictures were taken this morning in Medjugorje, August 2, 2009, just as the cries were heard that the sun was dancing. Not everyone reacted at first, but it can be seen on the faces of many in these pictures that they were seeing something extraordinary. A beautiful gift that was confirmed when Mirjana said that she saw the sun behind Our Lady during the whole apparition, and that it was, for her a sign of the love of Jesus shining down upon the tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered today.



Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s August 2, 2009 Message
To Mirjana Soldo Given on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children, I am coming, with my Motherly love, to point out the way by which you are to set out, in order that you may be all the more like my Son; and by that, closer to and more pleasing to God. Do not refuse my love. Do not renounce salvation and eternal life for the sake of transience and frivolity of this life. I am coming to lead you and, as a mother, to caution you. Come with me.”



Mirjana shared with us that all during the apparition there was a sun behind Our Lady. And according to Mirjana, she thinks that it was Jesus illuminating us all with His love.


Our Lady has said, April 25, 1992,

“…Medjugorje is a sign to all of you and a call to pray and live the days of grace that God is giving you…”


We often have people call us about someone who was in a car crash and is in need of prayers. A caution road sign tells us of a hazard which can hurt us, that the direction we are traveling has a curve, a dangerous road, a bridge that is out, or a dead end. A good mother likewise will caution you, “pointing out the way by which you are to set out” in order to avoid many dangers in life.

For many, especially the youth, the hazard comes upon us often without warning. A tragedy that, had the caution signs been heeded, could have been avoided. The signs of Our Lady, the sign of Her coming, is one of God’s greatest signs in history. A sign which He has sent to His children and the entire world to caution us and warn us of the grave danger ahead in regard to the future.


Our Lady wants to make us aware that to choose something brief, a frivolous pleasure, a waste, leads to a sinful path, which is a renunciation of what Jesus did for us. This refusal of love, many youth in their frivolity and meaningless living choose by their lives to renounce eternal life with God. It was in a vision that Medjugorje visionary Marija saw a beautiful 17 year old girl, a young child in reality, fall into the fires of hell. Upon contact with the flames she manifested in her being and became an image of her soul, turning into a horrible unknown beast of which we have no resemblance of upon the earth. Our Lady has said,


October 24, 1988

“…the situation of the young is difficult…”


Our Lady has said,


October 24, 1988

“…Help parents who don’t know, who give bad advice!”

Our Lady has said,


September 9, 1988

“…Dear children, during this period I would like you to pray in your families with your children. I would like you to talk with your children. I would like you to exchange your experiences and help them to solve all their problems…”


We do not have a youth problem, we have a parent problem. There are good youth being raised, and there are bad youth being raised. What makes the difference? Parents have great authority to mold and form their lives, but in today’s world they leave it up to society, and the culture of rock stars, sports stars, movie stars, frivolous technology, and a very deceptive, flawed education system to form them.


How many young people who fall into hell such as the young girl Marija saw would have been saved by having a mother to caution and lead them, but did not? How many will burn eternally?


Heed your Mother, She said today.


“…I am coming to lead you and, as a mother, to caution you…”


Picture a 17 year old, a 15 year old, or even a 14 year old who is on the path to hell, and remember Jakov’s words – “hell is the ultimate waste because no one needs to go there.” Be a mentor of holiness and with your life point the way so that with your example of life, others will long to have meaning, embracing eternal life with God instead of renouncing it to spend it with satan. It is Our Lady who wants you,


August 2, 2009

“…Come with me.”

In the Love of Our Lady,
A Friend of Medjugorje


Don’t Be Late For Our Lady’s Apparition!

The apparition today, August 2, 2009, was supposed to be at 9:00 a.m. However, Our Lady came at 8:45 a.m., a full 15 minutes early. There is a reason for this. The apparitions of Our Lady are a profound moment in one’s life. For those who want only the apparition, don’t want to properly prepare for Our Lady through prayer, or do not think it important, often miss the apparition.

Our Lady will often come early on the mountain. For those who arrive hours before Our Lady’s apparition to be ready for Our Lady to be in anticipation for the moment, Her coming 15 minutes early is a joy for those who are prepared. For those who are not diligent, those who are seeking only the best part, miss the best part. Our “lamps” must stay lit in watching for God, and many were ready today and were rewarded with a great miracle of the sun, while those who were late missed it. – A Friend of Medjugorje


Mirjana Soldo Apparition

The crowds leaving after Mirjana’s apparition of August 2, 2009 at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje. Keep in mind this is only one section of the mountain you are looking at. If you were down at the road, you would have seen the whole street filled looking both ways, as well as streams of people coming down the other path that leads up the Apparition Mountain.


