Our Lady of Medjugorje’s December 25, 2017 Annual Message to Jakov Colo

Our Lady of Medjugorje’s December 25, 2017 Annual Message to Jakov Colo


December 26, 2017 A.D.

The Medjugorje visioanry Jakov Colo was barely 10 years old when Our Lady started appearing in Medjugorje. Jakov saw Our Lady every day until September 12, 1998, when Our Lady revealed to Jakov the tenth and final secret, as well as stopped appearing every day. Our Lady told Jakov in the apparition of September 12, 1998, that She would appear to him every year on Christmas Day. What follows is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s December 25, 2017 Annual Message to Jakov Colo:


“Today, on this day of grace, I am calling you to ask the Lord for the gift of faith. My children, decide for God and begin to live and to believe in that what God is calling you to. To believe, my children, means to surrender your lives into God’s hands – the hands of the Lord who created you and who loves you immeasurably. Do not be believers only in words but live and witness your faith through works and through your personal example. Speak with God as with your Father. Open and surrender your hearts to Him and you will see how your hearts are changing and how your life will marvel at God’s works in your life. My children, there is no life without God and that is why, as your mother, I intercede before, and pray to, my Son to renew your hearts and to fill your life with immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



„Danas, na ovaj milosni dan, pozivam vas da zatražite od Gospodina dar vjere. Djeco moja, opredijelite se za Boga i počnite živjeti i vjerovati u ono na što vas Bog poziva. Vjerovati, djeco moja, znači predati vaše živote u Božje ruke, u ruke Gospodina koji vas je stvorio i koji vas neizmjerno ljubi. Nemojte biti vjernici samo na riječima već živite i svjedočite vašu vjeru preko djela i kroz vaš osobni primjer. Razgovarajte s Bogom kao s vašim ocem. Otvorite mu i predajte vaša srca i vidjet ćete kako se vaša srca mijenjaju i kako će se vaš život diviti Božjim djelima u vašem životu. Djeco moja, nema života bez Boga i zato kao vaša majka zagovaram i molim svoga Sina da obnovi vaša srca i da vaš život ispuni svojom neizmjernom ljubavlju. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu.“


“Liebe Kinder! Heute, an diesem Tag der Gnade, rufe ich euch auf, vom Herrn das Geschenk des Glaubens zu erbitten. Meine Kinder, entscheidet euch für Gott und beginnt, das zu leben und an das zu glauben, wozu Gott euch aufruft. Zu glauben, meine Kinder, bedeutet, eure Leben in die Hände Gottes zu übergeben, in die Hände des Herrn, der euch erschaffen hat und der euch unermesslich liebt. Seid nicht nur mit Worten Gläubige, sondern lebt und bezeugt euren Glauben durch Werke und durch euer persönliches Beispiel. Sprecht mit Gott wie mit eurem Vater. Öffnet und übergebt Ihm eure Herzen und ihr werdet sehen, wie sich eure Herzen verändern und wie euer Leben die Werke Gottes in eurem Leben bewundern wird. Meine Kinder, es gibt kein Leben ohne Gott und deshalb halte ich, als eure Mutter, Fürsprache und bitte meinen Sohn, eure Herzen zu erneuern und euer Leben mit Seiner unermesslichen Liebe zu erfüllen. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!”


“Queridos hijos, hoy en este día de gracia, los invito a pedir al Señor el don de la fe. Hijos míos, decídanse por Dios y comiencen a vivir y a creer en lo que Dios les pide. Creer, hijos míos, significa poner sus vidas en las manos de Dios, en las manos del Señor que los ha creado y que los ama inmensamente. No sean creyentes solo con palabras, sino testimonien su fe a través de las obras y con su ejemplo personal. Hablen con Dios, con su Padre. Ábranle y entréguenle sus corazones y verán cómo sus corazones cambian y cómo su vida admirará las obras de Dios. Hijos míos, no hay vida sin Dios, por eso yo como su Madre, intercedo y le pido a mi Hijo que renueve sus corazones y llene su vida con Su inmenso Amor. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado.”

Be sure to listen to the December 26, to the Radio WAVE broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje, titled, How Do You Restore Your Family? To listen to Radio WAVE broadcast, How Do You Restore Your Family, visit here…

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