Apostles vs. Apostles?

Apostles vs. Apostles?


  February 2, 2015 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s February 2, 2015
Apparition and Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers

Following is Our Lady’s message of February 2, 2015, given on the day of prayer for non-believers:

“Dear children! I am here, I am among you. I am looking at you, am smiling at you and I love you in the way that only a mother can. Through the Holy Spirit who comes through my purity, I see your hearts and I offer them to my Son. Already for a long time I have been asking of you to be my apostles, to pray for those who have not come to know God’s love. I am asking for prayer said out of love, prayer which carries out works and sacrifices. Do not waste time thinking about whether you are worthy to be my apostles. The Heavenly Father will judge everyone; and you, love Him and listen to Him. I know that all of this confuses you, even my very stay among you, but accept it with joy and pray that you may comprehend that you are worthy to work for Heaven. My love is upon you. Pray that my love may win in all hearts, because that is the love which forgives, gives and never stops. Thank you.”


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Apostles vs. Apostles?
You Be My Apostles

by A Friend of Medjugorje

“…I am among you…” Why?

To give the world a new mentality. Change is the essence of the message of Our Lady. Change of mentality is metanoia. Metanoia means conversion. Mathematical problems of addition can only be solved by the conversion of numbers to the correct, single answer, which is the sum. The sum going to Heaven vs. hell is not the correct math Heaven wants. Our Lady is here for a long time to correct the sum of conversion.

“…am smiling at you…” Marija has told us on several occasions that Our Lady has come in the Bedroom of Apparitions* smiling here at Caritas, Alabama. Our Lady is in another realm of superior intellect, just like adults are in another realm of intellect than the little children around them. We, as adults, have all seen little children say things, do things, that make us break out into a smile and sometimes laughter. How must we appear to Our Lady when we do things that please Her through childish innocence.

“…asking ‘of’ you…” Our Lady is not asking you solely “to be” an apostle, but rather “of you,” of who you are, of your very being, your charisms, to be an apostle. Medjugorje visionary, Marija, was asked once to go to France and be like Joan of Arc. She strongly responded, “I am Marija.” Our Lady wants who you are, yet changed into a new being.

“…said out of love, prayer which carries out works and sacrifices…” It is not only going to Mass and praying rosaries. These are incomplete efforts without works and sacrifices.

“…Do not waste time thinking about whether you are worthy to be my apostles…” What a relief. How unburdening it is for us to be told this is a waste of time. Our Lady wants, instead, whatever She can get from us, what we are**, because spending time thinking about being unworthy keeps us stymied in being an apostle and doing apostle’s work. If one dwells on unworthiness, one will tend not to perform the duties of being an apostle. Our Lady does not have time for this. She wants action, movement and advancement, more active than satan’s actions, movement and advancement. Don’t squander time thinking about whether you are worthy to be Our Lady’s apostles, rather forget your unworthiness and act.

These words are confusing because we are unworthy. To be worthy, is to act worthily. Our Lady is calling us to a higher level. Your job is to be employed by Heaven. Our Lady wants you punching in the time clock, working to be a good, active, invigorated, and innovative employee. ‘She’s Boss.’ God is the owner of the company of Heaven. Our Lady is increasing the workforce! You being an employee trainee is why the Boss has stayed at Her job for so long. She is expanding the product and needs you to market the messages to all cultural markets, through your salesmanship, through your life! Who buys into a product that the salesman himself does not use? If salesmen are selling the boss’ product line, why would another buy what the boss trains the salesman to sell, if the salesman is using the competitor’s line of products and is using what the other competitor produces? You cannot work for one and use the product of another. Heaven is in production of the messages and their distribution. Hell is in production of the world’s messages and their production. You are showing your Employer who you truly work for by what product you use, not the one you try to sell. The product of the messages is used in everyday life, of which the witness of a good salesman makes others want the product you use and benefit from. This makes you worthy to go to “work for Heaven.”

Your business motivation meeting for today’s work is:

1. Love forgives
2. Love gives
3. Love never stops

Your Woman Boss is motivating you, inciting you to be properly trained. Know your product by using it yourself and following today’s motto of February 2, 2015. That is:

“Now go out there today, pound the street, and bring me new customers. I want my product to attract all customers, as the latest and greatest of what I am producing against my competitors. In other words, to be more literal with you, that my love may win in all hearts. I want you to be purely committed to my words, pure as the purity in which I give them to train you. Believe in them.”

To think, “I’m not worthy” is defeatism.

“…I know that all of this confuses you, even my very stay among you, but accept it with joy and pray that you may comprehend that you are worthy to work for Heaven…”


On Being “Confused”


Calling us apostles?

Apostles are the Bishops!

This is very confusing.

How can we be apostles if the bishops are apostles?

