Brother Sun, Sister Moon It has been said that the moon is the perfect allegory for Our Lady because though the moon can light up the darkness in the darkest night, it has no light source of its own, but rather is reflecting the light of the “Sun” upon the earth. In the same way, Our Lady brings light to our darkness, not through Her own light, but rather She is reflecting the Light of Her “Son” Jesus through Her life and Her love. – Photo taken Wednesday June 27, 2007
“Is your heart wandering in today’s darkness? Has the news of the day been too heavy to bear? Are you tired of carrying your crosses, when there seems to be no time soon when you will get to lay them down? Perhaps the problem isn’t so much within your difficulties, as it is in a lack of understanding of what Our Lady has asked you to do.
November 20, 1986
“…Dear children, God does not want you lukewarm and undecided, but that you totally surrender to Him…”
June 13, 1985
“…I am calling you, the parish, to pray more and to let your prayer be a sign of surrender to God. Dear children, I know you are all tired, but you don’t know how to surrender yourselves to me. During these days surrender yourselves completely to me!…”
Another time Our Lady said:
“Why do you not put your trust in me? I know that you have been praying for a long time but really surrender yourself. Abandon your concerns to Jesus. Listen to what He says in the Gospel: ‘And who among you, through his anxiety, is able to add a single cubit to the length of his life.’” (Mt. 6:27)
You are always going to be faced with troubles, and our future world promises to be filled with reasons to be anxious, fearful, and troubled. But Our Lady strongly encourages us to surrender everything to Her, and in this way we will find peace, even in the midst of terror and uncertainty. However, for us to achieve this, we must do as She has asked.
May 25, 1988
“…I am calling you to a complete surrender to God. Pray, little children, that satan does not sway you like branches in the wind. Be strong in God…Neither be anxious or worried. God will help you and show you the way…Little children, you are mine. I love you and I want you to surrender to me so I can lead you to God. Pray without ceasing so that satan cannot take advantage of you. Pray so that you realize that you are mine…”
These days are special days of peace in Medjugorje. You are being remembered in our prayers.
From Medjugorje
This picture was taken, last night, the evening of June 27, 2007 in Medjugorje. Kneeling before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament are multitudes of villagers and pilgrims of Medjugorje, as the moon shines above. The light surrounding the Blessed Sacrament on the altar, as well as from the moon in the night sky attract not only our eyes, but our spirits as well. By contrast, Cross Mountain is hidden in the shadows. When we surrender our problems and difficulties to Our Lady, it does not necessarily mean that our crosses will instantaneously leave our lives, but the light and grace that comes from God through our surrender will overshadow the darkness. Our Lady is calling us to the Light.
1 thought on “Are You Tired?”
God Bless you for always speaking so directly,simply, and with such profound truth, friends of Medjugorje, I thank Our Heavenly Father and Mother for you daily.