Medjugorje Message August 2009

Mirjana this morning in Medjugorje during her apparition, August 2, 2009. The young girl beside Mirjana cried throughout the entire apparition, perhaps moved to tears in having the gift to be so near to her as to see every expression on her face as she peers into the loving eyes of the Virgin Mary. Mirjana, in seeing Our Lady, is also moved to tears.


Medjugorje August 2009

Just after the apparition, Mirjana greets some of the pilgrims around her as she readies to return to her home. In scripture, it is said of Our Lady that She pondered in Her heart the works, words and circumstances that surrounded Her Son. Mirjana has said that she must return to her room and be in prayer for several hours after every apparition to do just that, ponder the words, actions and love of Our Lady.


The Supernatural Miracle of the Dancing Sun is a grace that many have experienced in Medjugorje. Much has been said about this. See The Spinning Sun in the section “Signs and Miracles”

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Thousands Cry Out During Mirjana’s August 2, 2009 Apparition

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67 thoughts on “A Great Cry Bursts Forth From The Thousands During Mirjana’s Apparition Today”

  1. I am excited to be able to read this. people believed in Fatima now they can believe in Medjugorje events of our blessed Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven is at their doorstep. Also Garabandal should be accepted as well. God bless all who were present and all who believe and don’t see. Sandy

  2. I am excited to be able to read this. people believed in Fatima now they can believe in Medjugorje events of our blessed Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven is at their doorstep. Also Garabandal should be accepted as well. God bless all who were present and all who believe and don’t see. Sandy

  3. Frances Sylliboy

    This past year, at Birmingham , Alabama on July 3, 2009. I saw the silhouette of our Blessed Mother on the moon. It lasted a couple seconds and I was all alone. It was about 11:15..this is after coming from the field of the apparations at Caritas. The Blessed Mother was standing in front of the moon and her arms were outstretched. Marija was one of the visionaries there for the event from July 1-5, 2009. It happened so fast, that all I could say was, “Thank You for bringing me here” !!

  4. How I would have loved to have been present for this apparition. I witnessed a miracle of the sun during my visit in 2006 and the sight is always present before me. No matter what is done to deter people from believing, Our Lady attracts ever greater numbers to her. Thank you Lord for allowing your Mother to be with us for so long. May all of mankind come to know her love and through this, to know your love.

  5. I saw wonderful things including the spinning sun and much more in medjugorje,it has changed my whole life,well, our lady has,i love her so much. please try to go,your life will never be the same again,

  6. Santa Grace Adoch

    God is love,by all this apparition He is giving us time to repent.Lets listen to Mother Mary and may the grace flow to us too.God bless you.

  7. This makes me think of how blessed we are to have this time with the Mother of God… One day she will not be here in this very special way.. The Blessed Mother said we would one day Lament for her messages!! I can not bare to think about it…..Thank you dear Mary for coming and Happy Birthday!!!!

  8. Someone made a real sacrifice to take these photos when s/he probably would have loved to look at the sun miracle instead. Thank you to this devoted servant of Our Lady’s mission. Having the pictures makes it come alive and helps us feel more part of it. And surely, seeing is believing, in many cases. Thank you for bringing us this news, and bringing it so promptly and well.

  9. Someone made a real sacrifice to take these photos when s/he probably would have loved to look at the sun miracle instead. Thank you to this devoted servant of Our Lady’s mission. Having the pictures makes it come alive and helps us feel more part of it. And surely, seeing is believing, in many cases. Thank you for bringing us this news, and bringing it so promptly and well.

  10. Amazing!!! I so wish everyone would listen to our Mother! Those present at this apparition, ANY of them, are so blessed, my heart aches for them!

  11. elizabethhughes

    amazing article,I had the blessing to be in medjoure in 1988. Never in my life had such peace in my soul. I too witnessed the miracle of the sun.and was blessed to have my rosaries turn gold. In this time when so many things are changing in our countryand, I feel discouraged I just think of the gifts I received due to the trip to medjugore.I hope and pray some day I will be able to return until then I will remain faithful to our Lord Jesus and our lady

  12. Isabel Cristina Moraes

    I’m crying when I sawthe article and the pictures about this miracle. Thank you many times My beautiful Mother fot you love for us. I will continue to pray with you everyday for peace and for people believe in you.

  13. Isabel Cristina Moraes

    I’m crying when I sawthe article and the pictures about this miracle. Thank you many times My beautiful Mother fot you love for us. I will continue to pray with you everyday for peace and for people believe in you.

  14. Sr. Marjorie Kuntz, SFCC

    I was excited when I read your comprehensive message about the sun spinning. I plan a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in October after much deliberation. I am forwarding this to many friends as so many do not know about Mary’s Messages. Thank you for giving us all the details. Much love, peace and joy. Sr. Marjorie Kuntz

  15. Sr. Marjorie Kuntz, SFCC

    I was excited when I read your comprehensive message about the sun spinning. I plan a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in October after much deliberation. I am forwarding this to many friends as so many do not know about Mary’s Messages. Thank you for giving us all the details. Much love, peace and joy. Sr. Marjorie Kuntz

  16. Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience – it brings me back to my Medjugorje trip last year! What a blessed gift!!

  17. Thank You To The Blessed Mother for those that share the beauty of this experience. Many cannot afford to go to Medjugorje but can still receive the blessings from these sites. God Bless

  18. What a Beautiful sight to experience. Our Blessed Mother wants her message to go out throughout the whole world, and the whole world must listen to Her.

  19. Yvonne Rossman

    Thank you Caritas for all the hard work and sacrifices you make everyday to help encourage all of us to live out our Blessed Mother’s messages. These articles and pictures mean the world to me. They give me the strength that I need to live a Christian life. I love you all! God bless each and everyone of you.

  20. Yvonne Rossman

    Thank you Caritas for all the hard work and sacrifices you make everyday to help encourage all of us to live out our Blessed Mother’s messages. These articles and pictures mean the world to me. They give me the strength that I need to live a Christian life. I love you all! God bless each and everyone of you.

  21. Wow! I had been to several Medjugorje websites on August 2, and Mej.com was the only one that mentioned the Miracle of the Sun. Thank you Dear Lord for this miraculous sign from Heaven. As a nonbeliever, I was “called” to Medjugorje in 1988 and witnessed the Miracle of Sun (pulsating host). I left Medjugorje as a believer. Thank you Mej.com for keeping me abreast of the events in Medjugorje. (I had a very peaceful, prayerful time at Caritas this past July 1-5. You’re very generous.)

  22. Wow! I had been to several Medjugorje websites on August 2, and Mej.com was the only one that mentioned the Miracle of the Sun. Thank you Dear Lord for this miraculous sign from Heaven. As a nonbeliever, I was “called” to Medjugorje in 1988 and witnessed the Miracle of Sun (pulsating host). I left Medjugorje as a believer. Thank you Mej.com for keeping me abreast of the events in Medjugorje. (I had a very peaceful, prayerful time at Caritas this past July 1-5. You’re very generous.)

  23. norman holland

    i was in blackpool at time of apparition on the 2 august 2009, i had a wonderfull feeling come upon me , as i was with my cousine, at exactly the time of the apparition , i went with my cousine to the promenade , i said to jimmy, i wish i was in medjugorje at this exact moment, as i looked across the sea in the direction of medjugorje, the sun immeadiatly came out on saying those words, with such force and warmth , with so much love attached to it, i knew something was happening in medjugorje,

  24. Jose Mondragon

    Wow, that is incredible! I was almost crying myself. How I wish I was there to see that miracle happening! This is a sign that our Lady loves us more than ever and that she is calling to everyone to convert and live a pure like following the ten commendmants. Everyone around the world must pray so that more people can convert and have Jesus Christ in their hearts. I am with you Mother Mary until the end and I hope to meet you and Jesus in heaven someday! Love you very much as well as Jesus.

  25. The miracle message is really a blessing which will change the life style of those who all gathered during the apparition time. It changed my life too even I dont visit the holy mountain. May our loving God bless all of us with this message and let all of us thank to God for this messages. Mama Mary is our Mother and she love all of us and that shows in her apparition on this mountain. Thanks for all the prayers and May God bless the team who all helping Mirjana. Peace and have a blessed day.

  26. Great article and the pictures are amazing. Looking at the faces of the people, images are seen within. Peace and blessings to all believers and non-believers.

