A Friend of Medjugorje tells of recent developments and the stage that has been set to bring victory to God’s law…
March 12, 2015 A.D.
“One thing is happening that Our Lady is doing in Alabama, with over 189 apparitions, that this state has a motto, “We dare defend our rights.”
A Friend of Medjugorje, Thursday, March 12, 2015
Alabama Supreme Court, Montgomery, Alabama
In today’s Mejanomics special, A Friend of Medjugorje was speaking about the recent Order from the Alabama Supreme Court reaffirming the Sanctity of marriage. The Order came, in defiance of a Federal judge who ruled against the Alabama law, that affirms that marriage is between one man and one woman. All but one Alabama justice, upheld the Alabama Constitutional Amendment called the Sanctity of Marriage Act. A Friend of Medjugorje said:
“…right now we have the culture turning against us, fighting us, trying to cram things down our throats, forcing the death of marriage. We gave it up. We’ve given it to reprobates, and they are trying to redefine it. But one thing is happening, that Our Lady is doing in Alabama with over 189* apparitions, that this state has a motto, “We dare defend our rights.” – and it is standing up. It’s the first state in the United States that says we are not going to go this path of changing marriage into something that it can’t mean as marriage.”
Regarding those who are against God-ordained marriage, fighting against God and us, A Friend of Medjugorje said:
“Don’t think that this is some unorganized movement. There is a whole PR campaign going on. If they break Alabama they break the rest of the nation… They have to exaggerate their numbers. They’ve got to make you believe it’s just the coming thing, so what can we do to defeat it? Defeat it. I’m telling you, if this fails in Alabama, forget this country for right now, for the scourge that has got to come to it…This is a sin of rebellion against God that always, always ends in disaster, both Biblically and historically; however you want to look at it. Study civilizations…”
Some are confused by these events and don’t know how to interpret them. Our Lady is shining light onto all the events confronting us today, as A Friend of Medjugorje shows:
“They [the media] said Alabama set itself apart, Alabama’s defiant. Alabama’s defiant? Who’s defiant? Those who purport trying to rearrange the meaning of marriage are who are defiant… the whole nation really depends on what Alabama is doing right now…”
Some activist groups that support abomination, like the ACLU, have said “We’re going to get there and we’re not going to stop until we do.” They are hoping the U.S. Supreme Court will rule in their favor in June. A Friend of Medjugorje says:
“We don’t have to obey it. We don’t have to follow the U.S. Supreme Court if they rule against us. So if you get confused with what happens in June when they rule on this, we can defy that. You say, ‘oh, this is too much? A Friend of Medjugorje is going too far?’ No, you have to stand with God. You have to stand with the Church. You have to stand with what law is. To obey laws against Natural law puts us in transgression against Divine Law, and, therefore, the law is invalid, and it is to be defied as if it does not exist. There is no basis for it to be. All true laws are based on God’s law, or else they are invalid. So, therefore, the authority of human law is derived from Nature’s law and Nature’s God…”
A Friend of Medjugorje gives a plan of action in today’s Mejanomics broadcast:
“We’ve got the last stand, the last point of turning and reversing something that nobody in the United States of America has done. And you can not even overestimate the power of just writing a letter to the Supreme Court Justices of Alabama, to the Governor, to the Attorney General…You need to write every one of the Supreme Court Justices in Alabama and say “Thank God for you. We support you.”
Here below is the contact information for the Alabama Governor, Attorney General and the Supreme Court Justices. You do not need to write a long letter. You do not need to quote them Bible verses. Just tell them, “Don’t ever quit on this. Because this is against Natural Law, even if the U.S. Supreme Court rules against you in June, please, stand up against it. The whole country is depending on you.”
* 189 Apparitions. A Friend of Medjugorje is referring to the number of times Our Lady has appeared at Caritas to Medjugorje visionary Marija. For more information click to visit here…
Contact Information
Note: Remember, you do not need to write a long letter. You do not need to quote them Bible verses. Just tell them, “Don’t ever quit on this. Because this is against Natural Law, even if the U.S. Supreme Court rules against you in June, please, stand up against it. The whole country is depending on you.”
Alabama Governor | Office of the Governor |
Alabama Attorney General | Office of the Alabama Attorney General |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Chief Justice | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
Alabama Supreme Court | 300 Dexter Avenue |
18 thoughts on “Alabama Supreme Court Makes History”
We stand with you the people of Alabama and those throughout the country who believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. Our prayers, hope and faith. Julia
God Bless Alabama for its wonderful stand for the Sanctity of Marriage. We ail will be praying for you. Eileen
Dear Friends of God may the holy angels of heaven fight this battle with your blessed country especially in sweet home Alabama all praise be to Our Father in heaven many are called few are chosen Ave Maria
I will be praying for your success for the sanctity of marriage. May Gpd have mercy on us and pour out the Holy Spirit for the strength to win.
You are in my prayers ALABAMA, stand up against it people in the Suprem Court, and around the world. GOD’s CHURCH will never be destroy. MOTHER MARY is herlping us. God bless you all.
The St. Therese of Lisieux Constitutional Small Prayer Group is with you all the way! God bless Alabama and God bless America!!
Congratulations, Our Lady’s army. Where you go Britain follows-several years later!! You are a light to the nations God bless you .
Mej.com Thank you for keeping me informed. God bless…
I certainly hope the Supreme Court of Alabama and the people of Alabama keep marriage sacred as our Lord ment it to be. Be His presence at “THE WEDDING OF CANA” made Christian marriage a sacrament.
You are in my prayers. I sure hope this stays firm!!!
Halleluja Alabama!
Thank God for your courage and steadfastness in this fight. The people of Alabama are in my prayers. I pray that Mary Mother of God will win this battle and all battles against the natural law of God. Cantonment, Fl.
Thank you for your courage we wish to walk with you all the way.
Thank God for you. Will do.
Congratulations on your firm stand for GOD. Remember you are a light for many nations. What happens in the USA has a great influence on many many peoples, especially the youth. God be with you. O VICTORIOUS VIRGIN MARY, BE VICTORIOUS IN EVERY BATTLE!
We are with you in prayer. Thank you for keeping us informed and God Bless the brave people of Alabama!
I am behind you 100%. I will send a letter to all of the Alabama people you listed telling them to stand firm on this movement.