Why would we not have the mentality that, “who are we to be apostles”? It is the bishops’ job. Nonetheless, why risk the ire of the successors of Peter which are the Bishops of every diocese across the world today? Will they turn against us? Who do we think we are? This is why Our Lady is with us this long, and Her being here this long is why many bishops discount the apparitions. After all, it is logical, even theological, for them to think, “Come on, 33 years, everyday? Multiply the visionaries each have an apparition, that is well over 30,000 apparitions.” Can anyone scoff at what many shepherds, apostles/bishops think of this? And then, we come along and we are told by the Virgin Mary, we are the apostles! Is this not confusing to them and us? Is this irritation of the true apostles/bishops not confusing to both? A problem? As Our Lady’s apostles, how do we be in unity with the bishops/apostles, yet two? Our Lady appearing every day? Confusing. Perhaps the word confusing is an understatement and not understood, until you do what Our Lady says. Accept it. “You are an apostle.” Don’t be timid. Don’t think you must apologize. Medjugorje is real. Just do what you have to do, say what you have to say!


Why is Our Lady with us so Long?

If you pray to comprehend, you would know Our Lady is here to rebuild the Church and thereby the world. Saint John Paul II, at a gathering of the new movements of the Church with other major orders of the Church said, “The laity will renew the Church. The Franciscans and Dominicans can help.” If you pray, you would comprehend the apostles/bishops are to help us. We need them for the administration of the sacraments, the teaching of the Church, etc. Yet, and that is a big ‘yet’, we are the apostles of Our Lady, the apostles of the Gospel of Mary who will rebirth the Church and the world. The bishop/apostles can help, but renewal will come through Our Lady’s apostles. Our Lady brings a new mentality and vitality for and to the Church, through Her apostles, that many in the Church cannot understand or are not open to. The Church is in a quagmire that it cannot escape from without Heaven’s intervention through Our Lady. The Church, always the voice for moral authority, is sluggish, not able to respond to modernism effectively, even if using modernism’s methods. Its structure prevents the needed response. While this structure is necessary, still in these modern times, it is not able to do what Our Lady’s apostles will be able to do. That is to strike like lightning, to go immediately wherever we need to go. No barriers, no politics, unhindered to convert the world. This is what St. Louis de Montfort said, referring to Our Lady creating an army of Her apostles to convert the world:

“They shall be clouds thundering …detaching themselves from everything and troubling themselves about nothing, shall shower forth the rain of the Word of God and of life eternal. They shall thunder against sin; they shall storm against the world; they shall strike the devil and his crew; and they shall pierce, through and through, for life or for death, with their two-edged sword of the Word of God, all those to whom they shall be sent on the part of the Most High.

“They shall be the true apostles of the latter times, to whom the Lord of Hosts shall give the word and the might to work marvels and to carry off with glory the spoils of His enemies. They shall sleep …without care, in the midst of the other priests, ecclesiastics, and clerics; and yet they shall have the silvered wings of the dove to go, with the pure intention of the glory of God and the salvation of souls, wheresoever the Holy Ghost shall call them.

“… fearing and listening to no mortal, however influential he may be. They shall have in their mouths the two-edged sword of the Word of God. They shall carry …the Crucifix in their right hand and the Rosary in their left…

“These are the great men who are to come; but Mary is the one who, by order of the Most High, shall fashion them for the purpose of extending His empire over that of the impious, the idolaters and the Mahometans…”

God cannot move the Church at the speed necessary to counter modernism without damaging the very structure of the Church. What is necessary for the Church to do is impossible for the Church to do. It is like the worldwide navy (the Church) and the Navy SEALS (Our Lady’s apostles). The Church in its vastness and its necessary makeup cannot strike like Our Lady’s apostles, no more than the Navy in its vastness and necessary makeup can strike like highly trained Navy SEALS. Yet the Navy has might like the Church, but not the agility get the job done like a small SEAL team. Still, the SEAL team needs the vastness of the navy’s support, not their interference. Our Lady’s apostles, likewise, need the Church’s support, not interference. In that way, Our Lady’s apostles will do what St. Louis de Montfort prophesized.

Yet, it cannot happen without the apostle/bishops. This is not about disrespecting the bishops, their positions, their authority, or challenging them, etc. It is about comprehending our positions and acknowledging the authority Our Lady has and is giving to us.

How does it Work – the Bishops are Apostles and We are Apostles?