  27. Thank you for sharing this miraculous moment with us! I sensed with Our Lady’s last message that she is preparing us and would send us a sign. Our Lord and Our Lady’s love for us is so immense that no words can ever describe it. I’ve been to Medugorje once and what a beautiful blessing that was! I felt like I was there all over again after reading your article and Our Lady’s messages. I pray that the world heeds her messages before it’s too late and while Our Lady is on earth amongst us. Peace

  28. Thank you for sharing this miraculous moment with us! I sensed with Our Lady’s last message that she is preparing us and would send us a sign. Our Lord and Our Lady’s love for us is so immense that no words can ever describe it. I’ve been to Medugorje once and what a beautiful blessing that was! I felt like I was there all over again after reading your article and Our Lady’s messages. I pray that the world heeds her messages before it’s too late and while Our Lady is on earth amongst us. Peace

  29. Isabella Onyewuchi

    The article lifted my spirit from a grave problem. I have still got a smile on my face about the wonderful miracles experienced by pilgrims and wish I were there. I am very grateful that our beautiful and loving Mother will not give up on us, that our Lord will not die in vain for us, and that the blessed Trinity will continues to show us mercy, compassion, kindness and love. I pray that God through the intercetions of our Blessed Mother sends the Holy Spirit to lead the world to repentance.

  30. 1130am Mass St. Matthews Parish, Fr Klapp preached on missing the sign. He exampled a road stop sign that no matter how big or luiminous the stop sign drivers did NOT notice its warning. His homily continued that Jesus Christ is the stop sign and no one is paying attention. Jesus Christ, said ” I am the Bread of Life, when you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have life eternal”.

  31. Esther Sugarman

    Thank you, thank you- a million thanks for keeping us all aware of each apparition. I am reading”Look what happened while you were sleeping”- excellent for all ages.

  32. I am crying happy tears! I want to pray even harder now! Thank you Caritas. Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus. And thank you dear Lady, dear Mother!

  33. I wish I could be with the pilgrims just once. I pray for the interior life Our Lady wants of me. The article was beautiful. It brings us so close to heaven.

  34. yolanda Carrera

    I so believe in the miracle of the sun,that has happen at Medjugorje, it is a blessing from Our Lady,Queen of Peace,those that gather and seen,believes. I too,take to heart,of spreading the message,to bring those close to Her Son,Jesus. I too,have seen the spinning of the cross,in a chapel,asking if my father whom pass,was alright,and yes, I found that he was,for She answered the call.,in this I always believe.

  35. I have been there twice and the feeling of the blessed Mother are so strong I never wanted to leave.I miss being there always The love that comes from her at the time of appariation is so strong I usually cried the whole time also wish I could be there My daughter then 1bout 7 saw all the signs and wonders My rosarys continue to turn gold to encourage me I believe Pray for me

  36. Susan M. Conway

    A Wonderful Blessing from our Heavenly Father and our Blessed Mother. So fitting that the Miracle of the Sun sign should be given to us today as it shows even more clearly how Medjugorje is tied to the Living Word of God as the Gospel reading for Sunday shows the people asking for another “sign” even though the Son of God was before them performing miracles. How long and how many miracles/signs must be given before the non-believers believe? How patient and loving is Our Heavenly Father.

  37. Thanks so much for your up -to- the- minute reporting and beautiful pictures on what is going on in Medjugorje. We all can’t be there, but through your website, we can get a taste of what is happening soon after it happens! God bless you all and may we all respond to Our Lady’s pleas for conversion, prayer, penance, fasting, peace and love.

  38. Thanks so much for your up -to- the- minute reporting and beautiful pictures on what is going on in Medjugorje. We all can’t be there, but through your website, we can get a taste of what is happening soon after it happens! God bless you all and may we all respond to Our Lady’s pleas for conversion, prayer, penance, fasting, peace and love.

  39. Tears are pouring down my face, as I just have read how this morning many miracles of the sun took place during the apparituions at Medjugorje this morning….I was just so priviledged to spend the 4th of July with Marija in Alabama….What a blessing!…. I wish I could have been there also….Love, In Jesus and Mary, Teresa Shannon

  40. I am grateful that the August 2nd message was posted so quickly. Since visiting Caritas for the July pilgrimage our family has been praying and singing from the program we saved. We are doing our best to live the sabbath as outlined in the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. We prepared for 1 hour of prayer in acticipation our Lady’s coming today. Thank you for the special explanation of the miracle of the sun and the beautiful photos.

