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A “To Do” List for Christmas from the Queen of Peace

A “To Do” List for Christmas from the Queen of Peace

Nativity of Our Lord

Christmas has always been a time of lists. Shopping lists. Wish lists for Santa. Lists of who to buy gifts for. Lists of things to get done before the end of the year. Our Lady has Her own list, a list of requests She has made to us every Christmas. The world may not fall apart if we don’t achieve everything on our own personal lists, but every item on Our Lady’s list has eternal ramifications if we neglect to fulfill them.  This Christmas Day, pray for the grace to be able to live Our Lady’s “wish list.” But whatever you do, do not neglect Our Lady’s wish. Do not deserve the words Our Lady gave to the parish of Medjugorje the day after Christmas in 1983:


December 26, 1983

… You needed to live this Christmas in prayer. You have rejoiced very much this Christmas, but your hearts have not attained and lived what you have desired. No one withdrew to his room to thank Jesus.”


Praying that You Experience the Birth of Jesus on Christmas Day,

Friend of Medjugorje

P.S. If you haven’t listened to the latest Mejanomics broadcast, “NOW WE KNOW,”  streamed on December 22, 2022, it is a must listen to. Add to your “To Do” list when you gather with friends and family to spread this special broadcast. It is critically vital information that everyone must become familiar with and pray to know what God will call you to do in response to this knowledge. It is an hour and a half in length.  Do not put it off. Every minute will show you the future and that you must start making major changes now for 2023. https:


Our Lady’s Christmas “To Do” Wish List


December 25, 2021

          “…on this day of grace, open your hearts and implore the Lord for the gift of faith…”


December 25, 2021

          “…return to prayer, because the fruit of prayer is joy and faith…”


December 25, 2020

          “…do not permit for your faith and hope in a better future to be extinguished …”


December 25, 2019

          “…open your hearts, pray and believe firmly and then your heart will feel God’s nearness and that God never abandons you…”


December 25, 2018

          “…full of trust and without looking back and without fear, completely surrender your hearts to Him so that God may fill them with His love…”


December 25, 2017

          “…Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to be joyful witnesses and people of peace and hope…”


December 25, 2017

          “…decide for God and begin to live and to believe in that what God is calling you to …”


December 25, 2016

          “…Do not seek peace and joy in the things of this world, because this is all passing…”


December 25, 2015

          “…pray to Jesus that as of today your life may experience a new birth in God and become a light which will radiate from within you …”


December 25, 2014

          “…Pray to and adore my Son for His peace and joy to enter into your hearts…”


December 25, 2014

          “…for each of your hearts to become a little stable of Bethlehem in which the Savior of the world was born… Permit God to illuminate your lives with light and your hearts with joy


December 25, 2013

          “…peer into your hearts and ask yourselves if the peace and joy of the birth of Jesus have truly taken hold of your hearts. Little children, do not live in darkness, aspire towards the light and towards God’s salvation…”


December 25, 2012

          “…give the gift of your life to me … my children, do not wait, say ‘no’ to sin and surrender your hearts to my Son…”


December 25, 2010

          “…be a blessing and be peace…”


December 25, 2008

          “…open your hearts to the King of Peace, for Him to be born in you…”


December 25, 2008

          “…stop in front of the manger and…meditate on Jesus…”


December 25, 2007

          “…I call you to become open to God and for each of your hearts today to become a place of Jesus’ birth…”


December 25, 2006

          “…adore [Jesus] in your hearts, choose Him and you will have joy in Him…”


December 25, 2005

          “…do not forget that I am your mother…”


December 25, 2002

          “…Be conscious of this gift that God has permitted me to be with you, especially today when in my arms I have little Jesus — the King of Peace…”


December 25, 2001

          “…Encourage each other, little children, to prayer and love….”


December 25, 2000

          “…rejoice in the birth of Jesus and pray for all those hearts that have not opened to Jesus…”


December 25, 1999

          “…Throw all darkness out of your heart and allow God’s light and God’s love to enter into your heart…”


December 25, 1999

          “…put little newborn Jesus in the first place in your life…”


December 25, 1998

          “…Yearn for peace and seek it, for God is true peace…”


December 25, 1998

          “…do not be afraid to open your heart and to completely surrender yourself to Jesus…”


December 25, 1997

          “…tell everyone, I want the good for you and He will respond with the good…”


December 25, 1996

          “…open yourselves to [God’s] call. He calls you to joy…”


December 25, 1992

          “…open yourselves to God’s plans and purposes for you to be able to cooperate with Him for peace and for good…”


December 25, 1991

          “…decide for God and then you will get everything…”


December 25, 1990

          “…Be reconciled with one another…”


December 25, 1989

          “…tonight I would like to tell you: Rejoice!”


December 25, 1987

          “…I am calling you to sincere prayer with the heart so that every prayer of yours may be an encounter with God…”


December 25, 1986

          “…become alive to the graces and place everything at God’s disposal so that He may be glorified through you…”

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

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3 thoughts on “A “To Do” List for Christmas from the Queen of Peace”

  1. City: Clovis
    State: CA
    Country: United States
    Beautiful! Thank you for putting this together! It brings all of Her Christmas messages together for us to focus on. Praying my heart and my family, to be the stable where Jesus can be born again…everyday.

  2. State: Ca
    You did not put the message for Christmas 1988. That was the year I went to Medjugore. It was such an important year for me and I will never forget it.
    I cannot believe as you say, that so many no not believe. They were in a Blessed place! They must come back and remember. Thank you for printing all these Christmas messages from the Blessed Mother at Christmas. Makes my day.

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