A New Shepherd for the Medjugorje Diocese of Mostar

A New Shepherd for the Medjugorje Diocese of Mostar



July 11, 2020 A.D.


Bishop Petar Palic, Diocese of Mostar

The 48-year old, new Bishop of Mostar, Petar Palić.

On July 11, 2020, Pope Francis named 48-year old, Msgr. Petar Palić as the new bishop of the Diocese of Mostar, of which the parish of Medjugorje is a part of. This comes after Bishop Ratko Perić’s reign of 27 years. A Friend of Medjugorje said earlier today:

“It is not without great significance, that we are moving from the 39th year of the Medjugorje apparitions, and into the 40th year of apparitions, that Medjugorje now finds itself underneath a new Bishop. Also, this year, we saw the end of the second of the month apparitions to Mirjana. All those who are involved with Medjugorje knows that Fr. Petar Ljubicic, is the priest that Mirjana chose to announce the secrets. And here, the Church has named another “Petar” to lead the Diocese. We are seeing the movements which God is making at this moment in time, to ready the world for the time of the secrets.”

When the apparitions of Medjugorje began, Bishop Pavao Zanić was the Bishop of Mostar, in which the parish of Medjugorje resides. Within a short time, there grew a strained relationship between the Franciscans and the Bishop. On October 8, 1987, a Friend of Medjugorje interviewed Bishop Zanić, to clarify and clear the air about certain things regarding his position about Medjugorje. A Friend of Medjugorje was very pleasantly surprised by the meeting, as Bishop Zanić was very cordial, and indeed he did clarify his position about Medjugorje. During the interview with Bishop Zanić, which is available here, a Friend of Medjugorje began to realize that perhaps it was God’s will for the Medjugorje apparitions to remain outside the Church. As the years went by, a Friend of Medjugorje became even more confirmed in this belief.

A Friend of Medjugorje was present at a very historic meeting in the summer of 1989, with Bishop Pavao Zanić. In the meeting with Bishop Zanić, was two of the visionaries, Marija and Jakov, along with a Friend of Medjugorje and a Croatian-Canadian woman. It had been years since Bishop Zanić met with the visionaries. When Marija and Jakov got out of the car, Bishop Zanić joyfully met them. A Friend of Medjugorje witnessed Bishop Zanić shaking Jakov’s hand, and greeting him with a smile, saying, “Hi Ivan!” A Friend of Medjugorje realized that Jakov had grown up since the Bishop had last seen him, thinking he was Ivan. It also showed how little contact Bishop Zanić had with the visionaries. That would be the last time Bishop Zanić met with any of the Medjugorje visionaries.

During the visit with Bishop Zanić, which is written about here, a Friend of Medjugorje describes the Bishop’s demeanor as very “fatherly” towards Marija and Jakov. This view is greatly different from other views normally given about Bishop Zanić. A Friend of Medjugorje could see very clearly, that had Bishop Zanić been able to directly communicate with the Medjugorje visionaries themselves, he perhaps would have taken a much different view than the negative view he held until his death. But again, a Friend of Medjugorje felt that God did not want Medjugorje approved at this time.

Bishop Zanić was succeeded by Bishop Ratko Perić, who reigned over the Diocese of Mostar for 27 years. And today, Bishop Perić is being succeeded by Bishop Petar Palić. We encourage all Medjugorje believers to keep Bishop Palić in their prayers. A Friend of Medjugorje has often pointed out the message which Our Lady gave through Jelena, on July 16, 1983, when She told the prayer group the importance of praying for the Bishop. Our Lady said:

“Pray very much for the Bishop and for those who hold positions in the Church. No less than half of their prayers and sacrifices must be devoted to this intention.”

Be sure to avail yourself of the several links below, which tell many of the first-hand accounts that a Friend of Medjugorje has had with Medjugorje and the Church. Our Lady placed a Friend of Medjugorje in situations that gave him the cognition to state what he witnesses and states today. His cognition gave him a very clear picture as to why Medjugorje needed to remain outside the Church’s approval, because Medjugorje is private revelations, it is permitted to be followed and promoted.

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

More For Your Spiritual Nourishment…

Why God Has Not Wanted Church Approval of Medjugorje – June 25, 2015 – A very concise explanation of why Medjugorje has not been approved…

Sensus Fidelum – The Sense of the Faithful – July 9, 2014 – A Friend of Medjugorje writes about those who are truly ‘for’ Medjugorje, and who walk with not atheism towards the apparitions…

On a Mountain, In a Grotto, On Another Mountain, In a Field…But Not in a Church? – June 25, 2015 – A very important understanding about why the Bishop stopped the apparitions in the church of St. James – Was it part of God’s doing?

Medjugorje: The Bishops Speak Out – June 25, 2015 – An amazing chronicle of what the Bishops of the world have had to say about Medjugorje…

Apostles vs. Apostles? – February 2, 2015 – A Friend of Medjugorje writes about the Apostles of Jesus, and the Apostles of Our Lady…

Don’t Forget to Spread this to All Your Friends in Other Countries – You can translate this site into 61 languages! Read all about how to use it…

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

6 thoughts on “A New Shepherd for the Medjugorje Diocese of Mostar”

  1. Michael baldrey

    In 1985 , my wife , Maureen and I saw and met Archbishop Frantic of Split in Medjugorje where he declared absolute belief, not only in words but by his actions. Some years later an African Bishop, who was on his first visit there, questioned us about the negativity from Bishop Ratko as he had been a great friend in Rome during their formative years. He visited him at the Cathedral in Mostar, and I learned later, this attitude had been transferred via the written reports of Bishop Zanic. Please remember that all this had occured during Communist rule, behind the Iron Curtain, yet was available to the whole world in person, so yes, you are right to presume that it was all God’s will and ordained . Michael.

  2. Michael baldrey

    In 1985 , my wife , Maureen and I saw and met Archbishop Frantic of Split in Medjugorje where he declared absolute belief, not only in words but by his actions. Some years later an African Bishop, who was on his first visit there, questioned us about the negativity from Bishop Ratko as he had been a great friend in Rome during their formative years. He visited him at the Cathedral in Mostar, and I learned later, this attitude had been transferred via the written reports of Bishop Zanic. Please remember that all this had occured during Communist rule, behind the Iron Curtain, yet was available to the whole world in person, so yes, you are right to presume that it was all God’s will and ordained . Michael.

  3. Michael Hebert

    Bishop Petar Pali?’s motto: “Na tvoju rije?”, means, “At Thy Word”, which appears in, Luke 5:5, “and Simon answering, said to Him: Master we have labored all the night, and have taken nothing: But at thy word, I will let down the net”. We’re reminded, even though we Labor in a world which appears to be in Complete Darkness, full of Chaos, with what many think, brings no chance, for a Great Many Men to be Saved, Our Lord will tell us, Where and When, to Cast our Nets, for the Greatest Catch of All. Our Lady through Medjugorje, has been preparing the world, with individuals, ready to pull hard, upon their portion of the net, so we all can help land, the Greatest Haul of Conversions. While those Apostle’s fished at night, in a Tiny Sea, we fish for Our Lady’s catch, made up of Conversions, from all of the different Faiths, throughout the world. These Conversions, will be presented as a “Beautiful Mosaic”, before Her Son. Many others, will become Purified, through Testimony of Lamb.



  5. Gerald Griffin

    I was invited to go Medjugorje from OUR LADY 2015. As a result, I am being professed as a secular franciscan.thank you Mother mary for my vocation.

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