February 17, 2020 A.D.
Our Lady tells us what She expects from us. On July 2, 2019, She said:
“…True faith makes prayer more sensitive, and does acts of mercy—a conversation, a gift of alms…”
This is not a once-a-month spiritual exercise, or something “to do” for Lent. This is an everyday obligation until it becomes habited in our lives.
Our Lady dictated a prayer to Medjugorje inner locutionist Jelena. In this prayer, Our Lady lays bare the true condition of our hearts when She has us pray:
June 22, 1985
“…sometimes we fail to perform a good act, as though it were for us an evil…”
A passionate man of action, a Friend of Medjugorje has, from the beginning, exhorted followers of Our Lady, to be active in the war for saving souls. He tells how complacency is not in the equation of Our Lady’s apostles:
Some have stated, ‘all Our Lady wants us to do is pray, nothing else.’ Yes, there is a time of prayer, for spiritual formation which could last for years, but we, by no means, are to be complacent and think we are at our height because we’ve been in a prayer group for three years, five years, etc. Our Lady is calling us to do something more. She did not give us a calling and education through Her messages for us not to utilize Her gift or to utilize it for ourselves. She wants to infiltrate into the Church, into our jobs, into every facet of society. Marija says Our Lady is very crafty. If we all pray, we’ll be surprised what we can do even in our workplace.
We must engage the culture around us, look for opportunities to do acts of mercy, as Our Lady says, and leave the results to Her. Good acts cannot be for us an evil. One can never know how easy it can be to influence others. Something as simple as tuning into Radio WAVE 24 Hours, and listening to wholesome music can change an entire workplace. Sharing recent broadcasts or writings from a Friend of Medjugorje can change hearts hardened by resentment or judgements. There are plenty opportunities. The more you are active, the more Our Lady will help you to cross paths with those who are having difficulty carrying their Cross.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
More for Your Spiritual Nourishment
Harboring Anger and Resentment Will Eat You Up, by a Friend of Medjugorje
JUDGING: Five Phases Walking Recklessly into Perdition, by a Friend of Medjugorje
2 thoughts on “Are Good Acts an Evil for Us?”
Grateful to God and to you for this writing. The humor of God in my/our lives is that He seems to be “eavesdropping” when we talk about Him. Your writing today amusingly is the essence of my commune with my brother last night. May we all continue to walk in the light of Jesus guided by the hands of the Blessed Mother to bear fruits for the advancement of God’s kingdom and the salvation of souls, even as we deepen our prayers with the heart.
Grateful to God and to you for this writing. The humor of God in my/our lives is that He seems to be “eavesdropping” when we talk about Him. Your writing today amusingly is the essence of my commune with my brother last night. May we all continue to walk in the light of Jesus guided by the hands of the Blessed Mother to bear fruits for the advancement of God’s kingdom and the salvation of souls, even as we deepen our prayers with the heart.