
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2015 Message, Given on the Day of Prayer for Nonbelievers

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2015 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children, I am always with you because my Son entrusted you to me. And you, my children, you need me, you are seeking me, you are coming to me, and you are bringing joy to my motherly heart. I have, and always will have, love for you; for you who suffer and who offer your pains and sufferings to my Son and to me. My love seeks the love of all of my children, and my children seek my love. Through love, Jesus seeks unity between Heaven and earth; between the Heavenly Father and you, my children – His Church. Therefore, it is necessary to pray much, to pray and love the Church to which you belong. Now, the Church is suffering and needs apostles who by loving unity, by witnessing and giving, show the ways of God. The Church needs apostles who by living the Eucharist with the heart, do great works; it needs you, my apostles of love. My children, from the very beginning, the Church was persecuted and betrayed, but day by day it grew. It is indestructible because My Son gave it a heart – the Eucharist, and the light of His resurrection shone and will continue to shine upon it. Therefore, do not be afraid. Pray for your shepherds that they may have the strength and the love to be bridges of salvation. Thank you!”


Stay close to Medjugorje.com for updates. An important writing from a Friend of Medjugorje on Our Lady’s message will be available today, December 3 – wait for it in prayer.

More Languages will become available later


Be sure to listen to Radio WAVE, with A Friend of Medjugorje, discussing Our Lady’s December 2, 2015 message. To listen to the Dec. 2, 2015 Radio WAVE show titled, O’ My Church, What is Happening to You, visit here…



„Draga djeco, Ja sam uvijek s vama jer vas je moj Sin povjerio meni. A vi, djeco moja, vi me trebate, tražite me, dolazite mi i razveseljujete moje majčinsko srce. Ja imam i uvijek ću imati ljubavi za vas, za vas koji trpite i koji svoje boli i patnje prinosite mome Sinu i meni. Moja ljubav traži ljubav sve moje djece, a moja djeca traže moju ljubav. Po ljubavi Isus traži zajedništvo između Neba i zemlje, između Nebeskog Oca i vas, moje djece, svoje crkve. Zato treba mnogo moliti, moliti i ljubiti crkvu kojoj pripadate. Sada crkva trpi i treba apostole koji ljubeći zajedništvo, svjedočeći i dajući pokazuju puteve Božje; treba apostole koji živeći srcem Euharistiju čine velika djela; treba vas, moje apostole ljubavi. Djeco moja, crkva je od samih početaka bila proganjana i izdavana, ali je iz dana u dan rasla. Neuništiva je jer joj je moj Sin dao srce – Euharistiju, i svjetlost Njegovog uskrsnuća je svijetlila i svjetlit će nad njom. Zato, ne bojte se. Molite za vaše pastire da imaju snage i ljubavi biti mostovi spasa. Hvala vam.”

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