This may give pause, even insecurity, to many. Our Lady says, “don’t’ waste your time thinking about it.” Accept it. Whether it is you or the bishops, Our Lady is saying, “Go.” Go now to the ends of the earth and witness. You are the answer for the Church and the world. Do not hesitate! Do not stop your Medjugorje meetings! Do not stop your spreading the messages! No, Heaven mandates that we are not going away. No, Heaven mandates that we will not be stopped. No more than the early Christians were stopped, even though everything appeared it would be so! The more they were crushed, the more their numbers grew. You can join Our Lady as an apostle, the bishops can help us. Heaven’s mandates are upon us. We cannot be obedient to erred thinking and be obedient to Heaven. It is time for a decision. Don’t miss the second most glorious moment in time, the time of Mary, who is giving us the Gospel of Mary, who is here to literally raise up apostles of the last days. Don’t waste a moment thinking anything else.

Praying you comprehend,

A Friend of Medjugorje

Two critical reads to understand the above, click:

1. Rebuilding the Church
2. The Gospel of Mary

* For more on the Bedroom of Apparitions, visit here
** Someone approached a Friend of Medjugorje, excusing himself of his faults, saying God loves me as I am.  A Friend of Medjugorje responded, “Scripture relays God loves you as you are, true, but He loves you too much to leave you as you are.”

Be sure to listen to Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje, discussing today’s February 2, 2015 message of Our Lady. To listen to the Feb. 2, 2015 Radio WAVE show titled, I Am You, visit here…




Medjugorje visionaries

The first year of the apparitions, 1981, gives us a rare glimpse of all six visionaries seeing Our Lady together. A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in 1996:

“In some spiritual sense, Our Lady walks the earth as She did two thousand years ago. Marija has received kisses from Our Lady. Ivanka has held Our Lady’s hands. She has hugged Her. Our Lady has been here daily thousands of times.

“When we hear Jakov say Our Lady is a great sign; when we hear Vicka say She goes back up into the sky; when we hear Mirjana say a woman, a mother, a friend; when we hear Ivan say on the mountain She leaves in the light of the sun; when we hear Marija say She has twelve stars about Her head, so bright that they can’t be described adequately; when we hear Ivanka was told by Our Lady, “I thank you for giving your life to allow other life” because Ivanka had just given birth to a child. Can it not be said that to do what Our Lady asks in the above message is to read Sacred Scripture to discover why She is coming? The message that we hear through the visionaries of Medjugorje—is this not John’s same message two thousand years ago when he writes of our present time? Do we hear John’s writings of Revelation Chapter 12 when we hear of a “great sign”; when we read Her going back to Heaven in the “sky”; when we read about “a woman”; when we read She is “clothed in the sun”; when we read “on Her head a crown of twelve stars”; when we read “She was with child.” All these are exact words of the Holy Bible which are the exact description by the Medjugorje visionaries of Our Lady when She comes.”

From the writing, “I Don’t Have to Go to Medjugorje. Reasons Why One Must Go To Medjugorje.”
By A Friend of Medjugorje


Medjugorje visionary Ivanka

Through the six visionaries of Medjugorje, chosen by Our Lady to be Her voice, everyone in the entire world is being called to conversion, to participate in this great plan for the salvation of the world. But whether one responds to this invitation from Heaven or not, everyone will play a role in the unfolding of this plan from God. Ivanka says:

“We will all have a role to play in the unfolding of the secrets. That is part of God’s plan. Each person on the earth will be involved in the unfolding of the secrets. God calls us all to be faithful, in all circumstances of our lives. He calls us to be faithful to His will. Through prayer, each of us knows what that is. Pray. Always pray. Try to do good things for other people. Try to live the messages. Please ask people to take them seriously. Please accept God’s great gift to us. Please do what the Blessed Mother asks of you. Then you will have great peace and joy on this earth, even in suffering. You will have Heaven for all eternity.”


Medjugorje visionary Ivan

Today, Our Lady said,

“…Pray for those who have not come to know God’s love…”

Our Lady teaches us through the visionaries’ lives. In January 1988, Our Lady asked Marija, Ivan and others to form a prayer group as a sign to pilgrims of how to bring prayer into their lives and their families. One of the fruits of Medjugorje is prayer groups around the world. Just nine years into the apparitions, in September of 1990, Ivan shares the insight he has been taught about what is most important in prayer,

“As far as I’m concerned, a prayer group should be a group of friends. Don’t allow prayer life to be monotonous. Sometimes the prayer group should go for a walk or an excursion; this is part of our spiritual life also.
Love is more important than prayer in a prayer group.”


Medjugorje visionary Marija

Who is Our Lady? Who does She serve? Who sent Her to us and for what purpose? Medjugorje visionary Marija answers these questions.

“Our Lady is here, because She has a mission. She was sent here to Medjugorje by the Eternal Father. It is God’s will that She is the Mother of Jesus Christ. She is the Mother of the Body of Christ. She is the Queen of Heaven. She is the Queen of the Cosmos. God has made Her the Queen of all Created things.”

