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2021 Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast October 11, 2021 – October 19, 2021 (Updated)

2021 Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast October 11, 2021 – October 19, 2021 (Updated)

Updated October 8, 2021

A Friend of Medjugorje Invites You…


2021 Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast

October 11, 2021 – October 19, 2021


The Caritas’ Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast is approaching.


satanic influences can only be defeated through prayer and fasting. We are sending out a strong call to join us in this fast that will give Our Lady added sacrifices and prayers to go before God to break the power of satan over our Church, our nation and the world.


Prayer with Fasting brings turbo power to our prayer and a collective nine-day fast will give Our Lady ammunition to mount an offensive against the powers of darkness. Our Lady needs your participation! Her words should encourage everyone to enter into a holy fast for Our Lady’s intentions:


September 26, 1985

“… I thank you for all the prayers. Thank you for all the sacrifices. I wish to tell you, dear children, to renew the messages which I am giving you. Especially live the fast, because by fasting you will achieve and cause me the joy of the whole plan, which God is planning here in Medjugorje, being fulfilled…”


We wish the Fast to cover each day of 2022 with grace.


How it works…


For everyone participating, you will fast for 9 days, October 11-19, 2021.


You will call Caritas and we will assign you one day of 2022. You will offer your entire nine-day fast for that one day of the coming year 2022, so that Our Lady can further Her plans through the next 365 days of the coming year.


Call Caritas of Birmingham, 205-672-2000 and ask for your assigned date, or see below the novena prayers to request information.


The fasting novena prayers are posted here below.

Caritas of Birmingham

Operated by the Community of Caritas


For questions and answers about Fasting visit here.

For more about fasting read here.


Monday, October 11, 2021, to Tuesday, October 19, 2021



O Queen of Heaven, we unite ourselves with others across the land in a holy fast, reminiscent of the so many times ancient Israel cried out in repentance to their God. By their history, we know God the Most High will hear our cry. We humble ourselves because of our sins. Seek, Mary our Queen, on our behalf, that the Lord not look upon our sins, but the love we show Him through this fast. Persuade Him to not only forgive but also forget and blot out our sins, that through Your hands we will grow close to Him and know Him intimately as a Father, as our Protector.


O Mary, these days of fasting we wish to empty our hearts of everything useless. Cleanse us. Let this fast purify us and atone for everything that has defiled us. O Mary, Queen of Peace, let our hearts be refilled through Your hands with whatever graces are necessary to reconcile us, our families, and our nation back to God. We wish also to atone for any wrongs in advance for each day of the coming year 2022, so that all be consecrated to Your Immaculate Heart, to purify the body of believers in order for the rebirth and the ushering in of a new springtime for Christianity in our beloved nation.We seek the healing of our hearts of all spiritual disease and illness and for You to fill our hearts especially during December 8th–12th. Please, please, dear Mother, please grant us these requests, and grant the three special intentions of the Community of Caritas as well as my own personal intentions of (name your personal intentions). We pray especially for Our Lady’s triumph over all the evil agendas assailing our nation. I especially offer , 2022 (day assigned by Caritas of Birmingham), that on that day the plans of satan against ourselves, our family, and nation will be thwarted and grace will abound for conversion across our land.


We consecrate our hearts to You, Mary, and to Jesus. We want to give You and Jesus “title” of not only our souls, but also our bodies, as well as all we possess. We know Your words of January 1, 2001, when You revealed that satan was completely unchained, were followed with what our response should be. It was to give ourselves to You and Jesus completely, as a possession into Your and His hands, through the formal daily act of consecration, thereby, owned by You and Your Son, we are afforded protection through being Your possession.


January 1, 2001

“My dear children, now that when satan is unchained, I desire you to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bless you with my Motherly Blessing.”


We, therefore, present to You the intention to empty our hearts that You may refill them, as well as Caritas’ intentions and our personal intentions through this nine-day fast, prayers and consecrations, in order that You will present this novena with your Son before the throne of God. We ask for an unleashing of grace to be poured out upon ourselves, our families, our nation, and upon the countless numbers who are in need of conversion throughout our land, and Your intentions for all of the above intentions. Please intercede for us as our Mother and as our Queen. Amen.


Consecration to Jesus and Mary


9-Day Fast Signup

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

14 thoughts on “2021 Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast October 11, 2021 – October 19, 2021 (Updated)”

  1. City: Bel Air
    State: Maryland
    Country: USA
    What initially appeared an easy fast, became anything but! Nevertheless, with my bride doing this fast with me, we find it a blessing and pray it benefits Our Blessed Mother’s intentions for true peace in our world, Amen!

