Our Lady’s March 18, 2022 Message of Our Lady Through Mirjana

Our Lady’s March 18, 2022 Message of Our Lady Through Mirjana



March 18, 2022 A.D.


English | Hrvatski | Italiano | Deutsch | Espanol |

… more languages coming soon …


Mirjana June 2, 2011

Medjugorje visionary Mirjana, June 2, 2011. Before coronavirus, thousands would flock to Medjugorje ever month to be present with Our Lady during Mirjana’s second of the month apparition. A Friend of Medjugorje built the infrastructure for the propagation of the second of the month messages, which is told in this story here.

Our Lady appeared to Mirjana around in Medjugorje. The apparition lasted six minutes and ended around 1:40. Following is Our Lady’s message through Mirjana:



English Print

March 18, 2021

“Dear children, with a motherly love I am calling you to—full of strength, faith and trust—look towards my Son. Keep opening your hearts to Him and do not be afraid, because my Son is the Light of the world and in Him is peace and hope. That is why, anew, anew I am calling you to pray for those of my children who have not come to know the love of my Son. So that my Son, with His light of love and hope, may illuminate also their hearts; and you, my children, that He may strengthen and give you peace and hope. I am with you. Thank you.”


Hrvatski Print

18. ožujka 2021

„Draga djeco! Majčinskom ljubavlju vas pozivam da puni snage, vjere i pouzdanja gledate prema mome Sinu. Njemu otvarajte svoja srca i ne bojte se. Jer moj Sin je Svjetlo svijeta i u Njemu je mir i nada. Zato vas iznova, iznova pozivam da molite za onu moju djecu koja nisu upoznala ljubav moga Sina; da moj Sin svojom svjetlošću ljubavi i nade obasja i njihova srca, a vas, djeco moja, da osnaži i dadne mir i nadu. S vama sam. Hvala vam.“


Italiano Print

18 marzo 2021

“Cari figli! Con amore materno vi invito a guardare verso mio Figlio, pieni di forza, fede e fiducia. ApriteGli i vostri cuori e non temete. Perché mio Figlio è la Luce del mondo ed in Lui è la pace e la speranza. Perciò vi invito di nuovo, di nuovo a pregare per i miei figli che non hanno conosciuto l’amore di mio Figlio affinché mio Figlio con la luce del Suo amore e speranza illumini anche i loro cuori e rafforzi voi, figli miei, e vi doni pace e speranza. Sono con voi. Vi ringrazio.”

Deutsch Print

18. März 2021

„Liebe Kinder! In mütterlicher Liebe rufe ich euch auf, mit voller Kraft, Glauben und Vertrauen zu meinem Sohn zu schauen. Öffnet Ihm eure Herzen und fürchtet euch nicht. Denn mein Sohn ist das Licht der Welt und in Ihm ist Frieden und Hoffnung. Deshalb rufe ich euch von neuem auf, von neuem für diejenigen meiner Kinder zu beten, die die Liebe meines Sohnes nicht kennengelernt haben, dass mein Sohn mit seinem Licht der Liebe und der Hoffnung auch ihre Herzen erleuchte, und euch, meine Kinder, stärke und Frieden und Hoffnung gebe. Ich bin mit euch. Ich danke euch.“


Espanol Print

18 de marzo de 2021

““¡Queridos hijos! Con amor maternal los invito a mirar a mi Hijo llenos de fuerza, fe y confianza. Ábranle sus corazones y no tengan miedo, porque mi Hijo es la Luz del mundo y en Él se hallan la paz y la esperanza. Por eso los invito nuevamente, nuevamente a orar por aquellos hijos míos que no han conocido el amor de mi Hijo; que mi Hijo ilumine sus corazones con Su luz de amor y esperanza, y que a ustedes, hijos míos, los fortalezca y les dé paz y esperanza. Yo estoy con ustedes. Les doy las gracias.”


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