As Queen, She has called us to join Her in this mission of saving souls. When a Queen calls, one must only obey. It is not for the subjects to stop and ponder why they were called. It is not for them to think whether or not they are capable of what they have been called to do. They are simply to go, to follow, to obey.


Medjugorje visionary Vicka
Vicka, one of the six visionaries, known for her beautiful smile, was a youth when Our Lady first appeared to her, and is now a wife and mother. Twenty-six years ago in 1989, Vicka said,

“We should realize that young people are in a very difficult situation. We are talking about a no-love situation. The only way to help them, the only way, is to love them more and to pray for them from the heart.”

Today, twenty-six years later, the Mother asks Her apostles to recognize non-believers and be moved out of love to pray for them.

“…I am asking for prayer said out of love, prayer which carries out works and sacrifices…”

 Medjugorje visionary Mirjana
The testimony of the Medjugorje visionaries confound so many. For more than 33 years they, with confidence and simplicity, relay in language that everyone can understand what Our Lady is asking of those who profess belief in God. They see Our Lady, they know their experience is real and so it is hurtful when people denounce Medjugorje because it hurts Our Lady who has come to our world to help us, we who are in such need of Her help. Mirjana says:

“Our Lady is often crying because of the sinful ways into which we have fallen. She says God’s heart is full of compassion. She is asking all of us to turn to God, to trust Him. She never raises her voice. She never says anything hurtful. And people have hurt her so much, especially with this apparition. They deny her presence. Find fault with us, so many things. She is our mother. She is crying because of the danger we are in when we distance ourselves from God, and she is always praying for us. She is pleading for us to pray. It is through prayer that we experience God’s love for us.”

Medjugorje visionary Jakov Jakov, the youngest of the six visionaries lost his mother shortly after Our Lady began appearing. He teaches us what Our Lady means when She says, “…I am your Mother…”

“…She has explained to me that She is the mother of all people on the earth, not just me. She is available to each person on the earth. Anyone who wants, can have the Blessed Mother as his Mother, to guide him and protect him on earth and bring him home to Heaven.”

February 2, 2015

“…I love you in the way that only a mother can…the love which forgives, gives and never stops…”

Medjugorje visionaries

All the Medjugorje visionaries are together, with the exception of Vicka, for the 26th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions on June 25, 2007.

Archbishop Frane Franic was the bishop of the Split diocese, the neighboring diocese of Mostar to which Medjugorje belonged. He was a strong believer and advocate of the apparitions of Medjugorje from the beginning. He saw in the apparitions the continuing work of the Holy Spirit of that of Lourdes and Fatima, that God was using Our Lady to bring about the renewal of the Church. In an interview with Fr. Slavko in 1989, he said:

“In a word, I would put all this into the framework of the Spiritual renewal in the Church which Mary started in Lourdes and in Fatima. Mary can’t do anything without the Holy Spirit. She wasn’t’ able to conceive without the Holy Spirit in Her womb and in Her heart. As St. Augustine said: ‘First She conceived in Her heart with Her faith, and then in Her womb with Her body.’ All this happened through the Holy Spirit in Her. And today, in the Church, She cannot give Christ to the world without the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is leading the renewal of the Church through Mary… Her apparitions and the signs of Her motherly love come from the Holy Spirit who, together with Christ, is embracing the world. Through the direction of the Father, She is giving love to the world and redeeming it.”



Messages in Other Languages Posted As Soon As They Become Available


„Draga djeco! Evo me, među vama sam. Gledam vas, smiješim vam se i ljubim vas kako samo Majka može. Po Duhu Svetom koji dolazi po mojoj čistoći vidim vaša srca i prinosim ih svome Sinu. Već dugo vremena od vas tražim da mi budete apostoli, da molite za one koji nisu upoznali ljubav Božju. Tražim molitvu rečenu iz ljubavi, molitvu koja čini djela i žrtve. Nemojte gubiti vrijeme razmišljajući o tome jeste li dostojni da mi budete apostoli. Nebeski Otac će sviju suditi, a vi Ga ljubite i slušajte. Znam da vas ovo sve zbunjuje i sam moj boravak među vama, ali prihvatite ga s radošću i molite da shvatite da ste dostojni raditi za Nebo. Moja ljubav je nad vama. Molite da moja ljubav pobijedi u svim srcima, jer to je ljubav koja prašta, daje i nikad ne prestaje. Hvala vam.”

Prayer for Nonbelievers

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2 thoughts on “Apostles vs. Apostles?”

  1. City: Bo Peep
    State: VIC
    Country: Australia
    Thank You Mother, Thank you all! I am sending these messages to many a possible! Praise the Lord!

  2. Alice Alexander

    It was wonderful, I am in AA, I work with young women spreding the message. I try my best. Thank you so much Alice

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