
Our Lady’s Annual Apparition and Message to Jakov Colo

Our Lady’s Annual Apparition and Message to Jakov Colo


December 26, 2016 A.D.

Medjugorje visionary Jakov Colo was in the United States in September of 1998. During this time, Our Lady told Jakov that he was to prepare in prayer, for he was to receive the 10th secret and would have his last daily apparition. Jakov prepared with Confession and Mass, and during the apparition of Our Lady to Jakov on September 12, 1998, Our Lady said that She would no longer appear to him every day, but instead She would appear to him every December 25th, Christmas Day. Yesterday, December 25, 2016, Our Lady appeared to Jakov around 2:20 pm and the apparition lasted 10 minutes. After the apparition, Jakov relayed Our Lady’s message:


“Dear children! Today, on this day of grace, in a special way, I am calling you to pray for peace. Children, I came here as the Queen of Peace and how many times have I called you to pray for peace. But, children, your hearts are restless. Sin is preventing you from opening yourselves completely to grace and peace which God desires to give you. To live peace, my children, is to first have peace in your hearts and to be surrendered completely to God and to His will. Do not seek peace and joy in the things of this world, because this is all passing. Long for true mercy and peace which come only from God; and only in this way will your hearts be filled with true joy; and only in this way will you be able to become witnesses of peace in this peaceless world. I am your mother and intercede before my Son for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



„Draga djeco! Danas na ovaj milosni dan na poseban način vas pozivam da molite za mir. Djeco, ja sam ovdje došla kao Kraljica mira i toliko puta sam vas pozivala da molite za mir. Ali, djeco, vaša srca su nemirna. Grijeh vas sprječava da se u potpunosti otvorite prema milosti i miru koji vam Bog želi darovati. Da biste živjeti mir, djeco moja, trebate imati najprije mir u vašim srcima i biti predani u potpunosti Bogu i Njegovoj volji. Ne tražite mir i radost u ovozemaljskim stvarima, jer to je sve prolazno. Težite prema istinskom milosrđu i miru koji dolazi samo od Boga i samo tako će vaša srca biti ispunjena istinskom radošću i samo na taj način ćete moći postati svjedoci mira u ovom nemirnom svijetu. Ja sam vaša majka i zagovaram pred svojim Sinom za svakoga od vas. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.”


“Cari figli! Oggi in questo giorno di grazia in modo particolare vi invito a pregare per la pace. Figli, Io sono venuta qui come Regina della Pace e quante volte vi ho invitato a pregare per la pace. Ma figli, i vostri cuori sono inquieti. Il peccato vi impedisce di aprirvi completamente alla grazia e alla pace che Dio desidera donarvi. Per vivere la pace, figli miei, dovete avere innanzitutto la pace nei vostri cuori ed essere abbandonati completamente a Dio e alla Sua volontà. Non cercate la pace e la gioia nelle cose di questa terra perché tutto questo è passeggero. Tendete verso la misericordia veritiera, verso la pace che viene solo da Dio e soltanto così i vostri cuori saranno ricolmi della gioia veritiera; soltanto in questo modo potrete diventare i testimoni della pace in questo mondo inquieto. Io sono vostra madre e intercedo presso mio Figlio per ciascuno di voi. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”



«Chers enfants ! Aujourd’hui, en ce jour de grâce, je vous invite de manière particulière à prier pour la paix. Enfants, je suis venue ici comme Reine de la paix, et combien de fois vous ai-je invités à prier pour la paix ! Mais, enfants, vos coeurs sont inquiets. Le péché vous empêche de vous ouvrir complètement à la grâce et à la paix que Dieu désire vous donner. Pour vivre la paix, mes enfants, vous devez avant tout avoir la paix dans vos coeurs et être entièrement abandonnés à Dieu et à sa volonté. Ne recherchez pas la paix et la joie dans les choses de cette terre, car tout cela est passager. Tendez à la miséricorde et à la paix véritable qui vient de Dieu seul; seulement ainsi vos coeurs seront-ils comblés de la vraie joie, et seulement ainsi pourrez-vous devenir témoins de la paix en ce monde sans paix. Je suis votre Mère et j’intercède auprès de mon Fils pour chacun de vous. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.»


„Liebe Kinder! Heute, an diesem Gnadentag, lade ich euch auf besondere Weise ein, für den Frieden zu beten. Kinder, ich bin als Königin des Friedens hierhergekommen und habe euch so viele Male aufgerufen, für den Frieden zu beten. Aber, Kinder, eure Herzen sind friedlos. Die Sünde hindert euch, dass ihr euch in Vollkommenheit für die Gnade und den Frieden, den Gott euch schenken möchte, öffnet. Um den Frieden zu leben, meine Kinder, müsst ihr zuerst den Frieden in euren Herzen haben und in Vollkommenheit Gott und Seinem Willen hingegeben sein. Sucht nicht den Frieden und das Glück in irdischen Dingen, denn dies ist alles vergänglich. Sehnt euch nach der wahrhaftigen Barmherzigkeit und dem Frieden, der nur von Gott kommt, und nur so werden eure Herzen mit wahrer Freude erfüllt sein und nur auf diese Weise könnt ihr zu Zeugen des Friedens in dieser friedlosen Welt werden. Ich bin eure Mutter und halte Fürsprache vor meinem Sohn für jeden von euch. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!”


Be sure to listen Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje, discussing the Dec. 25, 2016 message of Our Lady. To listen to the Dec. 26 broadcast titled, Our Lady said, “My heart waits impatiently…”, visit here…

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