  41. I am grateful that the August 2nd message was posted so quickly. Since visiting Caritas for the July pilgrimage our family has been praying and singing from the program we saved. We are doing our best to live the sabbath as outlined in the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. We prepared for 1 hour of prayer in acticipation our Lady’s coming today. Thank you for the special explanation of the miracle of the sun and the beautiful photos.

  42. I enjoyed the article. It is true that society for young people is a dangerous mix of dissipation and deception. I grew up in a very different culture that instilled order and depth and meaning to the Catholic faith and Jesus. We must ACT on the messages coming from this apparition and be mentors to others who are lost or confused spiritually.

  43. This ia awe-inspiring. It reminds me of Our Lady of Fatima and the miracle of the sun. WHAT IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN THE SUN? Regina

  44. Thank you..I just wish I could have been there. I hope and pray that we will some day enjoy the beautific vision ourselves. Pray, Pray, Pray..God Bless You

  45. Theresa Galster

    Absolutely amazing. I to saw the sun spin when I went to medjugorie in 1995 so I know how what a wonderful experience that is.What a grace for all to witness today at the apparition. Praise be Jesus!

  46. I went to Medjugorie 3 yrs. ago. It was an awesome experience. Thank you for keeping us informed on what is going on there.

  47. Thanks so much for transmitting the message of our Lady and the great article. We need to pray for parents and the youth very much. Many parents are living godless lives themselves and are basically unbelievers. So the kids end up just raising themselves with their teenage friends at school. I did that myself as a youth. After I became an adult and converted I learned the ten commandments – I never knew what they were! I was totally clueless. Thanks be to God now I know what is right & wrong.

  48. One must not give up hope for our children…many of our youth are in danger…my own children are but I have spent many a rosary, Masses and prayer for the conversion of my children and believe that one day God will answer my plea. St Monica prayed for 20 years for her son…St Augustine…never give up hope.

  49. I am not surprised that Holy Mother decided to appear at the Blue Cross. While we were there, we were privileged to witness several workings of the Holy Spirit: (1) after climbing the mountain bare-footed, I lost and then found my shoe at the Blue Cross; (2) my husband found his Rosary there; (3) we witnessed a circular breeze surrounding us and, (4) I witnessed the moon to be blood-red and then it disappeared; (5) there was a blue streak from the top of the hill over to Cross Mountain. Wow!!

  50. Glory to God!! How blessed to have seen another of God’s miracle. I saw the Spinning Sun on June 23, 1990. Spectacular miracle and Gift from the Lord. I saw the Great White Host in the sky next and tears of thanksgiving just flowed from my eyes praising Him for sharing with me His Glory. With her help, I try to live Our Lady’s message daily.

  51. Glory to God!! How blessed to have seen another of God’s miracle. I saw the Spinning Sun on June 23, 1990. Spectacular miracle and Gift from the Lord. I saw the Great White Host in the sky next and tears of thanksgiving just flowed from my eyes praising Him for sharing with me His Glory. With her help, I try to live Our Lady’s message daily.

  52. Yes what a great miracle wished i was there, i think our lady is really trying to prepare us for the big war against satan, she wants us to love, not hate, satan has penetrated the world trying to make it godless,but our lady will prevail, may our lady take us to her son your friend in christ and mary ted

  53. I would love to revisit Medjugorje again. Please Our Blessed Lady invite my family and I if it be God’s most Holy and Divine Will. Jesus protect my mind from the evil one. Love Anne and Rolf and family

  54. I would love to revisit Medjugorje again. Please Our Blessed Lady invite my family and I if it be God’s most Holy and Divine Will. Jesus protect my mind from the evil one. Love Anne and Rolf and family

  55. Thank you for this! I dream of going to Medjugorje someday. While I can’t be there myself, I appreciate the work you do to share what goes on there. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Praise be Jesus and Mary!

  56. Thank you for this! I dream of going to Medjugorje someday. While I can’t be there myself, I appreciate the work you do to share what goes on there. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Praise be Jesus and Mary!

  57. Thank you! What joy and excitment I felt when your site e-mailed me of this great miracle. I rushed to my computer (I received notice on my phone) and read your article. I am filled with joy, wonder and feel graced even so very far away. I think Our Lady has extended her miracle as far reaching as we open our hearts, first to her and then to her Son. Praised be Our Father, His Son, our most Holy Spirit and the their amazing gift of Our Lady. Love to you!

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