June 17, 1994
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross. She asked us to pray for this parish.
July 11, 1994
This evening Our Lady came joyfully. She greeted us saying “Praised by Jesus, my dear children.” Then She prayed over all of us and blessed us. Ivan recommended all our needs to Her. Our Lady said to pray for the conversion of sinners. Ivan prayed one “Our Father” and “Glory Be” with Her. As we were praying, Our Lady left saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
July 15, 1994
Ivan had his apparition at the Blue Cross – 10 p.m. Our Lady came happy and joyful. She greeted us with, “Praised be Jesus, dear children.” Our Lady blessed us with Her arms extended. Ivan recommended all our intentions and Our Lady and Ivan prayed an “Our Father” and “Glory Be” for peace in the world. She asked us to pray for Her intentions. Our Lady disappeared in the sign of the cross, saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
July 25, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10 p.m. at the Blue Cross. Our Lady came happy and joyful and prayed over everyone present. Ivan prayed an “Our Father” and “Glory Be” as always. Our Lady continued praying and disappeared in the sign of the cross saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.” Our Lady gave Ivanprivate message.
July 29, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10:30 p.m. on Apparition Hill. There was no special message. Our Lady came and prayed over us and blessed us with Her hands extended. Ivan recommended all of us, our intentions, our needs, and our families to Her. Our Lady prayed one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be” with us in an exceptional way for the sick. As She continued to pray with us, She left in an illuminated sign of the cross saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
August 5, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10:30 p.m. on Apparition Hill. Our Lady appeared happy and joyful. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over us with Her hands extended and She blessed us all. Ivan recommended all our needs and intentions and inspecial way, the sick. Our Lady gave a message:
“Dear children, I invite you to pray in this time for the conversion of sinners.”
Then She prayed an “Our Father” and “Glory Be” with Ivan and all present. She remained a while longer and then when She left, She said, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children,” leaving behind Her a cross of light.
August 6, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10 p.m. at the Blue Cross. Our Lady had a special message. Our Lady came joyful and happy. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over us and blessed us with Her hands extended. She said:
“Dear children, tonight in a special way, I wish to invite you in this time, in a special way to pray more for young people and for families. Dear children, also (your) Mother will pray together with you. Pray! Pray! Pray!”
Ivan recommended all our needs and intentions. Especially, he recommended the needs of the sick to Our Lady. Our Lady prayed awhile for the young people and for families and then She prayed one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be” with Ivan and all present for them. She continued praying as She went back to Heaven and left behindcross of light, saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
August 8, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10:00 p.m. at the Blue Cross. Tonight the people prayed the full fifteen decades of the Rosary instead of the usual singing and one mystery. Our Lady appeared happy and joyful. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over us with Her hands extended and blessed us all. Ivan recommended all our intentions, our needs, and our families and inspecial way, he recommended the sick to Our Lady. Our Lady prayed inspecial way for peace and for the priests. After awhile, She went back to Heaven, leaving behind Hercross of light and saying, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.” There was no message tonight.
August 15, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10:00 p.m. at the Blue Cross. Ivan led the group in prayer with two mysteries of the Rosary – Joyful and Glorious Mysteries instead of the usual singing and one mystery and one “Peace Chaplet.” Our Lady came and was especially joyful tonight and greeted us with “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then with Her hands extended, She prayed over us and blessed us. Then Ivan recommended all our needs and intentions to Our Lady and especially the sick. Our Lady prayed invery special way for peace tonight and prayed an “Our Father” and “Glory Be” with us. Upon leaving, She continued praying and said, “Go in peace, my dear children,” leaving behind Hercross of light. There was no message tonight but we must pay attention to the fact that She prayed for peace. Tonight Her presence was felt.
August 19, 1994
Our Lady came joyfully. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over us and blessed us with Her hands extended. She gavemessage tonight:
“Dear children, tonight your Mother wants to say thank you. Thank you for all your prayers. You who prayed and helped me through to this day so that I am realizing my plans. Children, don’t get tired of praying. Pray further! For yet further, I need your prayers. Thank you for responding to my call.”
Ivan recommended all our needs and intentions. Our Lady prayed with us an “Our Father” and“Glory Be” for peace. As Our Lady continued praying, She left behind Her the cross of light and said, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
August 22, 1994
Our Lady came joyfully tonight. She greeted us with the usual “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Our Lady prayed over us with Her hands extended and She blessed us. Ivan recommended all our needs, intentions, and especially the sick. Our Lady prayed an “Our Father” and“Glory Be” for peace with us. Our Lady continued praying as She left for Heaven, leaving behind a cross of light as She said, “Go in peace, my dear children.” There was no message tonight but Our Lady prayed for peace again. This was thought to be the last public apparition for awhile as Ivan left the next morning for Belgium and the United States afterwards for preparation of his wedding.
September 2, 1994
Ivan returned before going to America. Our Lady came joyful tonight. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She extended Her hands over us and prayed for a long time and blessed us. Ivan recommended our needs and intentions to Our Lady, especially the sick. She prayed an “Our Father” and“Glory Be” for peace with us. She gave a special message to the prayer group only, but Ivan said She asked during this time while the Holy Father visits this country, that we must pray for him. She also asked us to pray for Her intention (something important) until Nov. 15. “Nakana” is the word She used for Her intention! She continued praying as She went back to Heaven, leaving behind Hercross of light. She said, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
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7 thoughts on “Prayer Group: 1994 – Ivan’s Prayer Group Messages – Medjugorje Messages”
Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje, for opening up Mary’s words to us! I am so blessed to listen to your broadcasts. You inspire me to work at aligning my life with Mary’s messages. Thank you for living the messages!
Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje, for opening up Marys words to us! I am so blessed to listen to your broadcasts. You inspire me to work at aligning my life with Marys messages. Thank you for living the messages!
926-Seeing-What-John-Saw-Standing-Where-John-Stood.htmlnot downloadableMirjana or Marija?
Dear Friend of Medjugorie,I hear despiration in your voice. The same despiration many of us have as we pray. I think you MUST know that you are NOT alone in what you feel in your heart and spirit.! But, just in case…you are not alone!! Even some of my protestant friends, although not recognizing Our Lady in Revelations or Her role in our lives at all, are still feeling and recognizing the signs of the times. I am soooo greatful for finding you and Caritas! I can hardly wait to hear what Our Lady and the Holy Spirit have to say through you with each letter and each broadcast! I am so greatful for your “YES!” As you called us to let go of whatever hinders us, after listening twice today with so many interruptions (I’ll need to listen at least twice more!) , in a random message again Our Lady led me to “Pray to the Holy Spirit to impress Jesus in you” ! And so I pray as She directs! My Lord have mercy! There is so much work to be done in me and so little time! God bless!!
GLORY AND PRAISE TO.. OUR GOD! May Our Lords Mercy have Providence in our souls. May His Peace anoint us and keep us in Our Ladys Grace and under Her Mantle of Mercy. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception please pray for the United States of America. Our Lady of Guadalupe please pray for the Americas and continue to bless Holy Matrimony . Infant of Prague pray for us sinners and deliver us from every evil especially Abortion on demand throughout the world. All you Heavenly powers please pray especially for our youth, leaders and those in authoritative positions. Through Jesus’ Church my we seek parden and peace so that we are salt in this peaceless and corrupt generation. May God keep us, in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen.