June 19, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. Ivan said that Our Lady came very joyful and happy. Our Lady prayed over everyone forlong time. The following is the message that Our Lady gave to Ivan:
“Dear children! Also today the Mother calls you with joy. I bring peace to you today, carry that peace to others. Be, dear children, my carriers of peace. I bring you love, dear children, carry that love to others. Also today I call you, dear children, through this time, renew my messages; live my messages. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”
June 23, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill. Ivan said that Our Lady came very, very joyful and happy. The following is the message that Our Lady gave to Ivan:
“Dear children, also today the Mother rejoices with you. I came and introduced myself as the Queen of Peace, therefore, also today I call you, dear children: pray for peace. Renew my messages and live my messages. Pray, dear children, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
July 7, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:
Tonight Our Lady came very, very happy. At the beginning She greeted us with Her motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” After Our Lady prayed for an extended time with Her hands extended over all of us. She blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing. Afterwards, Our Lady blessed everything you brought for blessing. After I recommended all your intentions, petitions, all your families and especially the sick present.
The following is the message that Our Lady gave to Ivan:
“Dear children, also today I call you, especially through this time, to pray in your families. Dear children, return prayer into your families; pray together with the children. Dear children, may each of your families grow in this way in holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
And after, with Our Lady, we continued to pray an Our Father and Glory Be. Our Lady continued to pray over us and leaving in illuminated Sign of the Cross said:
“Go in peace, my dear little children.”
July 14, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:
Tonight Our Lady came happy. She greeted us all saying: “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” After Our Lady continued to pray over all of us with extended hands and blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all your religious articles you brought for blessing. I recommended all your intentions, families, and especially the sick present. Our Lady prayed over the sick present. Then Our Lady said:
“Peace, peace, peace, dear children. Pray with your Mother for peace in the world.”
And after, I prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and Glory Be. And after Our Lady left in prayer, saying:
“Go in peace, my dear children.”
July 28, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:
Our Lady came happy and joyful. As always, She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayedlong time with Her hands extended over all of us. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all your religious articles you brought for blessing and She blessed everything we brought for blessing. She prayed especially over the sick who were present. Ivan recommended all of us, our needs and families and especially the sick. Our Lady then prayed especially for the youth, all the youth who are to come here these days, and especially She called us to pray for the youth. We then prayed an Our Father and Glory Be with Our Lady, and then, in prayer, Our Lady left in an illuminated sign of the Cross, saying: “Go in God’s peace, my dear children.”
August 4, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross at 9:00 p.m. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition.
Tonight, the most important from the meeting with Our Lady was that She came joyful and happy. She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.”After Our Lady prayed over us with Her arms extended and She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed especially over the sick who were present and I recommended all your needs, intentions, and your families; especially all the youth present and the sick. Then Our Lady said:
“Dear children, also today the Mother with seriousness calls you: ‘pray, dear children, for peace.’ Peace, peace, peace, dear children, may there be peace. Dear children, the Mother intercedes before Her Son for all of you. Pray together with the Mother, at this time especially, for peace. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”
Afterwards, we prayed an Our Father andGlory Be with Our Lady and then Our Lady prayed over us with Her arms extended and in that prayer left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying:
“Go in God’s peace, my dear children.”
August 11, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:
Our Lady came joyful and at the beginning She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then Our Lady continued to pray for a longer time, especially for peace. Then She said:
“Dear children,also today I call you to pray for peace. Pray for peace in the world, pray for peace in your families. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”
Then She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. Ivan recommended all of us to Her, our intentions, and our families. Then we prayed together with Ivan and Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying:
“Go in Peace, my dear children.”
August 14, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. Ivan gave the folowing description of the apparition:
Tonight Our Lady came happy and joyful. She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then with Her hands extended, She prayedlonger time over us. She then blessed all the religious objects we brought with us. She then especially prayed over all the sick people present and Ivan recommended all of us to Her and all our intentions, our families, and especially the sick people. Then Our Lady especially prayed for awhile for peace in the world. We prayed together with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying:
“Go in peace, my dear children.”
August 21, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:
Tonight Our Lady came happy and joyful. She came with three angels. At the beginning She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting:“Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Then She extended Her hands over us and She prayed over us. Then She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and also all the religious objects we brought with us. Then She prayed especially for all the sick people present here. Then Ivan recommended all of us to Her, our intentions, our families, and especially the sick people and those who specifically recommended themselves to be prayed for. Tonight Our Lady prayed especially for vocations in the Church and for priests. Then we prayed together with Our Lady and Ivan an Our Father andGlory Be and then praying over us, Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying:
“Go in peace my dear children.”
September 1, 2006
Tonight Our Lady came joyful and happy with three angels. She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting. She said:
“Praise be Jesus, dear children.”
Then She extended Her hands above us and She prayed over us, then She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing, and also all the religious objects we brought with us, then She prayed especially for the sick people here present. Then Ivan recommended all of us to Her, our needs, our intentions, our families, and especially the sick. Then Our Lady said:
“Dear children, also today the Mother is calling you inspecial way. Dear children, return prayer to your families. Pray, dear children, in your families so that with prayer, peace, love, and joy may return. The Mother is praying with you. Pray, dear children. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Then we prayed together with Ivan and Our Lady an Our Father and the Glory Be, and then Our Lady went away in the sign of light and cross, and She said:
“Go in peace, dear children.”
September 8, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. on Friday, September 8, 2006. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:
Our Lady came very very happy and joyful. She came with 3 angels. At the beginning, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting:
“Praise be Jesus, my dear children!”
Then Our Lady prayedlonger time over us with Her hands extended. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all
the religious items brought for blessing. Then Ivan recommended all of us, all our needs, intentions, and families, and especially the sick. Our Lady then especially prayed for the sick present here and then said:
“Dear children, this year how much seed I have sown. I desire that you, dear children, be my flower from that seed. Be my flower. Live my message. Pray for peace. Pray together with your Mother for peace. Thank you for having responded to my call!”
Then we prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady, and then in prayer, Our Lady left us in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with the greeting:
“Go in peace, my dear children!”
September 15, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. on Friday, September 15, 2006. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:
Our Lady came happy and joyful. At the beginning, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting:
“Praise be Jesus, my dear children!”
Then Our Lady prayed over us with Her hands extended. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all the religious items brought for blessing. Then Ivan recommended all of us, all our needs, intentions, and families and especially the sick. Our Lady then prayed for the sick present and especially prayed for peace in the world. Then we prayed an Our Father andGlory Be with Our Lady and in prayer, Our Lady left in an illuminated sign of the cross with the greeting:
“Go in peace, my dear children!”
September 18, 2006
Our Lady appeared at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. on September 18, 2006. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:
Our Lady came very, very happy and joyful. At the beginning She greeted us all with Her usual Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then Our Lady prayedlonger time over all of us here with Her hands extended. Our Lady then prayed for the sick present here. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all the religious objects brought for blessing. After, Our Lady prayed especially today for the Holy Father, the bishops and priests. She prayed for firm faith for priests and for firm faith in the Church. Then we prayed an Our Father andGlory Be with Our Lady and Our Lady continued to pray over us and left us in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with the greeting:
“Go in peace my dear children.”
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11 thoughts on “Prayer Group: 2006 – Ivan’s Prayer Group Messages – Medjugorje Messages”
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