
Prayer Group: 2011 – Ivan’s Prayer Group Messages – Medjugorje Messages

Prayer Group: 2011 – Ivan’s Prayer Group Messages – Medjugorje Messages

January 1, 2011

“Dear children also today the Mother calls you with joy – pray, pray, pray. Pray, dear children, and help me realize my plans which I desire to realize with the world and with this parish. Dear children, in a special way today I call you to pray for vocations in the Church, for a firm faith of my priests. Know, dear children, that I always pray with you when it is the most difficult for you, therefore, persevere in prayer. Pray together with me. Also today I want to say thank you to you for having responded, for having accepted my messages and for living my messages.”


May 20, 2011

“Dear children, today more than ever I desire to call you to prayer. Dear children, satan wants to destroy today’s families, therefore I desire to call you to a renewal of family prayer. Pray, dear children, in your families with your children, do not permit access to satan. Thank you, dear children, for also today responding to my call.”


May 27, 2011

Also tonight Our Lady came to us very joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Our Lady then extended Her arms and prayed over all of us here for a longer time. In a special way, She then prayed over the sick present and She blessed us all, and everything we brought to be blessed, with Her Motherly blessing. Our Lady then said:

“Dear children, today I desire to call you: live my messages that I am giving you so that I can give you new messages. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

Then Our Lady prayed for a while especially for conversion of sinners. Then, in a special way, I recommended all of us, our needs, our intentions, our families and especially all the sick present. Our Lady then continued to pray over all of us. She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

June 3, 2011

“Today, the most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came very joyful and happy and, at the beginning, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.”

Our Lady then, with Her arms extended, prayed for a longer while over all of us here. In a special way tonight, She prayed over the sick present and She blessed in a special way all of us with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed the religious articles brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed in a special way for a longer while for peace, for peace in the world and in the families. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick. Our Lady then continued to pray over all of us here. She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

June 17, 2011

Today, as always, after every meeting with Our Lady, I desire to also describe to you what is the most important from tonight’s meeting. Our Lady came very joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Our Lady then for a while, with Her arms extended, prayed over all of us here. She prayed over the sick present. Our Lady then said:

“Dear children, also today the Mother calls you with love: decide for my Son, set out together with Him, follow my messages. Especially through these upcoming days, renew my messages in your families. Pray, dear children, for my Son to be born in your hearts and in your families. Know, dear children, that the Mother prays for you and loves you with a Motherly love. Therefore, persevere. Thank you, also today, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

Then Our Lady blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed the religious articles brought for blessing. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially all the sick present. Then a private conversation followed between us, which remains between us only. Our Lady then especially prayed for peace, for peace in our hearts and for peace in the families. She then left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

June 24, 2011

Also today, as every day, after every meeting with Our Lady, I desire to describe to you what is the most important from tonight’s meeting with Our Lady. This was truly an exceptional day for me. Today is 30 years since Our Lady has been with me and since I have been in Her school, the school of peace, of love, the school of prayer. Truly this meeting has a great significance for me and for my life, and it is exceptional for me. Our Lady came tonight to us in a gold dress with three angels. She came very, very joyful and happy. At the beginning as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then She said:

“Dear children, also today I rejoice together with you. Also today, in joy, I call you: accept my messages and live my messages. May my messages become life. Build them into your lives. May they be food on your life’s journey. Know, dear children, that I am with you when it is most difficult for you, that I encourage and console you, that I intercede before my Son for all of you. Therefore, dear children, persevere in prayer and do not be afraid. Follow me without fear. Thank you, dear children, also today, for having accepted me again and having accepted my messages, for living my messages.”

Our Lady then, for a longer while, with Her arms extended, prayed for all of us here. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed the religious articles brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed over the sick who were present with Her arms extended. I recommended all of your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick, and everything that you carry in your hearts. Our Lady certainly knows our hearts the best – what we want to tell Her. Then a conversation between us followed, which remains only between us. After that conversation, Our Lady continued to pray over all of us. She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children, my little children.”

July 8, 2011

“Tonight, the most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that tonight Our Lady came very joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Our Lady then extended her hands and prayed over all of us here for a longer while. She especially prayed over the priests present here for a longer time and over the sick present. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed the religious articles brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed today especially for priests, bishops, the Holy Father and for vocations in the Church. Then Our Lady prayed a longer time here together with us. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick. Then a brief conversation followed between us. After that conversation, Our Lady left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

“What I would especially like to emphasize tonight is that Our Lady especially prayed for a longer time for the intentions of the priests, bishops, the Holy Father and especially for vocations in the Church.”

August 5, 2011

Today, as every day, after every meeting with Our Lady, I desire to describe to you what is the most important from this meeting with Our Lady. Also tonight, Our Lady came to us, really very, very, very joyful and happy. She came with three angels. At the beginning, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then Our Lady said:

“Dear children, also today, in this my great joy, when I see you in such a large number, I desire to call you, and to call all the youth, to participate in the evangelization today of the world; to participate in the evangelization of families. Dear children, pray, pray, pray, and the Mother prays together with you and intercedes before Her Son. Pray, dear children. Thank you, dear children, also today, for having responded to my call.”

Our Lady then for a longer while, with Her arms extended, prayed over all of you here. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed everything you brought for blessing. Then Our Lady extended Her arms and for a long time especially prayed over all of you here and particularly over all of you youth present here. She prayed for your families. I then recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially all of you who are sick. Our Lady then continued to pray over all of you the youth. She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”


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