November 23, 2016 A.D.
Dear Friends of Our Lady,
Earlier this year, we asked you to step forward and help support Our Lady’s work through Many of you made sacrifices and helped to raise the $100,000 budget needed to keep online and free for the whole world. actually costs more along the lines of about $125,000 to operate, $25,000 more than what was originally raised from this year’s budget. The mission of Caritas has been subsidizing the costs of some of this overage, and some of it is covered through good-will offerings of people who get a little extra in their paycheck and send it in Our Lady’s direction. We cannot thank you enough.
There has been much work behind the scenes on the site. While a lot of this work going on behind-the-scenes is yet to be revealed, many of you know that you can count on it being more than your expectations. Can you ever say that you have been dissatisfied with what Our Lady gives you? Please donate now to cover the extra expense. In order for us to release everything at the beginning of the new year, we need to raise the $25,000 of extra budget money.
Thank you for your continued support. Many missions vie for funding. Our churches are constantly asking for money weekly. In some parishes, every other homily is about tithing. People get tired of that, just like people will get tired of eating at a restaurant that does not offer good food, but exacts high prices. Sooner or later, you find a different restaurant. And unfortunately, this happens much too often.
We are not shy in asking when the need arises, because many have told us that the “food” which feeds them is coming from The donations you give do not go for administrative use, rather into hardware and expansion, and a consistent presence on the Internet worldwide. Combined with prayer and fasting, we stretch ten dollars out of one dollar. We operate with a constant diligence because we work for the Queen of Heaven. Our Lady said through Marija from the valley here at Caritas:
November 20, 1988
“May your life be prayer. May your work be offered as a prayer…”
Mother Teresa once said, “Some people give to the mission by going on the mission. Some people go on the mission by giving to the mission.”
In the Love of Our Lady,
P.S. Many ask about end of the year donations. To reiterate, your donations are tax-deductible, and we encourage you to place Our Lady as the place of priority when choosing to give. You can make a one-time tax-deductible offering here…