A Great Plan By God’s Design

A Great Plan By God’s Design

Medjugorje, a great plan, where you are chosen by Our Lady. With this reality, what question should we ask ourselves?

June 10, 2011 A.D.

Medjugorje, The Fulfillment of All Marian Apparitions


Medjugorje is part of a great plan by God’s design, a plan in which you are chosen to help save mankind, a plan for which these other previous apparitions have helped prepare the stage for.


January 25, 1987

“…God has chosen each of you, in order to use you in a great plan for the salvation of mankind…”


Medjugorje is the implementation of the plan.

From this week’s featured download, “Medjugorje, the Fulfillment of All Marian Apparitions”


Sunrise from Cross Mountain

Pictured above, taken from Cross Mountain, another sunrise in Medjugorje. Another sunrise, another day with Our Lady, while She is still with us to help us and guide us.

As we approach 30 years of apparitions this coming June 25th, our prayers should be turned to God in gratitude for allowing Our Lady to be with us this long. The question we must ask ourselves is, how much are we thanking God, by responding to Our Lady’s messages by our lives?

In the Love of Our Lady,
A Friend of Medjugorje

P.S. If you’re within driving distance of Caritas this June 24 and 25, why not plan to spend the weekend with the Community of Caritas in thanking God for Our Lady being with us 30 years? For more information about coming to Caritas June 24 and 25, click to visit this page.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

7 thoughts on “A Great Plan By God’s Design”

  1. How was Germany seduced by Hitler? How were the Hutus convinced to behead the Tsutsis? How did the crowd that chanted “Hosanna” to Jesus on Palm Sunday become the same crowd chanting “Crucify Him!” on Good Friday? satan’s tactics don’t change. People are brainwashed into mob mentality by propaganda, and it’s ALWAYS the same story. I was shocked to hear Eileen was from Portland. Has she not watched her liberal city burn for the past 4 months? My mother-in-law also lives in Portland, and called me the other day to say, “You know, I think I’m going to vote for Biden. He seems like a nice guy.” I had to counsel her for a good half hour to make her understand her mistake. She finally agreed she had to vote for Trump, but she said, “I can’t let any of my neighbors know.” She lives in fear of the mob! No one who follows Our Lady of Medjugorje should have an excuse! A Friend Of Mej has given us the tools – Big Q, Little Q; They Fired the First Shot, etc. Pray, Pray, Pray and “Be Ready”!

  2. I have been verbally attacked, especially in my family, for supporting President Trump. I refuse to debate or argue. I state that I vote on one issue and that is prolife. The other issues will work out. And then continue to pray for Gods will. Thank you for continuing to feed us. God bless and protect all of you at Caritas.

  3. Our Lady’s Purpose Coming is, “Reconciliation.” If we can’t convince people, God is calling them, while they’re in sin, they’ll continue to believe they aren’t good enough to ask for God’s Foregiveness & Convert. We’re taught Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Believe in the Efficacy of Prayer, & believe Trump is in the midst of his own Conversion, from our Prayers for him. When the Sorrows begin to increase, we must speak the truth about Conversion & explain to everyone how we all came to Christ as Sinners & even remain sinners to this very day. We must explain 2nd Corinthians 5:17 to them because, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a New Creation, the old has passed away; behold the new has come.” BUT WE MUST NEVER FORGET: 1st Corinthians 1:28, says it best telling us: “God chose what is Low & Despised in the World, even things that are not, to bring to nothing, things that are.” Trump Kept Promises.

  4. Well said Fr. Mej ! 🙂 My mom and I are praying the 54 day novena over the phone every day. We love your President! Queen of Peace pray for us! Because the future is uncertain, we should all prepare by making a general confession ASAP. God bless you all!

  5. I pray that God continues to protect the United States of America. Donald Trump will remain a President who protects the most vulnerable including unborn babies and who has Christian Values and will lead onwards your Country to Greatness. I shudder when I hear any fellow Australian denigrate Mr President Donald Trump. This is against the Commandment Thou Shalt Not Kill – killing a reputation, a black and insidious evil. I pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and that Her Intentions be Granted. Thank you Caritas and Thank you for exposing the truth in this heightened period of Darkness and Error !

  6. You know there are many more of us here that see and have the same discernment as you! We thank you for being our voice and pray for your community! We will not always be able to change people’s minds with words. But, I continue to pray for blind eyes to be opened! Our Lady has said, if we pray for Her intentions, ( we will not regret it and neither will our children) paraphrased … I can’t remember Her exact words right now. But, that has stuck with me. I offer all my prayers for Her intentions and abandon my concerns to Her. This is the best path I can see at this point, not only for ourselves, but also for those who are lost. Second…for me…is to extend Our Lady’s special blessing to as many as I can! Rosary in hand…we fight! God give me greater graces to pray and fast more…and better!

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