  2. City: Batavia
    State: IL
    Country: Usa
    I am happy to say i am finishing up my fast today! It gets easier and more joyful every year that I participate. I didn’t sign up for a day because I wasn’t sure I could participate all 9 days but due to the grace of God I did! Also daily mass and confession where so much more fruitful! I am offering this up for my husband and all others who are trying to get exemptions from experimental drug shot. He is a dedicated physician for Over 35 years at an”catholic” hospital who is denying religious exemptions to their faithful employees of many years without giving them any explanation. We are praying and asking Our Lady, St Joseph and our Guardian angels to direct us in this matter. Also praying for intentions of Caritas and a wonderful priest of our parish who got cancelled and is without a ministry. He is saying private mass, 3:00 chapter and evening holy hour every day online and has 2,500 faithful followers. He LOVES Our Lady and Medjugore. God bless all of you and thank you for your fasting and prayers.

  3. City: Kailua
    State: Hawaii
    Country: USA
    Aloha, my brothers & sisters in Christ & YAY – we made it to Day 9!!! 🙂
    One of the more practical graces we received was a detox from all the foods we generally enjoy & I mention this as a lead-up to my “public service announcement” about entering in to Day 10 (or Day 11 for those still fasting through Wednesday).
    Especially for those of you who have never done this before, PLEASE go easy/be gentle on your first meal after the fast!
    The first year I participated, I went out & got myself a breakfast burrito with everything on it to include spicy salsa & a tall cup of coffee… I didn’t expect my stomach to “shrink” so while I could have EASILY eaten this pre-fast, I found myself struggling to finish it (but plowed ahead in obstinacy) – this was my 2nd mistake – the first was the breakfast burrito with everything on it…
    After 9 days of cleansing, I would strongly recommend a slow & gentle return to foods because your stomach & digestive track is going to be in shock thinking it’s just adjusted to the new normal. My breakfast burrito incident taught me to ease back in with stomach-friendly foods the first day & though you might be sick of bread, a muffin or some toast with peanut butter or jam with tea or coffee is a good start (think BRAT foods – banana, rice, applesauce, toast) a broth or soup, etc. And don’t venture too far away from a bathroom until you’re sure your stomach has decided to keep what you’ve chosen to introduce to it. Anyways, if anyone can learn from my mistake, I figure it’s a tale worth tellin’. 😉
    God bless you all, thank you Caritas for guiding us, praise be to Jesus, all glory to God & THANK YOU, Blessed Mother – mir, mir, mir! ♡

  4. State: Saskatchewan
    Country: Canada
    Hello Friend of Medjugorje, the Community of Caritas ( I really appreciate all the time and effort that went into organizing this 9 day fast) and all the hundreds of prayer warriors across the world joining this 9 day fast!! It is an honour to be fasting with all of you! Here we are into 5 day and still always amazing me how with ease I can do this fast, only by the grace of God can we do this for our dear Mother Mary! I thank Mother Mary for leading me to this website a few years back, I feel so connected with Her and Heaven after listening to a Friend of Medjugorje who would never lead us astray. Day 2 of the fast there was a misunderstanding in my family and it hasn’t been resolved, I told them don’t fall into satan’s trap he hates it when we all fast because he knows how powerful it is. I knew immediately where it was coming from. Praying everyone is joyful through out this fast. Hello to my fellow Canadians , love from Canada, Our Lady Queen of Peace pray for us, we love you!

  5. City: Ancaster
    State: ON
    Country: Canada
    The Gospel for the first day of this Novena was Luke 11: 29-32
    29 As the crowds increased, Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. 30 For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation. 31 ***The Queen of the South*** will rise at the judgment with the people of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom; and now something greater than Solomon is here. 32 The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and now something greater than Jonah is here.

  6. City: Kailua
    State: Hawaii
    Country: USA
    So joyful to be united to you all through this fast; may God give us the grace to endure & that our efforts please the Holy Trinity & our Blessed Mother. God bless you all. With much love & aloha ~

  7. Margaret Nyangweso

    City: Kampala
    State: Kampala
    Country: Uganda
    I am honoured to be able to fight for our church through this fast.

    1. City: Dar es Salaam
      State: Kbaha
      Country: Tanzania
      Great is God the Almighty who enabled me to encounter with the notification for the fastibg novena 11-19 October. Please grant me a day for me fo the coming 2022 fasting. As for this ongoing fasting, I am already engaged since Monday 11 th.

      Let God bless us all. Amen

  8. Rose-anne Kielo

    City: Delisle
    State: saskatchewan
    Country: canada
    Prayers for families
    Prayers for our Pope and Bishops and all our shepherds
    Prayers for all politicians
    Prayers for all the people who are loosing their right to freedom of choice

    1. City: Buea
      Country: South West province
      Calvary greetings to everyone at . Thank you for the marvelous works that have been taking place in medjugorje , especially for the messages of Our Lady that has lead many to conversion including my veryself.
      I wish to join you in the forthcoming Nine Day Water and Bread Fast. Thank you and remain blessed and protected.

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